

Friday, September 4, 2015

Indian President did not speak about Non-Congress Prime Ministers

Pranab Mukherjee addressing at MDU
Pranab Mukherjee, Honorable President of India, taught school students today at Rajendra Sarvoday Vidyalay in Rashtrapati Bhavan.  It is a welcome step that the constitutional Head of India came forward to teach school students on September 5, Teacher's Day. He taught about the history of Indian democracy and shared his vision and experience. He spoke about several Congress Prime Ministers including Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajeev Gandhi, Narsimha Rao and Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Surprisingly, he did not speak anything about any of the Non-Congress Prime Ministers while describing democracy and democratic strength of India. Does only Congress bring democracy in India? Can democracy exist without opposition parties?  He forgot Morarji Desai, first ever Non-Congress Prime Minister or even Atal Vehari Bajpayee, three times PM of India. I don't know why he escaped mentioning any of the Non-Congress Prime Ministers. However, it was his privilege.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also addressed school students and interacted with them. It was the first time when both the top leaders, Honorable President, and the Prime Minister. Anyway, today will be remembered for very long time for this honor to the teachers.

Jyoti Kothari, ( Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)

Attribution: By MDU Rohtak [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


Saturday, August 15, 2015

सावन की तीज: प्रकृति और महिलाओं का त्यौहार

themed nature jewellery sawan ki teej
कदम्ब पुष्प अंगूठी: सावन की तीज

 परसों १७ अगस्त, २०१५  सावन की तीज है. यह प्रकृति और खास कर महिलाओं का त्यौहार है. चारों ओर हरियाली हो, कदम्ब के पुष्प खिले हों, वर्षा से स्नात हो कर रूपसियों की विकसित रोम राजी जैसी महकते कदम्ब के बृक्ष में बंधा हुआ झूला हो, हाथों में मेहंदी रचाये सोलह श्रृंगार कर स्त्रियां नाचती गाती अपनी मस्ती में झूमती हुई वन बिहार करती हों तो वो कहलाता है सावन का तीज या हरियाली तीज. क्या है यह त्यौहार और इसका भारतीय संस्कृति में महत्व?

सावन का महीना चौमासे अर्थात वर्षा ऋतू का पहला महीना होता है. झूमते बादल के साथ इठलाती वर्षा रानी पूरी प्रकृति को आनंदित कर देती है. बरसात की फुहार सुखी और गरम धरती को न सिर्फ शीतल करती है परन्तु उसमे नया जीवन भी फूँक देती है. हर तरफ हरियाली का साम्राज्य फैलने लगता है और प्रकृति नवीन जीवन के पल्लवन से सृजन की खुशियों से भर उठती है. ऐसे आनंदोत्सव में महिलाएं क्यों न सम्मिलित हों? आखिर स्त्रियों को भी तो प्रकृति ही कहा गया है, वे भी तो सृजनहार ही हैं.

कहा जाता है की वृन्दावन में कृष्ण कन्हैय्या अपनि प्रियतमा राधा रानी के साथ वन और उद्यानों में गोपियों संग क्रीड़ा करते थे. कदम्ब के पुष्पों से महकती बृन्दावन की कुञ्ज गलिन में हिंडोले में बैठ कर झूला झूलते थे. वर्षा की बूंदों से आनंदित मयूर गण भी वहां आकर अपनी  नृत्यकला से मानो राधा कृष्ण को रिझाने में लगे रहते थे. राधा की सखियाँ अर्थात बृंदावन की गोपियाँ भी मस्ती में झूमते हुए मानो नृत्यकला में मयूरों को भी पीछे छोड़ देना चाहती थी, तब ऐसे मनती थी सावन की तीज.

कदम्ब के पुष्पों का भारतीय साहित्य में बहुलता से वर्णन है. किसी की प्रसन्न चित्तता बताने के लिए प्रायः कदम्ब के पुष्पों की उपमा दी जाती थी. जब ख़ुशी से किसी के रोम-रोम पुलकित होते थे तो उसकी उपमा धारास्नात कदम्ब के पुष्पों से दी जाती थी और उसकी महक का तो कहना ही क्या?

