Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, representing centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry.
He is a Quality Management lead Auditor, Trainer and Consultant.
Author, Philanthropist, Academician and Social server.
Professor Ramesh Arora urged for compulsory voting. He told that Indians vote @ 55 to 60 percent in average. There was a 58% polling in the last Loksabha election 2004. That means 42% of the voters did not cast their vote. Youth of India casted their votes even at less percentage than the average. They caste @ 54% only. He argued that this is not a good sign for a democracy. Video 1 The high profiles, educated and rich class are reluctant to vote. This causes criminals, illiterates and unpopular persons to find themselves in local bodies, assemblies and parliament. Video 2 He also stated reasons of non voting and urged to make it compulsory. He added that likes of countries Australia, Chili, Singapore, Switzerland, Belgium, Argentina have already constitutional provision for compulsory voting. He supported his arguments with hard data. Video 3 Dr. Ujala Arora, former minister, Tejkaran Parashar, Bharati, Rampal, Darshan Kothari, Ashok Barhat and Jyoti Kothari have contributed to the discussion.
Presiding dignitary Shree Radheyshyam Dhoot supported the idea and discussed philosophy and Psyche of voting and democracy. He quoted from Ramcharit Manas in support of his philosophy. Video post
Jyoti Kothari, additional convener of the Manch conducted the meeting and extended vote of thanks. He appealed all the audience to come forward to boost activities of the Manch to commemorate their beloved convener, late ShreeGirdharilal Bhargava, MP, Jaipur.
Update:Gujrat bill for compulsory voting announced byNarendra Modi, Chief minister Gujrat, has ignited the debate again among Indians.
Genstones are used for medical purposes in Ayurveda and Yunani branches of Indian medicine. Ayurveda and Yunani both use Navaratna Gemstones to prepare medicines as Bhasma and Pisti.
People of America voted Obama to elect him their President with a great hope. Citizens of America were looking for a savior in him. They were thinking that he will brought the economy in line.
They were expecting some thing miraculous.
More than 100 days past of Obama in office. It is the time to review his performance. Could he deliver as expected?
According to common men of America, it is a big no.
A new treatment center for gemstones is established in Sitapura industrial area of Jaipur, Rajasthan by Gem and Jewelry Export Promotion Council of India.
Initially it will act as heat treatment plant. Jaipur Jewelers (Jewelers) need not to go to Bangkok in Thailand for the purpose of heat treatment now onwards.
Azimganj Jain Shreesangh organized Dadaguru Mahapoojan at Kolkata Dadabari on 1st of April, 2009। The ceremony was blessed by Rev. Shashiprabha Shreeji Maharaj thana 10.
The ceremony was well organized. Huge fund is collected for jirnoddhara of Azimganj Dadabari. ceremony was followed by a Sadharmi vatsalya of approximately 1300 Jains as reported by Sunil Churoria, secretary, Azimganj Jain Shreesangh in a telecon।
Sadhwi Shree Shashiprabha Shreeji Maharaj declared that she will observe her Chaturmas 2009, at Azimganj। She will leave Kolkata in June to proceed for her Chaturmas in Azimganj.
दुष्ट तुरंगम चित्त ने कह्यो रे, मोह नृपति परधान । आर्त रौद्र नु क्षेत्र ऐ रे , रोक तू ज्ञान निधान रे। १
मन को दुष्ट घोड़े की उपमा दी है और उसे मोह राजा का मंत्री कहा है. यह आर्त एवं रौद्र ध्यान का स्थान है अतः हे ज्ञान निधान आत्मा इसे रोको।
मुनि मन वश करो, मन ऐ आश्रव गेहो रे । मन ऐ तारशे- मन स्थिर यतिवर तेहो रे। २
हे मुनि ! मन वश में करो। मन यह आश्रव का घर है। वश में होने पर यही मन तारेगा, जिन का मन वश में है वो मुनि सर्व श्रेष्ठ हैं.
