Sri Mahavira Swami Panch Kalyanak Puja will be held in Sri Suparshwanath Jain Temple, Panchayati Mandir on Dhan Teras, November 3, 2010, 10 AM onwards. The Puja will be organized on the auspices of Pujya Sadhwi Sri Sanyamnidhi Sri Ji etc Thana 3.
The program is part of the Diwali celebration which will continue till November 7.
This is a traditional Puja organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh. Traditionally, the worshipers move a Chariot (Rath) inside the temple. This is unique and unusual in a Puja ceremony.
All the devotees are invited to join the ceremony.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने का प्रयास: मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी
मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी की स्थापना मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने का एक प्रयास है. प्राचीन काल में मुर्शिदाबाद का क्षेत्र गौड़ के नाम से जाना जाता था. औरंगजेब के सिपहसालार मुर्शीदकुली खान ने इसे बसाया एवं ढाका के स्थान पर सन १७०४ में इसे बंगाल, बिहार, एवं उडिस्सा की राजधानी बनाया. जब मुर्शीद कुली खान यहं आये तो उनके साथ उनके परम मित्र जगत सेठ मानकचंद गेलडा को भी साथ लाये. जैनों के उत्कर्ष का काल यहाँ पर तभी से शुरू हुआ.
यह नवाबों के शहर के नाम से भी जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शीदकुली खान के बाद नवाब अलीवर्दी खान, नवाब सुजाउद्दीन आदि ने नवाब की गद्दी संभाली. सिराज़ुद्दौला मुर्शिदाबाद के अंतिम स्वतंत्र नवाब हुए. मुर्शिदाबाद मुग़ल एवं ब्रिटिश शक्तियों के वीच युद्ध स्थल बना. पलाशी के युद्ध में सिराज़ुद्दौला के सेनापति मीर जाफर की गद्दारी के कारन उन्हें ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के क्लाइव लोयेड के हाथों पराजित होना पड़ा. यहीं से भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन की नींव पड़ी.
अंग्रेजों ने अपनी राजधानी मुर्शिदाबाद से बदल कर कलकत्ते को बना लिया लेकिन मुर्शिदाबाद की गरिमा फिर भी बनी रही. मुर्शिदाबाद अपनी कलाप्रियता के लिए जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शिदाबाद के अजीमगंज एवं जिआगंज में रहने वाले जैन धर्मावालम्वी ओसवालों ने यहाँ की संस्कृति में रंग भरने में अपना विशिष्ट योगदान दिया. यहाँ के जैन धर्मावलाम्वी शहरवाली के नाम से प्रसिद्द हुए.यहाँ की कला, संस्कृति, स्थापत्य आदि की उन्नति में शहरवाली समाज का योगदान कल्पनातीत है.
शहरवाली समाज के लोग उच्च शिक्षित, राईस व धनवान होने के साथ ही धर्मात्मा भी थे. अनेकों जिन मंदिर एवं दादाबाड़ी उनकी धर्मं परायणता का उदहारण है. शहरवाली समाज द्वारा स्थापित अनेक विद्यालय, महाविद्यालय जहाँ उनकी शिक्षा एवं ज्ञान के प्रति रूचि दर्शाती है वहीँ उन लोगों के द्वारा स्थापित चिकित्सालय उनकी परोपकारिता को.
यहाँ के जैन मंदिर एवं कोठियां शहरवाली समाज के अतीत गौरव की याद दिलाती है. यह एक धर्मं प्राण समाज है एवं अनेक दीक्षाएं इस बात कीगवाह है. अजीमगंज व जियागंज से अनेक साधू - साध्वियां भी हुई हैं.
शहरवाली पोषाक की अपनी अलग विशेषता है. अजीमगंज शहरवाली साथ का खानाभी अपनी विशिष्टताओं से भरपूर है. इनकी विविधता भी निराली है. शहरवाली समाज के रीती रिवाजों में भी यहं की माती की सुगंध है.