राजस्थान में सावन की तीज का महत्व बहुत अधिक है, वीरों की ये धरती लगभग प्यासी ही रहती है, रेगिस्तान में पानी का महत्त्व क्या है यह तो वहां के रहवासी ही जान सकते हैं. यूँ तो वर्षा सभी जगह आवश्यक एवं आनंद दायक होती है परन्तु राजस्थान के मरुस्थल की बात कुछ विशेष ही है. और इसलिए सावन की तीज का महत्त्व भी यहाँ और स्थानो से अधिक ही है।

जिन सौभाग्यवती स्त्रियों के पति प्रवास में रहते थे ऐसी प्रोषित भर्तृका स्त्रियों के पति भी प्रायः वर्षा ऋतू में प्रवास से घर वापस आ जाते थे. लम्बे इंतज़ार के बाद अपने प्रियतम  से मिलन की अद्भुत ख़ुशी सावन के तीज के त्यौहार में चार चान्द लगा देती थी तभी तो स्त्रियां सोलह श्रृंगार कर अपने प्रियतम के साथ वन बिहार को जाती थी और उन्मुक्त प्रकृति का आनंद लेती थी. ऐसे अवसर पर किसी भी स्त्री के पीहर पक्ष वाले अपनी बहन या बेटी के लिए श्रृंगार की सामग्री, आभूषण, स्वादिष्ट पकवान आदि भेजा करते थे. श्रृंगार सामग्री भेजने की यही प्रथा अब सिंजारा कहलाती है.

मंद मंद सुरभित पवन के बीच झूले में झूलना, नव-पल्लवित लता गुल्मो के बीच अठखेली करते दम्पति-युगल, पति - पत्नी अथवा प्रेयसि- प्रेमी के मिलन को एक अनिर्वचनीय अानन्द की अनुभूति से भर देता था.

चित्र-परिचय: ऊपर के चित्र में कदम्ब वन में पुष्पों पर मंडराते-गुंजारव करते हुए भौंरे और स्त्रियों का प्रिय आभूषण अंगूठी को दर्शाया गया है. अंगूठी की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता भौंरे को भी भ्रमित कर रही है और वो उसे ही फूल मान कर उधर आकर्षित हो रहा है. ऐसे ही और भी चित्र देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें.

ज्योति कोठारी 
वर्धमान जेम्स, जयपुर



Friday, July 10, 2015

I am enjoying my work

I am enjoying my work very much, really enjoying. I am working for my Gems and Jewelry Company, Vardhaman Gems. This is doing very well online. We have scored 11000 likes in Facebook in just three months, that too, without advertising or buying likes. All these facebook likes are organic.

Vardhaman Gems decided to provide good quality Diamond Jewelry in 18K gold (Hallmarked) in a reasonable price to online customers and had created an e-Commerce website for online shopping. We have promoted the page in Facebook and have been receiving an excellent response. I am thankful to all our friends and likers.

I am enjoying in bearing my responsibilities as the advisor, Vardhaman Infotech, an IT Company. Darshan Kothari, my son is running this Company that developed more than 70 Android and IOS mobile Applications for domestic and international clients.

I am also enjoying my life in social services, I used to render. I am enjoying my life with my family, society, countrymen and people worldwide at large and wish all of you enjoy your life.

 Jyoti Kothari, ( Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Saturday, October 4, 2014

देश को चाहिए चौकीदार India needs watchmen

भारत को चाहिए चौकीदार। ऐसे सशक्त पहरेदार जो देश में पनपनेवाली हर बुराई पर पैनी नज़र रख सके और लोगों को आगाह कर सकें।  हमारे प्रधान मंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने भारत को एक सशक्त एवं उन्नत देश बनाने का संकल्प लिया है और उस दिशा में निरंतर कदम बढ़ा रहे हैं. परन्तु वे अकेले क्या कर सकते हैं? देश में हर जगह गन्दगी, गरीबी और भ्रष्टाचार व्याप्त है जो की देश की तरक्की में वाधक बना हुआ है.

मोदीजी कहते हैं की यदि हर भारतवासी एक कदम चलेगा तो देश १२५ करोड़ कदम आगे बढ़ जायेगा। उनके इस आह्वान पर हमने भी साथ चलने का निश्चय किया है और इसी उद्देश्य से यह लिख रहा हूँ. हमें कई बार ऐसा लगता है की हम अकेले क्या कर सकते हैं> मैं एक सरल उपाय बताता हूँ.