गुप्ती प्रथम ऐ साधू ने रे, धर्मं शुक्ल नो रे कन्द। वस्तु धर्मं चिंतन रम्या रे, साधे पूर्णानंद । ३
साधू की यह प्रथम गुप्ती है जो की धर्म एवं शुक्ल ध्यान का मूल है। वस्तु धर्म के चिंतन में रमे हुए साधू पूर्णानंद प्राप्त करते हैं।
योग ते पुद्गल जोग छे रे, खेंचे अभिनव कर्म । योग वर्तना कंपना रे, नवी ऐ आतम धर्मो रे। ४
मन, वचन, व काया ये तीन जैन दर्शन में योग कहलाते हैं। ये तीनो योग पुद्गल के संयोग से ही प्रवृत्त होते हैं जो नए कर्मों को खींचता है। योगों का व्यवहार योगवर्तना है जो की आत्मा में कम्पन से उत्पन्न होता है, पर यह आत्मा का धर्म नहीं है (परन्तु पुद्गल के संयोग से पैदा होता है)।
वीर्य चपल पर संगमी रे, एह न साधक पक्ष । ज्ञान चरण सहकारता रे , वरतावे दक्षो रे। ५
पुद्गलों के संयोगों से प्रवृत्त आत्मवीर्य चंचल एवं चपल होता है। ऐसा मन साधक नहीं होता है। इसलिए दक्ष मुनि अपने मन / आत्म वीर्य को ज्ञान व चरित्र के साथ लगाते हैं.
मुनि की निर्मल दशा में ज्ञान, दर्शन, चारित्र ये तीनों का भेद भी मिट जाता है। तीनों करण (करना, कराना, अनुमोदन करना) की एकता से रत्न त्रयी की अभेद अवस्था को साधने का पुरुषार्थ निर्मल आत्माचार है ।
सविकल्पक गुण साधुना रे, ध्यानी ने न सुहाए. निर्विकल्प अनुभव रसि रे, आत्मानंदी थायो रे. ७
ध्यानी साधू को सविकल्प गुण अच्छे नही लगते। वे तो निर्विकल्प अनुभव के रसिक हो कर आत्मानंद का अनुभव करते हैं।
शुक्ल ध्यान श्रुतावलम्बनी रे, ऐ पण साधन दाव। वस्तु धर्म उत्सर्ग में रे , गुण गुणी एक स्वभावो रे। ८.
ऐसी उच्चा अवस्था के मुनि के लिए शुक्ल ध्यान के लिए लिया हुआ श्रुत का आलम्वन भी मात्र साधन ही है। उत्सर्ग मार्ग में तो एक मात्र वस्तु धर्म ही है जहाँ गुण और गुनी एक स्वभाव होते हैं।
पर सहाय गुण वर्तना रे, वस्तु धर्म न कहाया। साध्य रसी ते किम ग्रहे रे, साधू चित्त सहायो रे। ९
पर की सहायता से जिन गुणों की वर्तना होती है वह वस्तु धर्म नहीं है । इसलिए अपने साध्य के रसिक उसे किस तरह ग्रहण कर सकते हैं? अर्थात् नहीं कर सकते। इसलिए साधू अपने चित्त से पर की सहायता नहीं लेते परन्तु आत्मा आत्मा के ही उपयोग में रमन करती है।
आत्मरसि आत्मालयी रे, ध्याता तत्त्व अनंत ।
स्यादवाद ज्ञानी मुनि रे, तत्त्व रमन उपशंतो रे। १०
आत्माकेरसिक, आत्मा का ही आश्रय लेने वाले, आत्मा में लीन रहने वाले, अनंत तत्त्व के ध्याता, स्यादवाद के ज्ञानी, तत्त्व रमणी, मुनि विषय एवं कषायों से उपशांत रहते हैं।
नवी अपवाद रुचि कदा रे, शिव रसिया अणगार । शक्ति यथागम सेवता रे , नींदे कर्म प्रचारों रे। ११
ऐसे मुनि की अपवाद मार्ग के सेवन में कभी रूचि नही होती. अपनी शक्ति प्रमाण एवं आगम के अनुसार ऐसे शिव मार्ग के रसिक मुनि आराधना में लीन रहते हुए (स्वयं के) कर्म बंधन के कारणों की निंदा करते हैं।
साध्य सिद्ध निज तत्वता रे, पूर्णानंद समाज । देव चंद्र पद साधता रे, नामिये ते मुनिराजो रे । १२
पूर्णानंदमयी निज तत्वता रूप साध्य जिन्हें सिद्ध हो गया है अथवा जो उसकी साधना में लगे हैं उन मुनिराजों को श्रीमद् देवचन्द्र नमन करते हैं।
श्रीमद देवचन्द्र विशिष्ट तत्त्व ज्ञानी थे। उनके स्तवन, सज्झाय आदि विशुद्ध आत्म तत्त्व के प्रेरक हैं। उन्होंने अष्ट प्रवचन माता की सज्झाया लिखी है जिसमे से एक यह मनो गुप्ती की सज्झाय है। यह अति विशिष्ट कोटि के मुनियों की अन्तरंग मनो दशा का वर्णन करता है। श्री अगर चंद नाहटा ने इस ग्रन्थ का सम्पादन एवं श्री भंवर लाल नाहटा
ने इसे प्रकाशित करवाया था। यह काफी कठिन विषय है अतः इसके अर्थ लिखने में गलतियाँ होने की बहुत गुंजाईश है। सुज्ञ पाठकों से भूल सुधारने की अपेक्षा है। मिच्छामी दुक्कडम।
Jyoti Kothari, a businessman (Gems and Jewelry, Garments, Software), Author and philanthropist in Jaipur, India.
Specific arrangement of Navratna as Tantra
