

Sunday, September 6, 2009

जैन धर्म की मूल भावना भाग १

जैन समाज में इन दिनों कुछ ऐसी प्रवृत्तियां बढ़ रही है जो की जैन धर्म की मूल भावनाओं के विरुद्ध है। इन प्रवृत्तिओं के बढ़ने से जिन शाशन की हानि हो रही है। समय रहते पूज्य आचार्य भगवंतों, गीतार्थ मुनिओं, विद्वानों एवं संघ के वरिष्ठ लोगों को इन प्रवृत्तिओं पर अंकुश लगाने के लिए प्रयत्न करना होगा अन्यथा यह जैन शाशन, धर्म व समाज के लिए घातक हो जाएगा.

पूर्व में भी समर्थ आचार्यों ने इस प्रकार सुधर किया है। साधू साध्विओं में भी जब जब शिथिलाचार बढ़ा है तब तब उन आचार्यों व गीतार्थ मुनि भगवंतों ने क्रियोद्धार कर पुनः संघ को व्यवस्थित किया है। इस संवंध में सूरी पुरंदर हरिभद्र सूरी, नवांगी टीकाकार अभयदेव सूरी, दादा जिन दत्त सूरी, अकवर प्रतिवोधक दादा जिन चंद्र सूरी, उपाध्याय क्षमा कल्याण जी, आत्माराम जी महाराज अदि का नाम उल्लेखनीय है। इस समय फिर से किसी ऐसे युग प्रवर्तक की आवश्यकता है।

आज साधू साध्विओं में भी शिथिलाचार व जिन वाणी के विरुद्ध प्रवृत्ति करने का प्रचालन बढ़ता जा रहा है। सुविहित मार्ग में चलने वाले कम होते जा रहे हैं। तत्त्व रसिक श्रावक भी कम हैं और अधिकांश लोग मन मर्जी की प्रवृत्ति में लगे हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में शिथिलाचारी मुनिओं का बोलबाला होता जा रहा है और भोले लोग मात्र वेश देख कर उनका अनुकरण कर रहे हैं।

इस संवंध में विचार मंथन आज के युग की आवश्यकता है। इस लेख के माध्यम से मैं इस विषय पर संघ के सुज्ञ जनों का ध्यान इस और आकर्षित करना चाहता हूँ। मुझे विश्वास है की आप लोग इस विषय पर विचार मंथन कर कुछ ठोस कदम उठाएंगे।
जैन धर्म की मूल भावना भाग 1
जैन धर्म की मूल भावना भाग 2
जैन धर्म की मूल भावना भाग 3
जिन मंदिर एवं वास्तुप्रस्तुति:
ज्योति कोठारी


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day of divine forgiveness

Kolkata Dadabadi

Johari Sath of Kolkata have arranged Day of divine forgiveness on last Sunday August 30, 2009 at Sheetalnath Bhawan. It was the first Sunday after Samvatsari.

Jyoti Kothari delivered a talk about Samvatsarika Pratikramana and Kshamapana between 9.30 to 11.00 A.M. followed by Samuhik Kshamapana. Each one present asked pardon to every one.

Program was followed by Sadharmi Vatsalya at Dadabadi. Shaharwali society also arranged for Sadharmi Vatsalya at the same time at Kolkata Dadabadi.


अजीमगंज दादाबाडी में भैरव जी का उत्थापन

स्फटिक चरण

उत्थापन कार्यक्रम में उपस्थित जनसमूह

अजीमगंज रामबाग दादाबाडी में भैरव जी के उत्थापन का कार्यक्रम दिनांक २ सितम्बर २००९, वुधवार को पूज्या साध्वी श्री शशिप्रभा श्री जी महाराज की निश्रा में सम्पन्न हुआ। इसके साथ ही प्राचीन दादाबाडी को तोड़ने काम भी शुरू हुआ। ज्ञातव्य है की इस अति प्राचीन दादाबाडी को पुरी तरह जमींदोज कर (सिर्फ़ मूल वेदी को छोड़ कर) नए सिरे से निर्माण कराया जायेगा। यह कार्यक्रम काफी बड़ी लागत से सम्पन्न होगा। इस काम को करवाने के लिए अजीमगंज श्री संघ के सचिव श्री सुनील चोरडिया काफी लगन के साथ परिश्रम कर रहे हैं।

