

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New year !!

Dear visitors,
May heaven bless you, your family and friends to a prosperous 2010. Wish you a very very  
Happy New year !!!



Dr. Ashok Parakh, Chairman, Private University Regulatory Commission, Chhattishgarh

Dr. Ashok Parakh, Raipur has been appointed as  Chairman, Private University Regulatory Commission, Chhattishgarh. Dr. Ashok Parakh is a renowned scholar in business and commerce.

He acted previously as Professor in  Durga college,  the biggest college in Raipur, capital of Chhattisgarh. Durga college comes under Ravi Shankar Shukla university, Raipur.

Dr. Parakh is author of many text books. He has also been instrumental to many research projects and guide to  Ph.D thesis.He writes regularly in various News papers such as Nai Dunia, Dainik Bhaskar and Navbharat.

Dr. Parakh is not only academicians but  also serves Jain society and Jainism with his heart. He is trustee of Rishabhdev Jain temple, Sadar Bazar, the main and oldest Jain temple in Raipur.

Dr. Ashok Parakh spoke about state of Private universities in Chhattisgarh in an exclusive interview with Jyoti Kothari on his recent visit to Jaipur Rajasthan.

Interview with Dr. Ashok Parakh Video

Pearls are not for Jain
Karma Theory

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System, ISO 9000 Professional.)


Dr. Ashok Parakh, Chairman, Private University Regulatory Commission, Chhattishgarh

Dr. Ashok Parakh, Raipur has been appointed as  Chairman, Private University Regulatory Commission, Chhattishgarh. Dr. Ashok Parakh is a renowned scholar in business and commerce.

He acted previously as Professor in  Durga college,  the biggest college in Raipur, capital of Chhattisgarh. Durga college comes under Ravi Shankar Shukla university, Raipur.

Dr. Parakh is author of many text books. He has also been instrumental to many research projects and guide to  Ph.D thesis.He writes regularly in various News papers such as Nai Dunia, Dainik Bhaskar and Navbharat.

Dr. Parakh is not only academicians but  also serves Jain society and Jainism with his heart. He is trustee of Rishabhdev Jain temple, Sadar Bazar, the main and oldest Jain temple in Raipur.

Dr. Ashok Parakh spoke about state of Private universities in Chhattisgarh in an exclusive interview with Jyoti Kothari on his recent visit to Jaipur Rajasthan.

Interview with Dr. Ashok Parakh Video

Pearls are not for Jain
Karma Theory

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System, ISO 9000 Professional.)


Chairman University regulatory commission in Jaipur

Chairman, Private University regulatory commission, Chhattisgarh, Mr. Ashok Parakh,  visited Jaipur. He was in a personal tour to Jaipur during December 27 and 29, 2009. He had given an exclusive interview to Jyoti Kothari.

Read More:
Chairman, University regulatory commission visited Jaipur

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Monday, December 28, 2009

Walk the forest Video

 Karpur Chand Kulish Smriti Van is a man made urban forest in heart of the Pink city of Jaipur, situated in J L Nehru Marg
Watch the Videos:

Walk the forest part 1

Walk the forest part 2

 Walk the forest part 3

Article Forest
Rajasthan wild life

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


What are gemstones?

Gemstones are the stones used for making Jewelry. These are beautiful, rare and expensive. Natural gemstones are classified as Precious stones and Semi precious stones.

Most of the gemstones are hard, crystalline, colorful and glittering. Gemstones are ever lasting or at least lasts for very long time. Hence these are excellent tool of investment. Gemstones are also used for fashion, decoration and as ornaments.

Navratna or nine gemstones are used in India for astrological purposes. Navratna is also referred as Rashiratna and Graharatna at many places.   Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite and Cat's Eye are nine gemstones or Navratna used for nine planets the Sun, Moon, Marsh, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu respectively. Navratna or nine gemstones are precious stones according to Indian system of gemology.

Gemstones are also classified as diamond and color stones or colored stones. Most of the gemstones have beautiful  color hence called color stones or colored stones.

Ruby is red or pink, Pearl is white, Coral red or saffron, Emerald green, Yellow Sapphire yellow, Diamond white , Blue Sapphire blue , Hessonite mustard color and Cat's Eye is ranging between green to golden.

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System ISO 9000 professional).


Karma Theory in Jainism Part 3

Continued from Part 2.....

As I have mentioned earlier that there are eight principal Karmas and these are further divided into sub parts. I have already mentioned about Jnyanavaraniya Karma or Gyanavaraniya Karma. Here is the description of Darshanavaraniya Karma.

