

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shaharwali Families in Mumbai


Many Shaharwali families are now migrated to Mumbai (Bombay), the financial capital of India. Most of them are related to Gems and Jewelry business.

Here are some:

1. Sunil Chand Bothra S/o Parichand Bothra of Azimganj.

2. Dinesh Chand Bothra S/o Gambhirchand Bothra.

3. Arun Kothari S/o Bhanwarlal Kothari of Jiaganj.

4. Ramesh Bachchhawat S/o Pari Singh Bachchhawat

5. Rakes Bachchhawat S/o Pari Singh Bachchhawat

6. Biren Bachchhawat S/o Hari Singh Bachchhawat

7. Kushal and Aditya Lodha S/o Rajmal Lodha Grand son of Pratapmal Lodha

Shaharwali Families in Bangaluru

Shaharwali Families in Hyderabad

Shaharwali Families in US (America)

Shaharwali Families in Jaipur

Shaharwali Families in Mumbai

Shaharwali Families in Chennai

Shaharwali Families in Delhi

Shaharwali Families in Japan

Please help us in building these lists. If you know anyone of Shaharwali community in Mumbai or any other place please share with us.




Shaharwali Families In Chennai


Only few Shaharwali families are residing in Chennai (Madras) to the best of my knowledge. List of these families are as follows:

1. Sandip Kothari S/o Vimal Chand Kothari of Azimganj.

2. Vikas Bachchhawat S/o Gopal Bachchhawat of Azimganj.

3. Anand lodha S/o Bhanu Babu Lodha of Jiaganj.

Please help us in building these lists.

Shaharwali Families in Bangaluru

Shaharwali Families in Hyderabad

Shaharwali Families in US (America)

Shaharwali Families in Jaipur

Shaharwali Families in Mumbai

Shaharwali Families in Chennai

Shaharwali Families in Delhi

Shaharwali Families in Japan

Vardhaman Gems



Rai Badridas Bahadoor Mookim

Badridas (Born 1832), son of Kalkadas Sindhar, a young Jeweler was migrated from Lucknow to Kolkata along with her mother Khushal Devi at around 1850. Badridas was a tallented, skilled, creative and hard working Jeweler. He established his Gems and Jewelry business in Kolkata and soon fortune bestowed upon him.

He established his own business house and title of Rai Bahadoor conferred upon him. He named his firm Rai Badridas Bahadoor and sons. He was appointed as Court Jewellers to the Viceroy and Governor General of British India and title of Mookim was conferred upon him. He built a beautiful Kothi at Harrison Road and started residing there. His kothi of Harrison road was featured in "Glimpses of Bengal" published in 1905.

Once he purchased a plot near Dadabadi in Maniktalla region and wanted to build a farm house there. Inspired by his mother he gave up the idea of building farm house and built a temple there. He himself designed the temple and and build it in the best possible way (1867). This is now famous as Parasnath Temple. Sri Shitalnath, 10th Jain Tirthankar is the main diety in the temple. He also built Parasnath Toonk on the highest peak of Parasnath hills and Adinath temple in Purimatal (Allahabad).

Rai Badridas was instrumental to bring many other Shrimal Jain Jewelers to Kolkata. Johari Sath community came into existence mainly because of him.

He was the founder President of Bengal National Chamber of Commerce, the first ever National Chamber of Commerce in India. He also founded Dharam Kanta and Panjrapole society in Kolkata.

He left the earth in 1917 leaving his two sons Rai Kumar Singh and RajKumar Singh Mookim (Title of Court Jewelers also conferred upon them) behind him.

View more:
Gems and Jewelry Articles
Rai Badridas Bahadoor Mookim
Shaharwali and Johari Sath part 1
Marital relations between Shaharwali and Johari Sath


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Index of posts


Read More:

India International Jewelry Show 2009


India International Jewelry Show 2009 starts 6 August 2009

The most important of all Indian Jewelry shows, IIJS 2009 will be commencing from 6 August 2009. Large number of exhibitors from India and Foreign countries will show their Diamonds, Precious and Semi Precious Gemstones in this show. They will also exhibit Diamond and Color stone Jewelry, Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry, Beads and Beaded Jewelry etc in this show. Hundreds of Exhibitors will participate in this show.

Thousands of trade visitors are expected to visit this B2B show. This is a must visit for all manufacturers, exporters, importers, traders and brokers of Diamonds, Color Gemstones and Jewelry.


Shaharwali families in Japan


Few Shaharwali families also live in Japan. They live in Capital city Tokyo and Pearl city Kobe. All these three families are in Gemstones and Jewelry business.