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
यह नवाबों के शहर के नाम से भी जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शीदकुली खान के बाद नवाब अलीवर्दी खान, नवाब सुजाउद्दीन आदि ने नवाब की गद्दी संभाली. सिराज़ुद्दौला मुर्शिदाबाद के अंतिम स्वतंत्र नवाब हुए. मुर्शिदाबाद मुग़ल एवं ब्रिटिश शक्तियों के वीच युद्ध स्थल बना. पलाशी के युद्ध में सिराज़ुद्दौला के सेनापति मीर जाफर की गद्दारी के कारन उन्हें ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के क्लाइव लोयेड के हाथों पराजित होना पड़ा. यहीं से भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन की नींव पड़ी.
अंग्रेजों ने अपनी राजधानी मुर्शिदाबाद से बदल कर कलकत्ते को बना लिया लेकिन मुर्शिदाबाद की गरिमा फिर भी बनी रही. मुर्शिदाबाद अपनी कलाप्रियता के लिए जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शिदाबाद के अजीमगंज एवं जिआगंज में रहने वाले जैन धर्मावालम्वी ओसवालों ने यहाँ की संस्कृति में रंग भरने में अपना विशिष्ट योगदान दिया. यहाँ के जैन धर्मावलाम्वी शहरवाली के नाम से प्रसिद्द हुए.यहाँ की कला, संस्कृति, स्थापत्य आदि की उन्नति में शहरवाली समाज का योगदान कल्पनातीत है.
शहरवाली समाज के लोग उच्च शिक्षित, राईस व धनवान होने के साथ ही धर्मात्मा भी थे. अनेकों जिन मंदिर एवं दादाबाड़ी उनकी धर्मं परायणता का उदहारण है. शहरवाली समाज द्वारा स्थापित अनेक विद्यालय, महाविद्यालय जहाँ उनकी शिक्षा एवं ज्ञान के प्रति रूचि दर्शाती है वहीँ उन लोगों के द्वारा स्थापित चिकित्सालय उनकी परोपकारिता को.
यहाँ के जैन मंदिर एवं कोठियां शहरवाली समाज के अतीत गौरव की याद दिलाती है. यह एक धर्मं प्राण समाज है एवं अनेक दीक्षाएं इस बात कीगवाह है. अजीमगंज व जियागंज से अनेक साधू - साध्वियां भी हुई हैं.
शहरवाली पोषाक की अपनी अलग विशेषता है. अजीमगंज शहरवाली साथ का खानाभी अपनी विशिष्टताओं से भरपूर है. इनकी विविधता भी निराली है. शहरवाली समाज के रीती रिवाजों में भी यहं की माती की सुगंध है.
Launching Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
Images Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
With regards,Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Diwali and Gyan Panchami program at Shiv Ji Ram Bhawan
Pujya Sadhwi Sri Sanyamnidhi Sri ji and Atmanidhi Sri Ji will deliver Diwali (Dipavali) pravachan on November 4, 5 and 6 from 9.00 AM onwards at Vichakshan Bhawan.
Dipavali (Deepavali) festival is celebrated in Jainism to worship and celebrate Nirvan Utsav (Salvation) of Lord Mahavira. Hence, it is also called Mahavira Nirvan Utsav.
Nirvan Laddu on the eve of Diwali will be offered at Sri Suparshwanath Jain temple (Panchayati Mandir), Dara, Gheewalon Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar at 5.00 AM on November 7, 2010. The same will be offered at Leeladhar Ji Ka Upasra (Swetambar School) at 5.30 AM.
The program will be followed by Gautam Ras at Vichakshan Bhawan, MSB Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar, Jaipur from 6 AM Onwards.
Gyan Panchami will be celebrated on November 10 at the same place.
Contact 2563884 for more details.
Jyoti Kothari
Dipavali (Deepavali) festival is celebrated in Jainism to worship and celebrate Nirvan Utsav (Salvation) of Lord Mahavira. Hence, it is also called Mahavira Nirvan Utsav.
Nirvan Laddu on the eve of Diwali will be offered at Sri Suparshwanath Jain temple (Panchayati Mandir), Dara, Gheewalon Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar at 5.00 AM on November 7, 2010. The same will be offered at Leeladhar Ji Ka Upasra (Swetambar School) at 5.30 AM.
The program will be followed by Gautam Ras at Vichakshan Bhawan, MSB Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar, Jaipur from 6 AM Onwards.
