

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gems and Jewelry in Shaharwali society

It is believed that Jagat Seth had best quality emeralds in their possession. There is a dialect about how did he acquire emeralds. It is told that merchant envoy of Jagat Seth was in a voyage and sold all his merchandise. While returning the captain felt that the ship is too light and could not face a storm. They put boulders of stones in the ship to make it heavy.

When back to the home they found those boulders emeralds. It is a known fact among the Jewelers that those are the best emeralds in the world but of Jahangir's cups.

View: Researching the Emerald city

Bahadur Singh Singhi of Singhi family was fond of diamonds. He had a great collection of flat diamonds i.e. Parva, Polki and English Polki. He was the main person behind the famous diamond-studded "Angi" of shree Dharmanath Swami, Tulapatti Jain temple, Kolkata. It is believed that all flat diamonds studded in that Angi are flawless.

The Dugar family also loved Gems and Jewelry a lot. There was a great collection of Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry and solitaires with Maharaj Bahadur Singh Dugar and other members of that family. It is believed that the family was at a time in possession of a bangle pair of Begum of Alauddin Khiljee, Badshah of Delhi.

Raja Bijay Singh Dudhoria, Rai Budh Singh Dudhoria, Nirmal Kumar Singh Nowlakha, Sitab Chand Nahar families also have an excellent collection of Gemstones, Basra Pearls and diamond and Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry in their collections.

Many other Shaharwali families also had nice collections of Precious Gemstones, diamond, and Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry. Mursheedabad Meena is supposed to be the best Meena (Enamel) in the world.

Shaharwali society had very good relationship with Johari Sath, the Jewelers community in Kolkata and purchased awesome collections of Gemstones and Jewelry from them.

Presented by:
Jyoti Kothari
Vardhaman Gems
Centuries old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry


Monday, March 9, 2009

अंत्येष्टि श्री गिरधारी लाल भार्गव

अन्तिम दर्शन श्री गिरधारी लाल भार्गव


Sunday, March 8, 2009

स्वर्गीय श्री गिरधारीलाल भार्गव

गुलाबी नगर विचार मंच में अन्तिम बार
२२ फरवरी २००९ को पुष्प माला अर्पित करते हुए

स्वर्गीय श्री गिरधारीलाल भार्गव
स्वाभाव से सरल, सादगी पसंद, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ, लोकप्रिय, जनसेवक,गरीबों के हितैषी थे। वे बचपन से ही राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के स्वयंसेवक रहे।
उन्होंने रिक्शा, तांगा, ठेला वालों, फल-सब्जी-फूल बेचने वालों, नाइ, धोबी, मोची, मजदूर, किसानों के लिए आजीवन संघर्ष किया।
श्री गिरधारीलाल भार्गव का जन्म नवम्बर १९३७ को जयपुर में हुआ। वे शिक्षक एवं अधिवक्ता रहे व १९५८ में हाई कोर्ट आन्दोलन में सक्रियता से भाग लिया। १९६६ में शराब बंदी आन्दोलन में सक्रियता से भाग लिया। वे सर्व धर्मं एकता मंच, महापुरुष समारोह समिति, मिर्जा ग़ालिब सोसाइटी, मदर्सादार्सुल आदि के संयोजक व संरक्षक रहे।
डाक्टर उजला अरोडा ने २६ जून सन १९८३ को गुलाबी नगर विचार मंच की स्थापना की एवं भार्गव साहब उसके आजीवन संयोजक रहे.

वे जनसंघ, जनता पार्टी भारतीय जनता पार्टी के जयपुर अध्यक्ष रहे। १९७२ में पहली बार जयपुर के हवामहल क्षेत्र से विधायक चुने गए उस समय सभी विरोधियों की जमानत जब्त हुई। १९७९-८० में जयपुर UTI के अध्यक्ष रहे एवं १९८५ में पुनः विधायक चुने गए।

१९८९ में जयपुर के महाराजा एवं कांग्रेस पार्टी के उम्मीदवार कर्नल भवानी सिंह को ८० हज़ार से भी अधिक मतों से हरा कर पहली वार जयपुर से सांसद बने। उसके बाद उन्होंने कभी हार का मुंह नहीं देखा। हर वार कांग्रेस अपना उम्मीदवार बदलती रही और वे लगातार वार लोकसभा चुनाव जीत कर भारत की संसद में पहुंचे।
आने वाले लोकसभा चुनावों के लिए इस वार भी भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने उन्हें अपना उम्मीदवार घोषित किया.