अभी दो दिन पहले गांधी जयंती के अवसर पर माननीय प्रधान मंत्री जी ने स्वच्छ भारत अभियान की शुरुआत की और पांच वर्ष में लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने की बात कही. अब आप जहाँ कहीं गन्दगी देखें बस उसका एक फोटो खिंच लें. उसे संवंधित अधिकारी तक पहुचाये और सफाई का आग्रह करें। यदि आप स्वयं उसे साफ़ कर सकें तब तो बहुत अच्छी बात होगी पर काम क्से काम अधिकारी तक बात पंहुचा तो सकते ही हैं. यदि इतना करना भी मुश्किल हो तो कम से कम फेसबुक में एक पोस्ट तो कर ही सकते हैं.

इस काम के लिए मैने फेसबुक में एक ग्रुप बनाया है चौकीदार। आज इस ग्रुप को बनाते के साथ ही करीब सौ लोगों ने इसे ज्वाइन किया है. आप भी इसे ज्वाइन करें और जहाँ गन्दगी दिखे इसमें उसकी फोटो पोस्ट कर दें. साथ में जगह का पता देना न भूलें। यदि संभव हो तो वहां दूसरे दिन दुबारा जा कर देखें की गन्दगी साफ़ हुई या नहीं। यदि नहीं हुई हो तो मैसेज के साथ इसे दोबारा पोस्ट कर दें. इससे लोगों में जागरूकता बढ़ेगी और संवंधित अधिकारी एवं कर्मचारियों पर दवाव बढ़ेगा। हो सकता है किसी भले आदमी के मन में आ जाए और वो ही इसे साफ़ कर दें.

इतना तो आप जरूर कर सकते हैं.  मैं प्रयास करूँगा की इस ग्रुप का लिंक PMO India से भी हो जाये जिससे आपकी बात सीधे मोदीजी तक भी पहुँच सके. आज के दिन में मोबाइल व इंटरनेट के कारण यह एक बहुत ही आसान काम है पर इसका असर बहुत दूरगामी होनेवाला है. क्या हम नहीं चाहते की हमारा देश स्वच्छ और साफ़ सुथरा रहे? तो देर कैसी? काम शुरू कर दें.. प्रभु आपका मंगल करेगा!!

बनिए भारत के चौकीदार

India needs watchmen

The nation needs watchmen. Hundreds and thousands of watchmen चौकीदार who can keep their eyes on anything wrong happening in the country. Fortunately, we have got Narendra Modi as our PM who wants to work day and night for the betterment of the people and development of India.
However, we know that the corrupt and inefficient system does not allow him to work. It is, therefore, our duty as citizens of India to work as watchmen. The present task is cleaning India.
Whenever and wherever you see dirt report here. Please take a picture from your camera or mobile phone and upload here with a description of the location.
It will be better if you follow the place and report the next day whether the garbage is there or it is cleaned. Please do this for few days and you will see that the officials responsible for cleaning will be alert.
Can we contribute a little to clean India? Please click here to join 
Jyoti Kothari   (Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Research scholar Borayin Larios from Heidelberg, Germany in Jaipur

Sri Suparshwa Nath, the main deity at the temple

Colorful Roof painting at Sri Suparshwa Nath temple, Jaipur

Research scholar Borayin Larios from Heidelberg, Germany is in Jaipur and researching on antique jewelry using garnet gemstones. He has been here for a month and working with me continually to find useful clues. There are a few pieces of antique Jewelry in museums in Germany that have garnet (flat cut) inlaid into them. There is a probability that garnet stones used in these 1500 years old jewelry are from India.

 Borayin Larios was a student of comparative religion and studied the Vedas for his Doctoral program. He has changed his name to "Maitreya" (An Indian name in Sanskrit) inspired by his spiritual Guru. I am helping him as a gemstone dealer. I am also working with him on finding Jain texts about gemstones and jewelry.