Gyan Panchami will be celebrated on November 10 at the same place.
Contact 2563884 for more details.
Jyoti Kothari
Images Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
I am adding here two images of Murshidabad Heritage Development Society.
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
New Jain website
With regards,Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Launching Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
PP Rashtra Sant Acharya Padamsagar Suri Ji Maharaj will formally launch Murshidabad Heritage Development Society at 02:30 PM on 31/10/10 at Jain Dadabari, 29 Badridas Temple Street and PP Sadhvi Shri Shashi Prabha Shree Ji will bestow her blessings.
People of Murshidabad believe that this will be proved as a big step towards development of Azimganj, Jiaganj and Murshidabad. Both West Bengal state and the Central Government of India will be involved in this projest.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
People of Murshidabad believe that this will be proved as a big step towards development of Azimganj, Jiaganj and Murshidabad. Both West Bengal state and the Central Government of India will be involved in this projest.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Indian wives observed Karwa Chauth
It was Karwa Chauth, Kartik Krishna Chaturthi. Indian women celebrated Karwa Chauth. The festival of Karwa Chauth is celebrated to wish long life for the husbands.
Indian wives observe a day long fast and break the fast seeing the moon in the evening. It is one of the most important festival of the Hindu wives. Large numbers of married Hindu women observed this today.
Sushma Swaraj, leader of Opposition in the Loksabha (Lower house of the Indian parliament) also observed fast. She herself told the story related to Karwa Chauth among the women came to visit her on the eve of the festival.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Indian wives observe a day long fast and break the fast seeing the moon in the evening. It is one of the most important festival of the Hindu wives. Large numbers of married Hindu women observed this today.
Sushma Swaraj, leader of Opposition in the Loksabha (Lower house of the Indian parliament) also observed fast. She herself told the story related to Karwa Chauth among the women came to visit her on the eve of the festival.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Kumarpal V Shah and Pramod Jain "Bhaya" visited Malpura Dadabadi
Pranimitra Sri Kumarpal V Shah and Pramod Jain "Bhaya", PWD minister in Rajasthan visited Malpura Dadabadi. Both of them reached Malpura on 22nd October, stayed there in the night and left 23rd morning.
Sri Kumarpal V Shah is a renowned name among Jain communities. He is a preacher, social worker and a religious person.
Pramod Jain, PWD minister in Rajasthan is a devotee of Dadaguru dev and Malpura Dadabadi.
Sri Kumarpal V Shah is a renowned name among Jain communities. He is a preacher, social worker and a religious person.
Pramod Jain, PWD minister in Rajasthan is a devotee of Dadaguru dev and Malpura Dadabadi.
Kumarpal V Shah,
Pramod Jain,
PWD Minister,
Education camp (Swadhyay Shivir) on Jainism in Bikaner, Rajasthan
A three days Jain education camp (Swadhyay Shivir) was organized at Kushal Bhawan in Bikaner, Rajasthan between October 23 to 26, 2010.
The camp was organized in the auspices of Jain Nun Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri Ji etc. Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri ji is principle disciple of late Sadhwi Hemprabha Sri Ji. The educational camp ran in three shifts morning, afternoon and night. Approximately fifty gentlemen and ladies participated as students in this camp.
Jyoti Kothari, Jaipur led and taught Jainism through out the educational camp (Swadhyay Shivir).
The camp was organized in the auspices of Jain Nun Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri Ji etc. Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri ji is principle disciple of late Sadhwi Hemprabha Sri Ji. The educational camp ran in three shifts morning, afternoon and night. Approximately fifty gentlemen and ladies participated as students in this camp.
Jyoti Kothari, Jaipur led and taught Jainism through out the educational camp (Swadhyay Shivir).
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sharad Purnima Utsav in Malpura Dadabari
Sharad Purnima utsav celebrated in Malpura Dadabari in the auspicious of reverend Jain Sadhvi Shree Chandrakala Shree Ji and Maniprabha Shree Ji. It was a two days program. There was a Bhakti Sandhya (Devotional Night) yesterday. Shri Magan Kochar and his party from Bikaner and Lavesh Burad and Party from Indore were the main attraction of Ratri Jagran. They sang devotional songs through the night. Mahila Mandal of Balaghat also contributed with them. Padmashree awarded Pt Shyamacharan Mishra and his party contributed in the musical night. Pundit Mishra astonished people with his classical vocals. He started at 4 in the morning and sang for hours.