1. Chakshu Darshanavaraniya Karma
2. Achakshu Darshanavaraniya Karma
3. Avadhi Darshanavaraniya Karma
4. Kevala Darshanavaraniya Karma 

Chakshu Darshanavaraniya Karma is liable to restrictions and disabilities related to Chakshu (Eyes) where as Achakshu Darshanavaraniya Karma is liable for senses (Indriya) other than eyes. These senses are touch, taste, smell and hearing.

 Avadhi Darshanavaraniya Karma restricts Avadhi Darshan. Avadhi Darshan is similar to Avadhi Jnyana. Subject of Jnyana is Vishesha and that of Darshan is Samanya.

 Kevala Darshanavaraniya Karma restricts soul to obtain Kevala Darshana. Keval Jnyan and Keval Darshan always stay together.
Karma Theory Part 1
Karma Theory Part 2
Karma Theory Part 3
Karma Theory part 4
Karma Theory part 5

Jyoti Kothari

Jyoti Kothari is an author and hubber who writes about Gems and Jewelry, India, Economy, Finance, Management, Skills, Job, Employment, Food, Environment, Jainism and on many other topics.
He is proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing centuries old tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. 


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tribute to Dulichand Tank Video

Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch offered  Tribute to Sri Dulichand Tank on his eighth death anniversary on December 27, 2009. Watch Video:

Gulabi Nagar remembers Duli Chand Tank 
Current situation in Jewelry trade 

Video: Tribute Dulichand Tank

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System ISO 9000 Professional).


Happy New year: Indian New year

Happy new Year !!!
This the time to celebrate New Year ! However, Indian New year is diff rent from English New year. India has both solar and lunar calendar and celebrates New year days accordingly.

An interesting article about Indian solar and lunar calendars and New year days.

Vardhaman Gems
What are gem stones
Indian New Year

Jyoti Kothari

Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a ISO 9000 professional.


Gulabi Nagar discussed current situation of Gems and Jewelry trade in Jaipur

Current situation of Gems and Jewelry trade has been discussed in the forum meeting today in Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch on Sunday, December 27, 2009.

Mr. B. L. Mantri, Chief Speaker told that Jaipur is a traditional center of gemstones. Jewelers and gem dealers of Jaipur are renowned world wide. Jaipur has.....

Jyoti Kothari, proprietor Vardhaman Gems informed that Gems and Jewelry trade was very lucrative....

Mr. Satyendra Tunkalia, President of the forum discussion  informed that Jaipur is shifting towards studded Jewelry from color stones. Abnormal hike in Gold and.....

Read More:
(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System ISO 9000 professional).


Seminar: Current situation of Gems and Jewelry trade in Jaipur

Seminar: Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch organized forum discussion about Current situation of Gems and Jewelry trade in Jaipur today December 27, 2009.  Mr. B L Mantri was the Chief speaker and Mr. Satyendra Tunkalia presided over.

Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch also paid homage to Mr. Dulichand Tank, renowned Jeweler of Jaipur on his eighth death anniversary. Read More:

Gulabi Nagar remembers Duli Chand Tank 
Current situation in Jewelry trade

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch remembers Duli Chand Tank, Jeweler

Observing silence to Pay homage
Mr. Dulichand Tank

 Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch remembered and pay homage to late Sri Dulichand Tank, renowned Jeweler and social worker of Jaipur on his eighth death anniversary. Sri Dulichand Tank was the eldest son of Sri Rajroop Tank, Dean of Jaipur Gem dealers.

Remembering him, Jyoti Kothari told that he was an honest and simple person. He tried to solve problems of any one and every one. He was an unforgettable person.

Banwarilal Mantri
informed that he was soul and spirit of many philanthropic organizations such as Veer Balika Vidyalaya, Blinds school etc.

Satyendra Tunkalia
also remembered him as a kind hearted and modest person. The forum paid him homage by keeping silence of two minutes.


(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System ISO 9000 Professional).