He visited S J Public School today (October 1, 2014)  with me and delivered a lecture among the management, teachers, and students of the prestigious school. He said that 2nd October, the next day, is Gandhi Jayanti who fought all of his life with the weapon of Ahimsa. He linked the environment with Ahimsa and asked everyone to go with nature and not to pollute and contaminate the mother earth.

We had been at Sri Suparshwa Nath Shwetambar Jain temple, Johri Bazar a few days back where he shot some beautiful snaps of the temple. I have posted a few of these pictures at the top of the blog. 

Jyoti Kothari, (Proprietor, of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is an adviser, to Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also an ISO 9000 professional)


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Poorn Chandra Jain, a freedom fighter and true Sarvoday leader

Poorn Puran Chandra Jain Tunklia, Freedom fighter and Sarvoday leader
Poorna Chandra Jain Tunklia
Poorna Chandra Jain (Puran Chand Tunkalia), a multi dimensional personality was born on 19th September, 1909. He was a highly qualified person of his time who obtained post graduate degree from Agra University.  Poorna chandraji started his career as a teacher on request of the Jobner thakur (a chieftain under Jaipur estate).

Soon after that, he got attracted to the freedom movement and joined Jaipur Rajya Prajamandal (the flagship organization of freedom fighters in princely states under British rule). He soon occupied the centre stage of freedom movement in Jaipur because of his sharpness, straightforwardness and commitment.

He was also the chief Editor of “Lokvani”, the most popular Hindi daily in Jaipur. Besides freedom movement, he made his presence strongly felt in the literary circles of the nation. He led social reforms in the city; he started criticizing social evils of that time and attacked those making his articles weapon against the same. His articles even embarrassed the monks and nuns of his own Jain community.

He contributed a lot for the educational development in the city. He decided not to join active politics post independence. Though he was sure to be inducted as a minister in the first ever popular ministry formed in Rajasthan after independence, he decided to remain in the field of constructive work and social service. He was the main leader in Rajasthan in Bhoodan movement launched by Saint Vinoba Bhave.

Poorn Chandra Jain sitting with Saint Vinoba Bhave (Group photo)
He was founder of several social and voluntary organizations within and outside Jaipur including Prakritrik chikitsalaya (a renowned Naturopathy center). He was an all India figure in regard to Sarvodaya movement, the movement for prohibition of Alcohol etc.

He worked in close association with Sri Jay Prakash Narayan (JP), the most popular leader of that time. In early seventies, they worked together for surrender of dreaded dacoits of Chambal valley. Many of the dreaded dacoits came forward and surrendered their weapons and took oath of “Ahimsa” before him.

At the age of 75, Poorna Chandra ji decided to relinquish all the official positions. He was so firm on his decision that repeated attempts by the then chief minister Mr. Bhairon Singh Shekhawat ( who was very close to him too) also failed to persuade him to accept the chairmanship of a govt. body under which he would have been entitled for a cabinet minister ranking.

He wrote a hand-note on January 14 and handed it over to his family members on August 1, 1995. He clearly instructed not to perform any rituals and not to call any of his family members from outside the city after his death except funeral and Utavna. His family members followed his instructions after his death. 

Jaipur will celebrate his 105th birthday tomorrow September 19, 2014 at Vani Mandir, Bapunagar to pay homage to their reverend leader who worked selflessly for his whole life. I have got details from Ajay Tunkalia, his grand son about his personality and work. I am publishing this article editing those details for your perusal.

Photographs of Birth day celebration at Vani Mandir

Jyoti Kothari with Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Dr VS Vyas, former consultant to PM of India
Jyoti Kothari speech, Vani MandirC P Bhatt, V S Vyas and Ajay Tunkalia at Dias 

Jyoti Kothari among Dignified audience at Puran Chand Tunkalia memorial lecture in Jaipur
Audience at Vani Mandir, Poorn Chandra Jain memorial lecture
Jyoti Kothari, (Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