Sharad Purnima was the last day of Navpad Oli. This was the ninth day and Jain communities worship Samyag Tap Pad on this day. Many people in Malpura observed Ayambil today to worship Navpad.
Yesterday’s Bhakti Sandhya was followed by Dada Gurudev Pujan today morning. Pundit Mishra had been singing through the Puja. Dada Gurudev Puja was continued till afternoon. Large numbers of devotees from Malpura, Jaipur, Ajmer, Kekdi, Tonk and from many other places of India were present and enjoyed the program. There was a Sadharmi Vatsalya (Lunch) in the afternoon. The whole program was organized and sponsored by Shree Praveen Mahemwal and family.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Navpad Mandal Pujan in Azimganj tomorrow on the eve of Navpad Oli
Navpad Mandal Pujan will be organized at Sri Neminath Swami temple tomorrow. Navpad Mandal Pujan is organized every year on the last day of Navpad Oli in Azimganj since many many years.
This is a gorgeous program organized with full enthusiasm. Shaharwali people of Azimganj worship Navpad conducting Navpad Oli with full devotion and enthusiasm since centuries. Navpad Mandal Pujan is so famous in Azimganj that people living outside Azimganj also come and join this puja.
Sri Sangh of Azimganj will organize this Puja tomorrow, October 22, 2010.
Sri Pradyot Sethia, a Shaharwali living in Jaipur reported this telephonically. He is now at Azimganj and worshiping Navpad Oli along with some others from Azimganj.
Meanwhile, Sri and Srimati Ratichand Bothra of Azimganj are worshiping Navpad Oli in Malpura Dadabadi. He sponsored Navpad Puja here today.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
This is a gorgeous program organized with full enthusiasm. Shaharwali people of Azimganj worship Navpad conducting Navpad Oli with full devotion and enthusiasm since centuries. Navpad Mandal Pujan is so famous in Azimganj that people living outside Azimganj also come and join this puja.
Sri Sangh of Azimganj will organize this Puja tomorrow, October 22, 2010.
Sri Pradyot Sethia, a Shaharwali living in Jaipur reported this telephonically. He is now at Azimganj and worshiping Navpad Oli along with some others from Azimganj.
Meanwhile, Sri and Srimati Ratichand Bothra of Azimganj are worshiping Navpad Oli in Malpura Dadabadi. He sponsored Navpad Puja here today.
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Arihant on the first day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Siddha Pad on the second day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Acharya" on the third day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Upadhyaya" Pad on the fourth day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Sadhu" Pad on fifth day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Samyag Darshan" Pad on sixth day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Samyag Gyan" Pad on seventh day
Navpad Oli (Aymbil Oli): Eighth day is to worship Samyag Charitra Pad
Navpad Oli (Aymbil Oli): Ninth day is to worship Samyag Tap Pad
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Siddhachakra Mahapujan and Navpad Puja in Malpura Dadabadi
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli) festival is being celebrated in Malpura Dadabadi with Enthusiasm.Large numbers of people from different parts of India are observing Ayambil to worship Navpad (Navpad Oli). A three days' special program of Pujas is organized in these occasion.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan was conducted yesterday, the seventh day of Navpad Oli. The Mahapujan was conducted in The Vasupujya Swami temple in the Dadabadi campus. Param Pujya Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji also attended the program.
The Puja was conducted with gorgeous decoration of Siddhachakra Mandal. Dasot family of Tonk sponsored this program. Jyoti Kothari, conducted rituals and explained importance of Siddhachakra, Navpad and Siddhachakra Mandal. He explained that Navpad alias Siddhachakra is the main cause of liberation, enlightenment as well as earthly fortune. This is also the principle and root cause of all spirituality.
Vidhikarak Premchand Srisrimal assisted him in conducting rituals and performing pujan. Mahila Mandal of Balaghat and Sangeet mandal of Pali performed musical sessions of devotional songs. The entire program was held on October 20, 2010.