वे सांसद रहते हुए दूरसंचार, रेलवे, एयर पोर्ट, संसदीय अवाश व्यवस्था समिति, हिन्दी भाषा समिति आदि के अध्यक्ष रहे।
श्री गिरधारीलाल भार्गव की मानवता के वारे में क्या कहा जाए? वे जयपुर के प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के ह्रदय में वसे थे। सभी के जनम, मरण, परण में पहुचते थे। यहाँ तक की जयपुर के श्मशान घाटों में पड़ी लावारिश अथवा गरीब लोगों की अस्थियों को स्वयं हरिद्वार ले जा कर गंगा में प्रवाहित किया करते थे।

वे क्रीडा प्रेमी भी थे। फुटवाल, शतरंज आदि प्रतियोगिताएं का आयोजन भी करवाते थे।

राजस्थान पत्रिका के संस्थापक स्वर्गीय कर्पूर चन्द कुलिश द्वारा दिए गए नारे " जिसका कोई पूछे हाल, उसका है गिरधारीलाल" नारे को आजीवन चरितार्थ किया।

आज वो हमारे बीच नहीं रहे। अहमदावाद में संसदीय समिति की बैठक में भाग लेने गए हुए थे वहीँ हृदयाघात हुआ एवं आज सुबह जयपुर वासियों को बेहाल छोड़ कर अपोलो अस्पताल में ब्रह्मलीन हो गए। आज सयम ONGC के हेलीकाप्टर द्वारा उन्हें जयपुर लाया जा रहा है जहाँ उनके पार्थिव शरीर को भारतीय जनता पार्टी के कार्यालय में जनता के दर्शनार्थ रखा जायेगा.

Source: Dr. Ujala Arora
Death Anniversary: Girdharilal Bhargava


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Girdharilal Bhargava, MP, Jaipur is no more

Alas!! Our beloved MP Girdharilal Bhargava is no more!!!


Girdharilal Bhargav is no more

Alas! Our beloved MP Girdharilal Bhargava is no more!!!


Our dearest Girdharilal Bhargava is no more !!!!!!!!!!!

The King is dead!! Long live the king!!!!

We are to inform with deep sorrow that Jaipur's most belloved son Shree Girdharilal Bhargava is no more with us.

While coming back to Jaipur from parliamentary comitee meeting in Hyderabad he had undergone cardiac attack in Ahmedabad and breathed his last in Ahmedabad.

Narendra Modi, Chief Minister, Gujrat is looking after his.........

His body will be brought to Jaipur and funeral will be done with .......

Girdharilal Bhargava was and will be reigning in the hrearts of Jaipurites.

He was six times consecutive MP of Jaipur and BJP candidate for coming Loksabha election.

He was the convener of Gulabi Nagar Vichar manch.

He was a politician with rare qualities. I always refer him as Statesman and not as politician. He was symbol of equality.

we were preparing for our today's meeting in Gulabi Nagar Vichar manch but destinee has some other plan.

Our meeting will be held today but as condolence meeting. We appeal all Jaipurites to come and join the condolence meeting to be conducted at the same venue Scout and Guide campus, Museum Road, Near Ramniwas Bagh, Jaipur at 11.00 A.M.
Death Anniversary: Girdharilal Bhargava
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bhuramal Rajmal Surana

Kundan Meena Jadau Necklace

Bhuramal Rajmal Surana, a legend in gems and Jewelry trade. Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh invited the Surana family from Delhi.
Specialized in Kundan Meena Jadau Jewelry. Retail outlets in Hyderabad, Indore and Gurgaon.

Proprietor: Vimal Chand Surana is a well known name in Gems and Jewelry industry since last 50 years.

Lal katla, Haldion Ra Rasta,

Johri Bazar, Jaipur 302003

**Important for investors


Monday, March 2, 2009

Emerald trade in Jaipur

Emerald is one of the most precious gemstones. This green color stone has a charming and rich look. Jaipur is renowned for its Emerald business since a long time. Professor Lawrence Alan Babb, Amherst College, Massachusetts University, US has been discussing the Emerald trade in Jaipur.