বিধানসভা উপ নির্বাচনে বি জে পী এলো তৃনমূলের সমকক্ষে

শমিক ভট্টাচার্য, বসিরহাট দক্ষিণ থেকে জয়ী

আজ পশ্চিম বঙ্গে বিধানসভা উপ নির্বাচনের ফলের ঘোষনা হলো. বসিরহাট দক্ষিনে  বি জে পী প্রত্যাশী শমিক ভট্টাচার্য তৃনমূলের প্রত্যাশী কে হারিয়ে জয়লাভ করলেন। সি পি এম এবং কংগ্রেস প্রত্যাশী ক্রমশ তৃতীয় এবং চতুর্থ স্থানে থাকলেন। এই সিটে কংগ্রেস প্রার্থীর জামানত বাজেয়াপ্ত হয়েছে। 
চৌরঙ্গী (কলকাতা) আসন অবশ্য তৃনমূলের প্রত্যাশী জয়ী হয়েছেন কিন্তু এইখানে ও বি জে পী দ্বিতীয় স্থান পেয়েছে। কংগ্রেস এবং  সি পি এম প্রত্যাশী ক্রমশ তৃতীয় এবং চতুর্থ স্থানে থাকলেন। পশ্চিম বঙ্গে বিধানসভা উপ নির্বাচনে বি জে পী এলো তৃনমূলের সমকক্ষে। উভয় দল ই এক - এক টি আসনে জয়লাভ করেছে এবং এক - এক টি আসনে দ্বিতীয় স্থানে থেকেছে। কংগ্রেস এবং  সি পি এম এক - এক টি আসনে তৃতীয় এবং চতুর্থ স্থানে থাকলেন।

এই নির্বাচন ইঙ্গিত করছে যে বি জে পি পশ্চিমবঙ্গে একটি বিশিষ্ট রাজনৈতিক শক্তি হিসেবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছে। বাংলার মানুষ এখন এই দল কে তৃনমূলের বিকল্প হিসেবে দেখতে শুরু করেছে। বিশেষ দ্রস্টব্য যে বি জে পি প্রথম বার একক ভাবে বিধানসভা নির্বাচন লডেছে। সাধারনত দেখা যায় যে উপ নির্বাচনে শাসক দল ই জয় লাভ করে কিন্তু এইবার বি জে পি নিজেকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করতে পেরেছে।

কংগ্রেস এবং  সি পি এম উভয় দল ই বাংলার রাজনীতি তে নিজেদের ভূমিকা স্থাপিত করতে পারছে না. জয়লাভ করার পারে তার প্রথম প্রতিক্রিয়ায় শমিক দা বললেন যে বসিরহাটের মানুষ তাকে বিধানসভায় পাঠিয়েছে এবং তিনি বিধানসভা দেখে আসবেন যাতে ২০১৬ তে অনেক যান কে নিয়ে যেতে পারেন।

Jyoti Kothari,
In Charge, West Bengal,
Narendra Modi Vichar Manch


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hindu and Jain festivals in September - October 2014

Flower decoration in Diwali in Jaipur

The season for Hindu and Jain festivals have tarted. there are many in this September and coming  October 2014. Large numbers of people search for dates of festivals and want to know significance and importance of these Hindu and Jain festivals.

I have written several detailed media rich articles with related photos and videos in Hubpages where I I love to write on various topics. First of all I am writing about the festivals of Shraddh Paksh (Pitru Paksh),  Navratri, Durga Puja and Dashara - Vijaya Dasami (Hindu festivals), Navpad Oli (Jain festival) and Dhan Teras - Diwali along with dates of these Indian festivals. Diwali festival includes Govardhan Pooja and Bhai Dooj.

Most of these festivals are celebrated not only in India but worldwide by Indian communities.  I hope you will celebrate and enjoy these festivals on dates mentioned below according to your faith and belief.

Shraddh Paksh Pitri Paksh in 2014

Shraddh Paksh (Pitri Paksh) starts from September 9, Tuesday in 2014. It will be ended with Mahalaya Shraddh on Wednesday, September 24. Navratri will be starting from the next day September 25. Please click below to read articles for detailed information.
Hindu festival in India: Shraddh Paksh: Pitri Paksh

Ashwina Navratri and Dashara dates in 2014

Sharadiya Navratri (Ashwin) starts from September 25 Thursday this year 2014. Shashthi will be on September 30 and Maha Saptami, Ashtami and Navami will be falling on October 1, 2, and 3 respectively.Dashara alias Vijaya Dasami will be on Saturday, October 4, 2014. Click the link below:

Navpad oli dates in 2014

Navpad oli (Ashwin) will be starting from Tuesday, September 30 and will be ended on Sharad Poornima, Wednesday, October 8 in this year 2014.  Please click below to read articles for detailed information.

