

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Program of Mayor postponed

Program of Mayor is postponed at Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch on December 6, 2009 is postponed because of untimely death of Governor, Rajasthan.
The Mayor, Jyoti Khandelwal will not attend any such celebration during the week. She will come to Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch on some other day. The date is not fixed yet. We will inform you as soon as date will be fixed.
Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch will continue its meeting and discuss on some other topic on December 6, 2009.
You are welcome in the discussion on every Sunday, 10.30 AM at Scout Guide campus, Museum road.


Posted by:

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) professional.)


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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 Gem and Jewelry Portal is providing facilities to Gems and Jewelry dealers of Jaipur to post their Buy or sell items in this portal free of cost. this is just an advertising facilities provided to each one and every one. It is open and owner of the portal is in no way responsible for any post.

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Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


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Foundation stone at Azimganj Dadabadi on December 3, 2009

 Foundation stone of Azimganj Dadabadi will be laid on December 3, 2009. It is called Shilanyas or Shila Sthapna ceremony in Jain terminology.

Read more:
Shilanyas (Shila Sthapna) at Azimganj Dadabadi

Jyoti Kothari

JainJainismJain Temples, Kolkata

Gemstones Travel, IndiaJaipur


Shilanyas (Shila Sthapna) at Azimganj Dadabadi

Azimganj Sri Sangh organize programm of Shilanyas (Shila Sthapna) at Azimganj Dadabadi on December 3, 2009. Shila Sthapna (Laying foundation stone) ceremony will be conducted in the auspices of Sadhwi Shashiprabha Shri ji.

Sona Chand Baid of Azimganj will laid  the main  foundation stone in the center. There will be eight more foundation stones to be laid in four sides and four angles.

Anil Choraria, Uttam Kumar Golechha, Sanjeev Nakhat, Bhupal Chand Rekhawat, Kishor Kumar Nowlakha, Nirmal Chand Choradia, Shashi Nowlakha and Dhanpat Singh Dugar families will laid these eight foundation stones. They are doing these in memory of their forefathers.

Shilanyas (laying foundation stone) will be at 7.30 AM on December 3, 2009 followed by Dadaguru Puja at 11.30 and Sadharmi Vatsalya (Lunch) hosted by Sona Chand Baid.

Pratishtha in Jalgaon
Pratistha in Saithia

Jyoti Kothari

JainJainismJain Temples, Kolkata

Gemstones Travel, IndiaJaipur


World Bank Chairman visits Jaipur and Rajasthan for two days

 Robert Jollick, Chairman, World Bank is visiting Jaipur and Rajasthan for two days. He will review World bank projects in rural areas of Rajasthan.

Read more:

World Bank Chairman in Jaipur and Rajasthan
World Bank Chairman visiting Rajasthan from today

Jyoti Kothari

America,   Economy, Economic Crisis, Recession, FinanceMoney, Business, Income, Invest, Investment, Stock Exchange, Stock Market, Dow Jones, , Job, Employment Travel, IndiaJaipur



Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Funeral of SK Singh, Governor, Rajasthan

 Funeral of S K Singh, Governor, Rajasthan  will be tomorrow in Delhi, Lodhi burning ghat.
Read more
Funeral S K Singh
Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Justice Bhalla as Governor of Rajasthan

Hon'ble Justice Bhalla, Chief Justice, Rajasthan High Court will take charge a s Governor of Rajasthan today. He will take charge in place of deceased Governor S K Singh.
Read more:
Justice Bhalla will take charge as Governor of Rajasthan

Governor Of Rajasthan Passed away

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Governer Of Rajasthan Passed away

S K Singh Governor of Rajasthan passed away today at Gangaram Hospital, Delhi. He worked as Governor of Arunachal Pradesh too. He also served as Foreign secretary of India.

Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister, Rajasthan and Vasundhara Raje, former Chief Minister expresses their deep sorrow in his death.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jyoti Khandelwal, Mayor Jaipur in Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch om december 6

Jyoti Khandelwal,  newly elected Mayor of Jaipur will be the Chief speaker in the forum discussion of Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch (1393 th meeting of the Manch) on Sunday, December 6, 2009.

Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch organizes forum discussions to discuss matters related to Jaipur city. The Manch also meet to discuss other important matters from time to time.  It has been meeting continuously every Sunday since last 27 years. late Dr. Ujala Arora, Sanskrit  Education Minister, Rajasthan founded this Manch on June 26, 1983 and Late Girdharilal Bhargava, MP, Jaipur was the convener of the Manch.

Forum participation is free and open. Any one and every one can join and participate in the forum discussions. You are cordially invited to join.

Jyoti Khandelwal, Mayor, Jaipur confirmed her visit in a telecon with Jyoti Kothari, Addl. convener, Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch.

Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch

Scout and Guide Campus
Museum Road,
Near Ramniwas Bagh,

Contact number: 91-141-2572047

Day:  All Sundays

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30
Alert:     Check and confirm your IMEI number of your mobile handsets



Rural Education in Rajasthan

Meeting 1392, on November 29, 2009

Rampal garlanding Anil Kothari
President of Meeting
Audience seating in the Sun

Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch forum discussed the topic " Rural Education in Rajasthan"  today. Educationist Dipankar Vishwas, Chief speaker told "Situation of rural education in Rajasthan was not good at the time of independence. It was among the most illiterate states of India".

The situation has been changed in last decade. Rajasthan is no longer at the top list of uneducated states. Number of good institutions are working in cities like Jaipur and Kota and other urban areas. Rural scenario has also been changed. All these become possible with the combined efforts of Government and private entrepreneurship. Public-private partnership has worked well in several places.

Non government and voluntary organizations have played key role in eradicating illiteracy along with the state government. Many voluntury organizations worked hard in this sector.

He especially reminded the works of Ekal Vidyalaya. They are working to educate tribes of Rajasthan in the remote areas. They run approximately 1500 tribal schools in Rajasthan.

Mr. Ramraj Gujar informed about the situation of rural education in Dausa district. Mamta Kothari told that state of women education in Rajasthan is improved. Girls are now started going schools. However, large number of older rural women are still uneducated. Adult education program did not help them much. Dinesh Kasliwal, Pradip Chouhan and Meenakshi also participated in the discussion.

Anil Kothari, Jeweler, Presided over the meeting. He told that rural artisans coming to work were mostly illiterates in last decades. Most of the new artisans are literate now. This has changed the business scenario.

Earlier, Rampal Garlanded the Chief guest and president of the meeting. Jyoti Kothari, Addl. convener of Gulabinagar Vichar Manch conducted the forum discussion. Tejkaran Parashar Extended the vote of Thanks.
Sanskar Club Meet

Jyoti Kothari

Jyoti Kothari is an author and hubber who writes about Gems and Jewelry, India, Economy, Finance, Management, Skills, Job, Employment, Food, Environment, Jainism and on many other topics.
He is proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing centuries old tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jaipur and Rajasthan election results; latest updates

View both these blogs for continual updation of Election results of Rajasthan Municipality and Corporation Election 2009.
Jaipur Blog
Rajasthan Blog

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Jaipur and Rajasthan Election Results

Results of Jaipur and Rajasthan Municipal Corporations are declared. The election was held on November 23, 2009.
Election was held for ward councilors in Municipalities and Corporations  and Mayors of Corporations.
All four seats of Mayor in Rajasthan are won by Congress.
See continual updation in
Jaipur Blog
Rajasthan BlogRead more:
Congress won Mayor seats of all four Corporations in Rajasthan
Jyoti Khandelwal won Jaipur Mayor seat
BJP won 46 seats and Congress 25 wards in Jaipur Corporation
Congress won and advancing all over Rajasthan
Congress is leading all over Rajasthan
Election Update Jaipur corporation
Jaipur corporation election updates
Jaipur corporation election result
13 seats for Congress in Nimka thana
Congress advanced in Sirohi and Nimbaheda
Jyoti Khandelwal leading by 27 000 votes in Jaipur

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) professional.)