इस दादाबाडी में तीन दादागुरुओं के साथ ही पंचम काल के अंत में होने वाले अन्तिम युगप्रधान आचार्य श्री दुप्पह सूरी के भी चरण हैं। ये चारों नयनाभिराम चरण स्फटिक रत्न से बने हुए हैं।

इस काम के संवंध में शहरवाली समाज में एक मत नहीं है। जहाँ कुछ लोग यह काम करवाना चाहते हैं वहीँ बड़ी संख्या में लोग इस के विरोध में भी हैं। विरोधी लोगों का मत है की दादाबाडी का सामान्य रूप से जीर्णोद्धार करवाना ही काफी है। अब अजीमगंज में बहुत कम लोग रहते हैं। दादाबाडी शहर से दूर होने के कारण बहुत कम लोग ही वहां पहुचते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में इस जगह पर इतना पैसा लगाने का औचित्य नहीं है। उनका मानना है की इस पैसे का बेहतर उपयोग हो सकता है।

रामबाग परिसर में दो तालाव भी है। अभी कुछ दिन पूर्व किसी वास्तुकार ने सलाह दी की इन्हे बंद करवा दिया जाए। इस बात को ले कर भी गहरे मत भेद है। कुछ लोग इस सलाह पर अमल करना चाहते हैं लेकिन कुछ लोगों का मानना है की इसमे बहुत अधिक जीव हिंसा होगी जो की जैन सिद्धांत के ख़िलाफ़ है। साथ ही तालाव बंद करवाना राज्य के कानून के भी ख़िलाफ़ है। लोगों का यह भी कहना है की जिस समय यह तालाव बना था तब अजीमगंज बहुत समृद्ध था तो फिर इसमें वास्तु दोष कैसे हो सकता है?
जैन धर्म की मूल भावना भाग 1
जैन धर्म की मूल भावना भाग 2

दादाबाडी का प्राचीन चित्र
सौजन्य बिकास छाजेड
ज्योति कोठारी


Monday, August 24, 2009

मिच्छामी दुक्कडम


Friday, August 14, 2009

Tirthankar Neminath and Sri Krishna

Tirthankar Neminath and Vasudeva Krishna were cousin brothers according to Jain stories. We find the story in Kalpasutra Teeka that is preached on the ocasion of Paryushan.

A play " Neminath and Krishna" will be staged at Azimganj Kothi on 15 August, Independence day on the auspices of Sadhwi Shashiprabha Shree Ji Maharaj and her disciples.

Jyoti Kothari


Sadhwi Shashiprabha Shree Ji Birth Date

Birth date of Sadhwi Shashiprabha Shree Ji falls on 20 August 2009. Azimganj Shree Sangh will celebrate the same with Bhakti Sangeet.

It is to be noted that Sadhwi Ji and three of her disciples are observing their Chaturmas at Azimganj.

Posted by:
Jyoti Kothari


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Paryushan Photos: Kalpasutra

Swapnalakshana Pathaka
(Interpreters of Dreams)

Trishla tells her dreams to
Maharaja Siddhartha
Grief and Joy of Trishala Mata

Trishala Mata dreams 14 auspicious images while sleeping in her palace. She woke up and told King Siddhartha, her husband, about the dreams. She asked him about the expected result of the dreams. King Siddhartha told her that they will be bestowed with a mighty, wise and beautiful child (Picture 2) . Siddhartha calls interpreters of dreams the next morning and they endorsed his view (Picture 1) .

Once Lord Mahavira thought that his movements as embryo would be painful for his mothers. He stopped his movements to keep her mother in rest. Queen Trishala, his mother,however, interpreted it wrongly. She thought that the embryo is dead. She filled with grief and sorrow. When Lord came to know that he started moving. Trishala became joyous knowing her embryo alive(Picture 3) .

Mahavira Swami Photos in Kalpasutra 
Paryushan Photos from Kalpasutra


Paryushan: Mahavira Swami Photos from Kalpasutra

14 Draems of Devananda Mata
Trishala Mata sleeping in her Palace

Harinaigameshi Deva transfers embryo
of Mahavira from
Devananda to Trishala Mata

Trishala Mata viewing 14 dreams

Lord Mahavira descending from Vaimanika Devaloka to the womb of Devananda Mata. His mother Devananda viewed 14 great dreams at that time (Picture 1) .