Dhan Teras and Diwali dates in 2014

Happy Diwali!
Dhan Teras will be falling on Tuesday, October 21 in the year 2014. Diwali will be on Thursday October 23. Roop Chaudas will be on October 22. Nirvan Laddu and Govardhan Pooja will be on 24th and Bhai Dooj on October 25. Get details by clicking 
I believe that you will get useful and interesting information with related photos and relevant videos in these articles. Please feel free to comment on those. You can also share those articles in social media.  

Jyoti Kothari, (Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Situation of husband according to Goswami Tulsidas

I have received an Email from Sri Surendra Bothra and found interesting. I am posting this with his comment.

Satya Vachan..
Do not under estimate the power of women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful depiction of the universal reality . Goswami Tulsi Das said — "नारि-विवश नर सकल गुसॉंई, नाचहिं नर मरकट की नाईं।" (All men are helpless in front of their women. They have to dance like a monkey to the tune of the owner).

If you want to change the world, do it when you are still a bachelor.
After marriage,  you can't even change a TV channel!!!

Listening to wife is like reading the terms conditions of website.........
You understand Nothing, still you click .......

Chess is the only game in the world, which reflects the status of the husband.
The poor king can take only one step at a time ..........
While the mighty queen can do whatever she likes.

 All Men are Brave,  Horror Movies don't scare them............
 But 5 Missed Calls from Wife ..surely.

Comment by Sri Surendra Bothra
Hi there!
This is for the males of the family to gracefully accept the reality and for the females of the family to rejoice with just a little shyness that the secret is out!!!

Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Helping German research scholar in Jaipur researching garnet gemstones

Borayin Larios, a research scholar from Heidelberg, Germany had arrived in Jaipur, India a few days back and met me. He is researching about origins of garnet in India. In fact, he is in search of some historical facts about garnet in India.

There are several pieces of antique jewelry studded with garnet are kept in European museums. Garnet studded in these jewelry look like rubies. These uncut garnets are thin like paper. Jewelry makers put thin flaps of silver beneath the gemstones that enhance the color and brightness of the same. 

Borayin Larios has brought some pictures of this jewelry that he showed me. The origins of a few of these garnets are identified in the lab testing. However, it is unknown in most of the cases. It is assumed that those garners are from the Indian sub-continent.

There are several garnet mines in Rajasthan, Orissa, Andra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and some other places in India. His topic of research is to find garnet mines in India and take samples for identification. 

Borayin Larios had come to India for religious studies several times. He has studied the Vedas in Maharashtra and south Indian provinces. He has taken an Indian Name Maitreyee and knows Sanskrit and Hindi languages. 

It is the first time he has been to Jaipur and with a different purpose. He will study garnet and its history in India and also investigate its cultural and religious significance. He will also study contexts in
Jain canons and texts.

As I used to support foreign research scholars visiting India, I have promised him to help and support in his research.

Jyoti Kothari (Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is an adviser, to Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also an ISO 9000 professional)


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Paryushan, the greatest Festival of India's Jain Community

Paryushan, the greatest Festival of India's Jain Community


What is Paryushan for Jain community?


Paryushan is an Indian festival celebrated by the Jain community as a spiritual occasion to purify the soul. Paryushan will be starting from Friday, August 22, 2014, in this year. Shwetambar Jain community will observe eight days of Paryushan between August 22 and 29. Samvatsari will be observed on August 29. Some of the Swetambar sects will observe Paryushan a day later i.e. Aug 23 to Aug 30.

This is a festival of self-realization. The Sanskrit word Paryushan means living with yourself. It is called Pajjosavan in Prakrit, another ancient oriental language. Auspicious festivals are called Parva in Sanskrit and Pavva in Prakrit language. Paryushan is the greatest and holiest festival for the Jain community.

One has to practice controlling his or her body, speeches and mind to get control over oneself during the days of Paryushan. Paryushan is meant for observing principles of Jainism as told by Lord Mahavira and other Tirthankara. People observe the right knowledge (Samyag Gyan), right faith (Samyag Darshan), and right conduct (Samyag Charitra) three gems of Jain spirituality.