List of families living in Japan:

1. Rajesh Bothra, Grandson of Srichand Bothra of Azimganj lives in Tokyo

2. Sandip Bachchhawat, from Azimganj lives in Tokyo

3. Chand Boyed (Baid), S/o Shital Chand Baid of Azimganj

N.B. Chand Boyed (Baid) is going to be married with daughter of Bijaypal Singh Bachchhawat of Azimganj soon.

3. Rakesh Bothra S/o Gambhirchand Bothra of Azimganj lives in Kobe.

Please also View:

Shaharwali families in US

Shaharwali families in Hyderabad

Shaharwali families in Bangaluru

Shaharwali families in Jaipur

Shaharwali Families in Mumbai

Shaharwali Families in Chennai

Shaharwali Families in Delhi

Shaharwali Families in Japan

Presented by:

Vardhaman Gems




IIJS starts 6 August 2009

Gems and Jewelry show, the most important B2B show starts from 6 August 2009. This is a must visit show for all Gems and Jewelry manufacturers, traders, brokers and all related to this industry.

Exhibitors from all over India and overseas show their best stuff in Precious and Semi Precious gemstones, Diamonds, Diamond Jewelry, Color stone Jewelry, Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry etc in this show.

Many of the participants in this show are from Jaipur, Rajasthan.

**Important for Investors

Vardhaman Gems
Centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry


जयपुर का जवाहरात उद्योग व वैश्विक मंदी भाग 2

इन सारी परिस्थितियों ने जयपुर के जवाहरात उद्योग को संकट में ला दिया है. शुरू में लोग काफी घबराए हुए भी थे परन्तु अब धीरे धीरे परिस्थिति में बदलाव आ रहा है। लोग घबराहट के माहौल से बहार निकल कर फिर से काम की नई शुरुआत करने लगे हैं। परन्तु अब समस्या सिर्फ़ बिक्री की नही रही कुछ और ज्यादा जटिल समस्याओं से जवाहरात उद्योग एवं व्यापार को रुबरु होना पड़ रहा है। माल के बिक्री की समस्या के साथ जो सब से बड़ी समस्या है वो है वसूली की।

पेमेंट: भुगतान की स्थिति काफी ख़राब है। देश व विदेश में बेचे हुए माल का पैसा नहीं आ रहा या बहुत देर से आ रहा है. इससे लगातार तरलता व नगदी की समस्या बनी हुई है। आम तौर पर जयपुर के व्यापारी अपनी पूंजी से व्यापार करते हैं। बैंक से पैसा उधर लेने की प्रवृत्ति अपेक्षा कृत रूप से कम है। इस लिए यहाँ बेचे हुए माल की रकम डूबने की आशंका नगण्य है। परन्तु उधारी की अवधि लम्बी होती जाने से दिन प्रति दिन के खर्चे में दिक्कत आ रही है। विदेशों में खास कर अमेरिका में लंबा पैसा डूबने का ख़तरा अभी भी बना हुआ है।

कारीगर: मंदी के कारण मैनुफक्चारिंग में बहुत कमी आई है जिसके कारण कारीगर बेरोजगार हो गए। लंबे समय तक काम नहीं मिलने के कारण उनलोगों ने जवाहरात की कारीगरी छोड़ कर कोई दूसरा काम ढूंढ़ लिया। इन दिनों गांवों में काम देने की अनेक सरकारी योजनायें भी लागु हो गई जिसमे रोजगार गारंटी योजना प्रमुख है। इस कारण आसपास के गांवों से आने वाले कारीगर उन सरकारी कामों में लग गए। किछ लोग अपने गाँव में रह कर कैरकी (बिड्स) बनाने का या बिंधाई का काम करते थे, गाँव में मजदूर सस्ते होने के एवं अन्य खर्चे कम होने के कारण उन लोगों की लागत कम आती थी। वो लोग जयपुर ला कर व्यापारियों को अपना माल सस्ते में बेच देते थे। इस तरह से व्यापारियों को भी अच्छा मुनाफा होता था। कुछ लोग उनलोगों के कारखाने में अपना माल भी बनवाते थे जिस से माल की लागत भी कम आती थी व माल जल्दी बन जाता था। मंदी के कारण उन लोगों में से भी बहुतों ने अपना कारखाना बंध कर दिया।
इन सभी कारणों से अब कारीगरों की कमी हो रही है। अभी भी लोगों ने ज्यादा उत्पादन शुरू नहीं किया है इस लिए ये तकलीफ व्यापक रूप से महसूस नहीं हो रही है लेकिन भविष्य में ये एक बड़ी समस्या के रूप में सामने आयेगी।
जयपुर का जवाहरात उद्योग व वैश्विक मंदी भाग 1
Important post for investors