Navpad Puja, sponsored by Sri Ratichand Bothra, Azimganj, was organized on October 21. Mahila Mandal, Balaghat participated actively in this Pujan. It was the eighth day of Navpad Oli.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan was conducted yesterday, the seventh day of Navpad Oli. The Mahapujan was conducted in The Vasupujya Swami temple in the Dadabadi campus. Param Pujya Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji also attended the program.
The Puja was conducted with gorgeous decoration of Siddhachakra Mandal. Dasot family of Tonk sponsored this program. Jyoti Kothari, conducted rituals and explained importance of Siddhachakra, Navpad and Siddhachakra Mandal. He explained that Navpad alias Siddhachakra is the main cause of liberation, enlightenment as well as earthly fortune. This is also the principle and root cause of all spirituality.
Vidhikarak Premchand Srisrimal assisted him in conducting rituals and performing pujan. Mahila Mandal of Balaghat and Sangeet mandal of Pali performed musical sessions of devotional songs. The entire program was held on October 20, 2010.
Navpad Puja, sponsored by Sri Ratichand Bothra, Azimganj, was organized on October 21. Mahila Mandal, Balaghat participated actively in this Pujan. It was the eighth day of Navpad Oli.
Navpad Oli is being celebrated in Malpura Dadabadi with enthusiasm
Navpad Oli program in Jaipur and Malpura Dadabadi
Monday, October 18, 2010
पंचायती मंदिर में श्री नवपद जी की पूजा
नवपद ओली के उपलक्ष्य में आज दिनांक १९ अक्टूबर २०१० को पंचायती मंदिर, दडा में श्री नवपद जी की पूजा का आयोजन किया गया है. नवपद पूजा व्याख्यान के बाद सुबह दस बजे से शुरू होगी.
परंपरागत रूप से यह पूजा आश्विन शुक्ल द्वादसी को पंचायती मंदिर में पढाई जाती रही है. आज भी उसी परंपरा का निर्वाह करते हुए यह पूजा पढाई जाएगी.
प. पू. साध्वी श्री संयमनिधि श्री जी एवं आत्मनिधि श्री जी महाराज की निश्रा में यह कार्य क्रम श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ आयोजित करेगा.
सभी से पूजा में पधारने की विनती है.
मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी में प. पू. श्री चन्द्रकला श्री जी एवं श्री मणिप्रभा श्री जी महाराज साहब की निश्रा में तिन दिवसीय कार्यक्रम का आयोजन कल से होगा. प्रथम दिन श्री सिद्ध चक्र महापूजन का आयोजन जयपुर के दासोत परिवार के सौजन्य से आयोजित किया जायेगा.
परंपरागत रूप से यह पूजा आश्विन शुक्ल द्वादसी को पंचायती मंदिर में पढाई जाती रही है. आज भी उसी परंपरा का निर्वाह करते हुए यह पूजा पढाई जाएगी.
प. पू. साध्वी श्री संयमनिधि श्री जी एवं आत्मनिधि श्री जी महाराज की निश्रा में यह कार्य क्रम श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ आयोजित करेगा.
सभी से पूजा में पधारने की विनती है.
मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी में प. पू. श्री चन्द्रकला श्री जी एवं श्री मणिप्रभा श्री जी महाराज साहब की निश्रा में तिन दिवसीय कार्यक्रम का आयोजन कल से होगा. प्रथम दिन श्री सिद्ध चक्र महापूजन का आयोजन जयपुर के दासोत परिवार के सौजन्य से आयोजित किया जायेगा.
नवपद ओली,
नवपद पूजा,
पंचायती मंदिर,
मणिप्रभा श्री,
मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Discussion on Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami in Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch, Jaipur
Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch organized a discussion on Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami today on the eve of the said festival. It is worth noted that Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch has been organizing weekly discussions on various topics since 1983. They organize it every Sinday.
Late Girdharilal Bhargav, MP, Jaipur and Late Dr. Ujala Arora, Minister, Rajasthan were the founder of this Manch.
Darshan Kothari, Chief speaker of the program told that Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami are one of the main festivals of Hindu Communities. Dasahara is a Kshatriya festival according to Hinduism. Rakhi is for Brahmins, Diwali for Vaisya and Holi for Shudra communities. These classifications are according to work distributions. All four sects celebrate and enjoy all four festivals. However, the nature of these festivals are liable for such classification. Kshatriya community worship their arms and weapons on the eve of Dasahara.