Paryushan is also for austerity and penance like other Jain festivals. People go through self-realization and purification of themselves. Samvatsari, the last day is forgiveness and universal friendship day. People ask pardon from each other for all misdeeds during the year and spread the eternal love.

Please subscribe to धर्म व अध्यात्म channel to see videos about Paryushan and other Jain topics.

Image: Samavasharana

What do the Jain do in Paryushan?


The ultimate goal of Jainism is attaining liberation, Nirvana. Jain people observe various spiritual things for self-realization during these auspicious days. They do Pooja and pray in the Jain temples (to show devotion to God), God in Jainism means differently. Arhant and Siddh are called God according to Jain texts. They are omniscient and omnipotent but do not interfere with any mundane activities. Jain does not believe in a creator God.

Ashtanhika Pravachan is a sacred Jain text that describes the duties of a Jain in the holy days of Paryushan. It is a general practice among some sects in Jain that ascetics read out this text in the first two or three days of the eight auspicious days.

Kalpasutra is one of the main Jain canons that describe a lot about Paryushan. It is a normal practice to listen to discourses from the Kalpasutra during Paryushan. The canon includes lives of Tirthankara, Lives of famous ancient ascetics and dos and don'ts for the Jain ascetics.

Image: Mahavira Swami Temple Kolkata

Jain people observe rituals like Samayik (an act of practicing equanimity) and Pratikraman (an act of confession), take vows, bow down to ascetics, listen to spiritual teachers, reading sacred canons, etc.

Jain Sharavak (layman) and Shravika (a laywoman) also observe fast and other acts of austerity and penance. They also chant Mantra especially Navkar Mantra using a rosary, sing devotional songs, and observe Paushadh (live like ascetics).

Both Jain ascetics and laymen observe these acts rigorously to purify soul with an aim to attain Nirvana, liberation.

Paryushan is also called Ashtanhika that means it lasts for eight days. The last day is called Samvatsari. Both Jain layman and ascetics to perform Samvatsarik Pratikraman (Annual confession) and ask pardon from all creatures in the universe with a pure heart for any misdeeds. This the act that promotes eternal love and universal brotherhood. This also brings peace.

Antagadhdashang Sutra is another Jain canon that describes the souls who liberated in the same birth. Some sects of Jain ascetics also give discourses from this canon during Paryushan days.

Tatwartha Sutra alias Moksha Shastra by Umaswati is a great Jain text that contains the gist of all Jain canons. The holy book contains ten chapters describing the complete path of Nirvana (Moksha- liberation) and also the substance of the universe. Digambar Jain sect listens to these ten chapters during ten days of Das Lakshan Parva.

(NB: Old manuscripts of Kalpasutra contain many miniature paintings. These are the oldest miniature paintings in the world. The oldest manuscript is preserved in a museum in Germany. We have displayed a few of Kalpasutra miniature paintings with gold pen in this hub below.)

Image: Sisters of Sthulibhadra, Kalpasutra old manuscript

Das Lakshan- Digambar Paryushan

The word Das Lakshan means ten attributes of Dharma. These are qualities of a soul such as forgiveness, modesty, simplicity, truthfulness, purity, etc. These are the same or at least similar to the virtues observed in Paryushan.

Paryushan falls in Bhadrapad or Bhado month of the lunar calendar during Chaturmas. Shwetambar sect observes it for eight days and Digambar sect of Jain for ten days. Digambar also calls it Das Lakshan Parva. The auspicious festival usually comes in August or September in Gregorian calendar

Ashadh Chaturmas (Four months of monsoon) has special characteristics in Jain faith. Jain ascetics live in one place during these four months. These four months are Sharavan, Bhadra, Ashwin and Kartik of Indian lunar calendar. In the rest of the eight months, they travel regularly barefoot from a place to another.