However, her joy did not prolong.Harinaigameshi Deva (god) took the embryo from her womb and transferred it to queen Trishala (Picture 3) by order Indra, the King of gods.

Trishala was sleeping in her palace at that time (Picture 2). She had the similar 14 great dreams after that (Picture 4).

Mahavira Swami Photos in Kalpasutra 
Paryushan Photos from Kalpasutra


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Famous People and Families from Shaharwali Society Part 5

Singhi family of Azimganj is also a renowned Shaharwali family. Bahadur Singh Singhi and Dalchand Singhi were the pioneers of the family. They established their business and business system well. They have found their fortune in collieries. They had lion's share in coal production of Bengal before nationalization of collieries.

Singhi family was fond of Gemstones, especially flat diamonds and emeralds. They were instrumental in making wonderful "Aangi" of sri Dharmanath Swami in Tulapatti Jain Temple, Kolkata. This Kundan Jadau "Aangi" is studded with hundreds of big size flawless flat diamonds.

The Singhi family had built two high schools, one in Lalbagh and another in Jiaganj, both in Murshidabad district. Their residential house Singhi Sadan in Azimganj is now converted to Azimganj Kothi. Rajendra Singh Singhi of this family was the first one in Shaharwali society to marry a Gujrati Girl.

However, their main contribution to Jain society is publications of "Singhi Granthamala". This is a series of Jain texts published first time in printed form. This series is an asset to Jain academic world. Prakrit Bharati, Jaipur is set to re-publish the same.

Famous people from Azimganj Part 1

Famous people from Azimganj Part 2

Famous people …….. Part 3
Famous People..........Part 4
Famous People..........Part 5

Bari Kothi

Posted by:
Vardhaman Gems
Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry


Jainism and Environment Part 2

Pond in Kolkata Dadabadi

Jain Dadabadis
are true protectors of Environment. In fact, they are botanical gardens along with a temple of Dadagurudev.

Badi means garden that is derived from Sanskrit word Vatika. Since medieval age Dadabadis are built far from cities and towns. There are hundreds of trees in most of the Dadabadis. There are flower plants, fruit trees and decorative trees and plants in Dadabadis. Dadabadis also grow medicinal trees.

People use to come in Dadabadis for Darshan and Puja. Dadabadis are traditionally social and religious meeting places. Many social and religious events are organized and celebrated in dharmashalas in Dadabadis all over India. People come and spend a lot of time there. They enjoy fresh oxygen exhelled by trees and plants as an additional benefit.

Dadabadis are natural safeguards against pollution.

Decorative and fruit trees
Kolkata Dadabadi

Jainism and Environment
Green collar job: Environment friendly way of employment

Jainism and Environment Part 1

Jainism and Environment Part 2

Posted by:


Jainism and Environment Part 1

Jainism is not only a religion but way of life. It is art of living. A human being lives with his society and environment. Jain Agamas (Holy Books) are very conscious about preserving environment. Their thoughts surpassed that of modern environmentalists.

Jain Agamas say that a Jeeva (Soul) harms or intend to harm any one out of Raga (Craving) and Dwesha (Aversion). They have gone into the root cause of all violence. The Acharanga Sutra, first Jain Anga Sutra advocates strongly for protecting and preserving environment. It says that Pudhavi (Soil), Jala (Water), Vaau (Air), Vanassai (Vegetations) and even Teu (Fire) are living creatures and should not be destroyed or killed. The Acharanga says that these are violence.

Consumerism promotes craving. It motivates people to consume more and more whether required or not. They have even made it parameter of development. This western doctrine is the root cause of all environmental hazards in modern days. In fact, we are now at the threshold of total collapse due to consumerism culture.

Jain texts emphasize on utility (Upayoga) in place of consume (Upabhoga) rather they tend to worship the nature(Upasana). Consumerism leads to deplition of natural resources that in turn contaminate air, water, soil and other valuable natural resources. Jain texts motivate people for minimul consumption. They emphasize on Tyaga (Sacrifice).

Jain Sharavaka / Shravikas (Laymen) are preached to minimize their Bhoga (Consumerables). Jain Sadhu / Sadhwi (Monks and Nuns) are living with almost no consumables. They do not use vehicles rather travel bear foot. They do not use electricity and any modern amenities. They do not even cook or tell any one to cook for them. They do not pluck flowers and any other green vegetables for any purpose. They do not possess any earthly things. No money, no bank account, no credit cards.