Navratna is a specific arrangement of nine gemstones used in Indian astrology. This is also a Tantra of India. Gemstones Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite and Cat’s eye are arranged in a specific order to form the Tantra of Navratna. Indian astrology uses this to get rid of the bad effects of nine planets in human life and to enhance the good effects of those nine planets.
India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and a country with rich traditions. Indians had discovered relations between planets and gemstones. The research established strong connections between planets, zodiacs and nine gemstones (Nava Ratna).
Ruby gemstone represents the planet sun, pearl refers to the moon and so on. I will discuss relations between all nine gemstones and nine planets in the coming paragraph.
Indian researches: Navratna, Planets, and Zodiacs
Indian scholars researched and developed knowledge and used those to enhance the quality of life even in ancient times. Indian scientists had been working on atoms and astronomy when America was not even discovered by the modern world and most of Europe was in the forest.
Indian astronomers calculated the movement and path of planets long before Europeans. They knew Zodiacs and relationship between Zodiacs and planets and earth. Mathematics in India was in a very developed stage since ancient times. Bhadravahu (Fourth century B.C.), Barahamihir, Aryabhata, Brahmagupta are some to name.
(Bhadravahu was contemporary to Chanakya and Emperor Chandragupta became his disciple.)
They have depicted movements of planets exactly using subtle calculations. Indian astrology is based on scientific and mathematical calculations. They used geometry, logarithm, trigonometry, co-ordinate geometry and even differential and integral calculus to find out movements and paths of planets and their astronomical relationships with Zodiacs. They knew the exact parabolic paths of the planets.
They were able to find out the exact method of defining time in terms of the year, month, week and days. They could easily calculate the exact time of sunrise and sunset. They could also define movements of the moon and were able to forecast high and tide. Solar and lunar eclipses were calculated at that time. Indian astrologers use this for Muhurta.
Navaratna and Nine planets
Indian astrology has two main streams 1. Ganita and 2. Falita. Ganita means mathematical calculations whereas Falita means the effect of planets and zodiacs in one’s life. Ganita also deals with subtle divisions and subdivisions of time and Falita uses these calculations to specify good or bad times for particular actions.
Indians also knew about gemstones and their magical power. Astrologers of India have chosen nine gemstones for nine planets as per their color.
The sun is in the center of our solar system and its red color resembles that of the ruby gemstone. The sun also affects human life the most. Ruby keeps its place in the center of the Navaratna.
The moon, though not a planet according to modern science, is the nearest celestial body from the earth. Hence, it affects human life the most but the sun. Where the sun is hot and resembled with red-colored ruby, the moon is cool and the pearl gemstone with white color represents the moon in Navaratna. The sun is followed by the moon in Indian Navagraha system.
