I have received an E-Mail from SOAS about their conference on Jain Yoga and presenting here for your perusal. SOAS is working under London University.
18-19 March 2010
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOASRegistration details can be found below. Lecture
18 March 2010, 6-8 pm
Speaker: Sagarmal Jain
The Historical Development of the Jaina-Yoga System and the Impact of other Indian Yoga Systems on it. A Comparative and Critical Study
19 March 2010, 9-6 pmSpeaker details can be found on the online page (see link above)
Participants & Talk Titles: - Piotr Balcerowicz (University of Warsaw)
Extrasensory Perception (yogi-pratyakṣa) in Jainism and its Soteriological Implications - Bansidhar Bhatt (University of Münster)
Study in Meditational Techniques in Early Jainism - Johannes Bronkhorst (University of Lausanne)
Kundakunda versus Sāṃkhya on the Soul - Samani Chaitypragya & Samani Rohinipragya (Jaina Vishva Bharati)
Concept of ‘Sandhi’ In Jain Scriptures - A Hermeneutic Approach - John E. Cort (Denison University)
When Will I Meet Such a Guru? Images of the Yogī in Digambara Hymns - Chris Chapple (Loyola University, Los Angeles)
The Jaina Yogas of Haribhadra - Andrea R. Jain (Rice University, Houston)
Prekṣā: A Jain Form of Modern Yoga - Smita Kothari (University of Toronto)
A Case Study of Prekṣā Dhyāna and the Terāpanth - Jefferey Long (Elizabethtown College)
Yaśovijaya’s View of Yoga - Olle Qvarnström (Lund University)
On the Concept of Yoga in Jainism - Jayandra Soni (University of Marburg)
Yoga in Jaina Philosophical Works
Supported by: Swedish Research Council
Oscar och Signe Krooks stiftelse
The Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation
Victoria & Albert Museum Jain Art Fund
Lund University
The event is free and open to the public.
Contact Centres & Programmes (REO)
events@soas.ac.uk or 020 7898 4892/3
All Welcome
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre (BGLT)
Brunei Gallery, SOAS, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XGKarma Theory Part 1Karma Theory Part 2Karma Theory Part 3Karma Theory part 4Karma Theory part 5
Thanks,Jyoti Kothari Jyoti Kothari is an author and hubber who writes about Gems and Jewelry, India, Economy, Finance, Management, Skills, Job, Employment, Food, Environment, Jainism and on many other topics.
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Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing centuries old tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry.