Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, representing centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry.
He is a Quality Management lead Auditor, Trainer and Consultant.
Author, Philanthropist, Academician and Social server.
Annual General Meeting, AGM of Sri Jain Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur will be held on December 25, 2011, Sunday, 10.30 AM.to discuss and pass annual budget, audited report and few other statutory reports and documents. The AGM will discuss few other relevant issues.
All the members are cordially invited to join the meeting at 10.30 AM at Sangh head quarter Shivjiram Bhawan.
Annual General Meeting, AGM of Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur will be held on December 25, Sunday, 10.30 at Sangh head quarter, Shivjiram Bhawan. The AGM is called to discuss several issues and to pass audited report 2010-11 and annual budget 2012-13. AGM will also appoint auditors for the next financial year.
You can get details from Shivjiram Bhawan. Members can obtain copies of annual budget and audited report from Shivjiram Bhawan during office hours. All the members are requested to join the meeting.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur held on December 19, Sunday at Vichakshan Smriti Bhawan at 10.30 AM. Audited report of previous year account and budget for the next year proposed by the executive committee has been approved as it is by the general body. General body has also appointed auditors for the coming year.
Members of the general body discussed a lot on the topic of building new temples in Mohanbadi and Nathmal Ji Ka Katla after the routine discussions. General body approved construction of a grand new Jain temple in Mohanbadi and appointed Sri Kushal Chand Surana as convener of the same. Sri Vimal Chand Surana is appointed as Deputy convener of the temple project. Sri Kumarpal V Shah, Dholka has been appointed as "Margadarshak" (Advisor).
General body has also approved project of reconstruction of Adinath temple at Nathmal Ji Ka Katla, Agra Road, Jaipur along with a Dadabadi and Dharmshala.
Annual general meeting of Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh will be held on Sunday, 19th December, 2010. The meeting will be held at Vichakshan Yari Niwas, JLN Marg, Jaipur 10.30 AM onwards.
The general body meeting will be held to pass the accounts of he previous year and the nex year budget. I will also appoint the auditor for the next year.
Jyoti Kothari is proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, a leading Gem and Jewelry manufacturers and traders having Head office in Jaipur and operating in Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. Vardhaman Gems (http://vardhamangems.com) have global client base. Business and franchisee inquiries solicited.
He is senior adviser to Vardhaman Infotech (www.vardhamaninfotech.com/), a mobile applications and eCommerce website development firm in Jaipur.
Jyoti Kothari is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) Trainer, Consultant and Lead Auditor.
He is Educationist, writer, Social worker and Philanthropist.