Vardhaman Gems


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Article published in Jain Spirit, London

Jain community has a strong hold in gems and Jewelry business. They have chosen the trade because of its Non-Violent nature. Strict adherence to ethics enables them trustworthy Jewelers since Sultan period. Thakkur Feru (a Jain Jeweler) was the court jeweler to Alauddin Khiljee, Badshah (Emperor) of Delhi.

An article of Jyoti Kothari about the same was published in Jain Spirit, London in 2004. This article is reproduced here with the permission of Atul Shah, editor, Jain Spirit.

Ethics in Gems and Jewelry (Jewellery) business

Vardhaman Gems



शहरवाली साथ में कुछ पहेलियाँ काफ़ी प्रचलित थी। इन्हे मैंने अपनी माँ, दादीमा आदि से सुना है। आप के लिए उनमे से कुछ यहाँ लिख रहे हैं। इनका उत्तर यहाँ नहीं दे रहें हैं ताकि आप इसका उत्तर ढूंढने की कोशीश करें।
यदि आप को भी कुछ याद हो तो हमें अवश्य लिखें।

हरी थी मन भरी थी , नव लाख मोती जडी थी,
राजा जी के बाग में, दुशाला ओढे खड़ी थी।

कटोरे पे कटोरा, बेटा बाप से भी गोरा।

दौडे दौडे गए दो, थम्ब गाड़ आए ,
बड़े मिया गिर पड़े, हम झट भाग आए।

मारा ना खून किया, बीसों का सर काट दिया।

एक अचम्भा मैंने देखा, मुर्दा रोटी खाए,
बोलें तो बोले नहीं, पीटो तो चिल्लाये।

६. आया लटकन, दिया पटकन.

७. जल मछली जल मछली, जल में करे वासा
हाथ नहीं पाऊँ नहीं, करे तीन तमाशा.


Heeralal Chhaganlal Tank

Mr. Heeralal Tank and Chhaganlal Tank were two brothers who established and expanded their Jewelry business even in the nineteenth Century. Shree Rajroop Tank, their adopted son, groomed the business well. He has been called as "Dean of the Jaipur Gem dealers". He had many students and were famous as Chacha saheb. He has written a book namely "Indian Gemology".

His son Dulichand Tank was like father like son. He was known in the society as Bhai saheb.

Both father and son contributed admirably to the trade and industry. Their social contributions can not also be ignored.

Jyoti Kothari
, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, had pride privilege to be under training them for four years during 1982 to 1886.

Mr. Dharmendra Tank, son of Shree Dulichand Tank has inherited the proprietorship of the business house M/S Heeralal Chhaganlal Tank and running the business successfully. Both Mr. Dharmendra Tank and their firm are known worldwide for quality, integrity, and honesty.

M.S.B. Ka Rasta, First Cross,
Johri Bazar, Jaipur-302003.
Phone: +91-141-2561621

**Important post for investors


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Google search


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Vishva Mangala Gou- Gram Yatra

Jai bahadur Singh Shekhawat, Acting President Bharatiya Govansha Rakshan Samvardhan Parishada has spoken in the 1341 meeting of Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch on 08 Feb 2009 as Chief Speaker. He was speaking on the topic "Vishva Mangala Gou-Gram Yatra. It was about Non- Slaughtering of Cattle.

He told that India has a rich tradition of serving cattle right from Emperor Dilip, Vashishtha, Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji and Maharaja Madho Singh of Jaipur. Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati has written a book about the same namely "Gou Karunanidhi".
Mahatma Gandhi, Father of Nation wanted to have been passed an act to ban on cowslaughter at the first incident in Independent India. His request to do so was turned down by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister. Later on a petition signed by 17 million Indians was given to the central government of India through Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel, the then Home Minister of India. But, alas, that too turned by the Indian Government.

He told that we, the people should not sit at rest and act upon to compel the Government to do so. He advocated of an India wide tour for the same to be commenced on the occasion of Vijaya Dasami this year. He appealed to join hands for the success of proposed yatra.

Darshan has also expressed his views.

Dr. Ashok Yadav presided over the meeting. Tejkaran parashar garlanded the guests on behalf of Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch. Jyoti Kothari, Addl. Convener of the Manch conducted the meeting as master of Ceremoney and dr. Ujala Arora, Former Minister, expressed Vote of thanks.

Courtsey: Vardhaman Gems
The Jewellers of Jaipur