Current situation in Gems and Jewelry trade in Jaipur

Rampal and Dr. Garg  Garlanding
Mr.  Tunkalia and Mr. Mantri

Mr. Satyendra Tunkalia

Mr. B L Mantri

 Current situation of Gems and Jewelry trade has been discussed in the forum meeting today in Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch on Sunday, December 27, 2009.
Mr. B. L. Mantri, Chief Speaker told that Jaipur is a traditional center of gemstones. Jewelers and gem dealers of Jaipur are renowned world wide. Jaipur has earned reputation and also earned money in this trade. However, the trade is facing tremendous problems since last one and half years.
Gems and Jewelry trade is victim of global recession and slow down. At least fifty percent of total godds manufactured in Jaipur are exported and consumed by the Americans. Hence, slow down in American economy has severely affected Gems and Jewelry trade in Jaipur.
He added that abundance of synthetic materials has also played its role to slower movements of gem stones especially semi precious.
Gopinath Pareek, Dr. Ritum Garg,  Rampal also contributed to the discussion and asked questions. Both the Chief guest and the Presiding dignitary have answered these queries.
Jyoti Kothari, proprietor Vardhaman Gems informed that Gems and Jewelry trade was very lucrative and fetched high margins in the past. Jewelers and gemstone dealers of Jaipur were highly skilled and earned hand ful of money in the past. Situation has turned now and they are facing world wide competition while buying rough gemstones overseas and selling cut and polished ones. margin of profit has too shrinked to survive.
Mr. Satyendra Tunkalia, President of the forum discussion  informed that Jaipur is shifting towards studded Jewelry from color stones. Abnormal hike in Gold and Silver price has affected studded Jewelry business severely. People face a budget constraint while buying studded Jewelry. He added that jewelers are shifting from 22 K and 18 K Jewelry to 14 K and 9 K gold in diamond studded Jewelry. Hike in silver price compels silver Jewelry manufacturers to use lower quality of silver.

(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System ISO 9000 professional).


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pearls are not for Jain

Pearls are used as gems since ancient times. Jewelers make beautiful Jewelry from pearls all over the world. However, pearls are not for Jain community. Most of the pearls are obtained through a highly violent and Cruel process. We know that Jainism is known for Ahimsa, the non-violence.

Pearls were found naturally from both sea water and fresh water since time immemorial and people were using those in strings and other varieties of Jewelry. However, Mikimoti in Japan invented a method to culture pearls artificially. As real pears were rare, cultured pearls soon became very popular.

Later on many other varieties of artificial pearls came in the market such as Bibaco pearls, fresh water pearls and finally the Chinese pearls. Chinese pearls are also known as Hyderabad pearls in India.

All these pearls are obtained by killing oysters.  Oysters are living beings, hence it is not advisable for Jain community to use these pearls.

Millions of oysters are nurtured and injected artificially to get pearls. Those are killed to obtain pearls. It is seen that some of the Jain Jewelers are involved in this business. Though most of them do not farm oysters but they obtain pearls from fishermen who kill the oysters. Using pearls causes acute Karma Vandh.Users have to face Karmic bondage in this life or another birth.

Ghor Himsa also leads to Narak gati according to the philosophy of Jainism as preached by the Jain Tirthankar Mahavir.

I request these Jewelers to leave the business and adopt some other business that is less violent.
JainJainismJain Temples,

Karma Theory Part 1 

Karma Theory Part 2


(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System, ISO 9000 Professional.)


Pearls are not for Jain

Pearls are used as gems since ancient times. Jewelers make beautiful Jewelry from pearls all over the world. However, pearls are not for Jain community. Most of the pearls are obtained through a highly violent and Cruel process. We know that Jainism is known for Ahimsa, the non-violence.

Pearls were found naturally from both sea water and fresh water since time immemorial and people were using those in strings and other varieties of Jewelry. However, Mikimoti in Japan invented a method to culture pearls artificially. As real pears were rare, cultured pearls soon became very popular.

Later on many other varieties of artificial pearls came in the market such as Bibaco pearls, fresh water pearls and finally the Chinese pearls. Chinese pearls are also known as Hyderabad pearls in India.

All these pearls are obtained by killing oysters.  Oysters are living beings, hence it is not advisable for Jain community to use these pearls.

Millions of oysters are nurtured and injected artificially to get pearls. Those are killed to obtain pearls. It is seen that some of the Jain Jewelers are involved in this business. Though most of them do not farm oysters but they obtain pearls from fishermen who kill the oysters. Using pearls causes acute Karma Vandh.Users have to face Karmic bondage in this life or another birth.

Ghor Himsa also leads to Narak gati according to the philosophy of Jainism as preached by the Jain Tirthankar Mahavir.

I request these Jewelers to leave the business and adopt some other business that is less violent.
JainJainismJain Temples,

Karma Theory Part 1 

Karma Theory Part 2


(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System, ISO 9000 Professional.)