Red-colored marsh is represented by red-colored coral and it occupies third place in Indian planet system.
The mercury (fourth in the system) has typically given the color green and is represented by emerald gemstone and yellow sapphire represents the Jupiter (fifth in the system). Dazzling white Venus comes in the sixth position and diamond, the most dazzling gemstone is the representative of the Venus.
The Saturn occupies the seventh place and blue sapphire represents its blue color, typically given by the Indian astrologers.
These seven planets have their correspondent zodiacs, shown in a chart below. The Sun and the Moon (planets in Indian astrological system) have one zodiac each. Rest of the above mentioned five planets have two zodiacs each. Two of the planets in Indian astrology Rahu and Ketu have no correspondent zodiacs.
Solar and lunar eclipses have significant effects on the earth, hence, these astronomical phenomena are included in the system as shadow planets. A solar eclipse is named Rahu and lunar is Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are considered as the eighth and ninth planet and had been assigned the grey color. Hessonite and Cat’s eye are the respective gemstones for them.
Navaratna: Palmistry and Zodiac
Astrologers of India believe that particular gemstone of these nine gemstones can reduce bad effects of a particular planet on human life. Thus, they prescribe specific gemstone to a particular person according to the position of a particular planet in one’s horoscope.
Besides specific gemstones prescribed to a particular person, Navaratna has been used as a common healing Tantra of nine planets altogether. Hence, Navaratna occupies an important place in Indian astrology.
Jewelers of India manufacture and sell plenty of Navaratna rings, pendants, necklaces, tops, earrings, bracelets, bangles, and other ornaments. Navaratna beads and long beads are also used in Indian beaded Jewelry.
Indian astrologers also depicted the relationship between zodiacs and planets. Astrologers of India also allocate a particular area for a specific planet in human palms. Palmistry of India also uses Navaratna as a healing method.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
लड़का लड़की के बड़े होने पर लगभग माँ बाप या घर के बड़े शादी तय करते थे। अक़्सर लड़का या लड़की ख़ुद पसंद नही करते थे। शादी में खानदान को बहुत महत्व दिया जाता था पैसे को नहीं। खानदान के अलावा लड़की का चाल चलन और सुन्दरता को महत्व देते थे। अगर थोडी उमर होने के बाद व्याह होता था तब लड़के की कमाई देखी जाती थी। लड़के की सुन्दरता को ज्यादा महत्व नही दिया जाता था। व्याह के पहले लड़के लड़की की कुंडली जरूर मिलवाई जाती थी और कुंडली मिलने पर ही सम्बन्ध किया जाता था नही तो नहीं। अजीमगंज में खानदानी पंडित जी थे। कुछ समय पहले तक पंडितदेवनारायणजीशर्मा थे, जो ज्योतिष के अच्छे जानकर थे। उस समय पंडित जी के खाते में अजीमगंज-जियागंज व आसपास के जैन, पांडे व नाइ के यहाँ होने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के जन्म का व्यौरा रखा जाता था।
व्याह पक्का होने के बाद किसी भी कारण से छोड़ा नहीं जाता था। पक्का होने के कुछ दिन बाद सगाई की जाती थी जिसे शहरवाली में सिलामी पड़ना बोलते थे। सिलामी में सवा मन दूध और मिश्री लड़की वाले लड़के वाले को भेजते थे जिसे पुरे समाज में बांटा जाता था। सिलामी में विशेष लेन देन का रिवाज़ नहीं था।
Jyoti Kothari is proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, a leading Gem and Jewelry manufacturers and traders having Head office in Jaipur and operating in Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. Vardhaman Gems (http://vardhamangems.com) have global client base. Business and franchisee inquiries solicited.
He is senior adviser to Vardhaman Infotech (www.vardhamaninfotech.com/), a mobile applications and eCommerce website development firm in Jaipur.
Jyoti Kothari is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) Trainer, Consultant and Lead Auditor.
He is Educationist, writer, Social worker and Philanthropist.