All Jains including Sadhu / Sadhwi and Sharavaka / Shravikas observe Paryushan as their main Parva. They do not even eat green vegetables in those days. Traditionally they do not eat in the night (after sunset).

Jainism and Environment
Green collar job: Environment friendly way of employment

Jainism and Environment Part 2


Posted by:
Jyoti Kothari


Swine flu awareness

I have got a copy of mail to Presidents of Rotary club, today from Rtn. Dipak Purohit, District Governor 3131. I thought this useful for all and posted in this blog.

Original mail:

My dear Presidents,

I agree with you that swine flu awareness is needed, but there is no need to be panicky and join the publicity propaganda carried out by media and others which acts as a vehicle to spread misconception than to spread scientific information.

These are few facts about swine flu when discussed with the leading epidemiologists.

1) Swine flu, that is H1N1 flu is not new, first detected in 1987.

2) Infective stage of flue is 5 days, 1 day before and 4 days after onset of symptoms.

3) The best way to prevent it spreading is asking patient having symptoms of flu like fever cough and running nose to take rest at home for 4 days so he does not transmit it.

4) Masks are of limited value if any, in this disease, it can spread through droplets on your skin, through contact etc, and I have seen that the masks in Pune are worn as fashion statement, while walking on road today morning I saw people wearing masks coming out for a morning walk with their dogs!, many wearing masks around their necks, and so on, in fact these masks shall act as the vehicles to carry the virus, instead, avoiding crowded places or cinema halls or malls where air conditioners are on, is advisable, because you get recirculated air, where the virus density multiplies.

5)Death after H1N1 flu is not common, in fact infections like measles is taking toll of thousands more every year, and we are oblivious of the facts. Swine flu is being blown out of proportion by media trying to create hysteria among lay people.

6) Fever accompanied by respiratory distress, should be immediately notified which is likely to be a complication of H1N1 flu.

7)The mortality is less than .01 percent of those affected, that means may be one in 10,000 affected is likely to suffer the life loss.

8) If you remember, 2 years ago SARS was blown out of proportion, what happened? Humans develop immunity to the virus, the same is going to happen, we develop immunity in due course of time, the virus is in the air, you can not stop it, our body is already developing the immunity so nothing to panic.

We need to take care of children and elderly who have less immunity and do not let them go to crowded places that is all .


I am amazed to hear that people are selling masks of RS 20 each which are available to less than Rupee 1 in the market.
See who is getting benefitted?

Please spread the scientific info, do not join the band wagon and stick to science, that should be the order of the day.
Deepak Purohit
District governor, 3131
Purohit Clinic, Plot 78, MCCHS
Panvel, Maharashtra
PIN 410206
Cell no. 098209 77773

Read This


How to survive a heart attack while alone

Posted by;

Jyoti Kothari




Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sri Chandaprabhu Temple, Kolkata


Sri Chandaprabhu Swami Temple

There is another temple in the complex near Parasnath. This is of Sri Chandraprabh Swami, eighth Jain Tirthankar.

This is also very beautiful temple built by Ganeshilal Kapurchand Kharad, another esteemed member of Johari Sath, Kolkata.

Ganeshilal Kapurchand Kharad Johari were mainly in ruby and sapphires business. They were manufacturing and exporting these precious stones from Burma, Shyam, Pylin and Cylon rough. They accumulated wealth out of this business and spent generously to build the temple. The temple is built some years after Rai Badridas built Parasnath glass temple of Sri Sheetal Nath.

Kolkata Dadabadi
Mahavir Swami Temple
Rai Badridas Bahadur Mukim

Jyoti Kothari

(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)



Paryushan is the greatest Parva of Jain. It will be started from 17 August and Samvatsari will be on 24 August this year 2009. It is only five days from now. Azimganj will celebrate Paryushana in the auspieces of Sadhwi Shashiprabha Shreeji Maharaj and Jiaganj with her Disciples. The twin cities are very fortunate this year.

I have cretaed a blog for Paryushan in that you can read and post materials regarding Paryushan.

Paryushan Blog
Paryushan in Kolkata Jineshwar Suri Bhawan
Jain Shivirs of Jyoti Kothari


My Paryushan

Jyoti Kothari will be delivering Paryushan Pravachana at Jineshwar Suri Bhawan, Kolkata from 17 to 24 August 2009.

Paryushana starts on 17 and Samvatsari is on 24 August 2009.