Rajasthan is the land of brave Rajputs. Hence, Dasahara has a great importance for them.
It is Vijaya Dasami in West Bengal. Bengali community enjoys "Kolakoli" in this day. Vijaya Dasami comes just after Durga Puja, the greatest festival of Bengal. Lord Rama (Ram) conquered Ravan (Demon King) on this day.
Tejkaran Parashar told that Dasahara is the establishment day of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a great volunteer organization of India.
Advocate Pradip Chouhan extended vote of thanks to the audience.
Posted by: Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) professional.)
Late Girdharilal Bhargav, MP, Jaipur and Late Dr. Ujala Arora, Minister, Rajasthan were the founder of this Manch.
Darshan Kothari, Chief speaker of the program told that Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami are one of the main festivals of Hindu Communities. Dasahara is a Kshatriya festival according to Hinduism. Rakhi is for Brahmins, Diwali for Vaisya and Holi for Shudra communities. These classifications are according to work distributions. All four sects celebrate and enjoy all four festivals. However, the nature of these festivals are liable for such classification. Kshatriya community worship their arms and weapons on the eve of Dasahara.
Rajasthan is the land of brave Rajputs. Hence, Dasahara has a great importance for them.
It is Vijaya Dasami in West Bengal. Bengali community enjoys "Kolakoli" in this day. Vijaya Dasami comes just after Durga Puja, the greatest festival of Bengal. Lord Rama (Ram) conquered Ravan (Demon King) on this day.
Tejkaran Parashar told that Dasahara is the establishment day of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a great volunteer organization of India.
Advocate Pradip Chouhan extended vote of thanks to the audience.
Posted by: Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) professional.)
Durga Puja,
Hindu Communities,
Vijaya Dasami
Navpad Oli is being celebrated in Malpura Dadabadi with enthusiasm
Navpad Oli has a great significance in Jainism. Jain community worship Navpad during these nine days of Navpad Oli. It begins on Ashwin Shukla Saptami and Ends on Ashwin Shukla Purnima, the Sharad Purnima (October 14 to 22, 2010).
Reverend Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji Maharaj are staying with their disciples in Malpura Dadabadi for Chaturmas. Navpad Oli is being celebrated in their auspices.
Daily Pujan and all Vidhi Vidhan are going on in Malpura. A good number of devotees are observing Ayambil Tap to worship Navpad alias Siddhachakra.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan will be organized on October 20 and Navpad Puja on 21st. There will also be "Ratri Jagaran" (Bhakti Sandhya) on 21 followed by Dadaguru Dev Pujan on the eve of Sharad Purnima on 22nd.
Dasot family of Jaipur is sponsoring Navpad Oli program and Mahamwal family of Jaipur is sponsoring Sharad Purnima program.organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh.
Reverend Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji Maharaj are staying with their disciples in Malpura Dadabadi for Chaturmas. Navpad Oli is being celebrated in their auspices.
Daily Pujan and all Vidhi Vidhan are going on in Malpura. A good number of devotees are observing Ayambil Tap to worship Navpad alias Siddhachakra.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan will be organized on October 20 and Navpad Puja on 21st. There will also be "Ratri Jagaran" (Bhakti Sandhya) on 21 followed by Dadaguru Dev Pujan on the eve of Sharad Purnima on 22nd.
Dasot family of Jaipur is sponsoring Navpad Oli program and Mahamwal family of Jaipur is sponsoring Sharad Purnima program.organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh.
Malpura: A pilgrimage center of Dada Jin Kushal Suri (With Photos)
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Arihant on the first day..
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Siddha Pad on the second..
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Acharya" on the third...
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Upadhyaya" Pad on fourth...
Festival of India: Navpad Oli in Jainism
avpad Oli,
Jain community,
Malpura Dadabadi,
Sharad Purnima
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Presented by: Jyoti Kothari
Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a ISO 9000 professional.
These articles are on different topics such as Gems and Jewelry, Yoga, Business, Profession and Science.
Presented by: Jyoti Kothari
Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a ISO 9000 professional.
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