Digambar Jain celebrates Paryushan as Das Lakshan Parva. There are ten attributes of Dharma according to Jain canons. Especially Tatvarthadhigama Sutra alias Moksha Shastra describes these ten attributes of Dharma (Spirituality) in detail. These are

1. Uttam Kshama (Forgiveness)
2. Uttam Mardav (Modesty)
3. Uttam Arjav (Simplicity)
4. Uttam Shauch (Purity)
5. Uttam Satya (Truthfulness)
6. Uttam Sanyam (Self-control)
7. Uttam Tapa (Penance and austerity)
8. Uttam Tyag (Sacrifice)
9. Uttam Aakinchanya (Non-possessiveness)
10. Uttam Bhramcharya (Chastity)

These are eternal and internal qualities of a pure soul. A mundane soul tries to achieve these qualities (Virtues) in order to progress in the spiritual path. Digambar Jain community celebrates Das Lakshan Parva to worship these ten attributes.

Paryushan: The true way to liberation


Nirvana is liberation from all earthly miseries. We, ourselves are responsible for all our miseries. ignorance of thyself is the fundamental reason for all sorrows. Mundane souls, ignorant of thyself act and behave sinfully in search of earthly and sensual pleasure. They act through their body, their senses, their speeches, and their minds. They act with astringent and loose peace of mind. Seldom they are virtuous.

These acts and behavior make mundane souls restless and unhappy. The dilemma is that they are ignorant of the causes of their sorrow and unhappiness. Spirituality shows them the true way to get rid of all miseries and sorrows through three Gems (Virtues) as Lord Mahavira taught the path.

Paryushan is the auspicious festival of spirituality and time to practice the virtues Samyag Darshan (Right faith), Samyag Gyan (Right knowledge i.e. wisdom) and Samyag Charitra (Right conduct).

Attaining equanimity through meditation is the apex of all spiritual deeds observed in the Paryushan. An intense degree of meditation liberates mundane souls from all Karmic bondage and help to attain omniscience and Nirvana.

May heaven bless you with these virtues to attain Nirvana free from all Karmic bondage and liberated from all miseries!

Paryushan In Varanasi

Bhelupur Parshwanath Temple, Varanasi

 Varanasi is a Jain pilgrimage center where 16 Kalyanaka of four Tirthankara took place. Bhelupur is the most prominent place in Varanasi where four Kalyanaka of Lord Parasnath occurred. Bhelupur is also a Jain district in Varanasi where large numbers of Jain community members live in.

I have been observing my Paryushan herein Bhelupur temple and Dharmshala. I give discourse in the morning on Ashtanhika (First two days) and Kalpasutra (Last six days) in the morning among Swetambar Jain community members of Varanasi.

There are daily Pooja, Abhishek, Snatra, Aangi and Pratikraman observed in this premise. Several Jain students studying in IIT at BHU used to come to join us in a religious ceremony.

Updated on August 23, 2014.


Jyoti Kothari (Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is an adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Monday, June 2, 2014

বাংলার বিজেপি নেতা তপন সিকদার প্রয়াত

প্রাক্তন কেন্দ্রিয মন্ত্রী তপন সিকদার

অত্যন্ত দুঃখের অঙ্গে জানাতে হচ্ছে যে বাংলার বিজেপি নেতা এবং প্রাক্তন কেন্দ্রিয মন্ত্রী শ্রী তপন সিকদার প্রয়াত। দীর্ঘ অসুস্থাবাস্থার পর তিনি দিল্লির AIIMS হাসপাতালে ২ জুন সকালে দেহত্যাগ করলেন। পশ্চিম বঙ্গে বিজেপি কে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করতে তার যোগদান অতুলনীয়। তিনি ছিলেন বাংলার অন্যতম বরিষ্ঠ বিজেপি নেতা। পশ্চিম বঙ্গে বিজেপির সংগঠন গড়ে তুলতে তার অবদান অতুলনীয়।

১৯৯৯ সালে তিনি প্রথম বার দমদম লোকসভা নির্বাচন কেন্দ্র থেক্র নির্বাচিত হন এবং অটল বিহারী বাজপেয়ীর কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রী পরিষদে স্থান পান. ভারতের দূরসঞ্চার মন্ত্রী হিসেবে (১৯৯৯- ২০০৪) তিনি দেশের যথেষ্ট সেবা করেছেন। তপন সিকদার দুই বার লোকসভা থেকে জয়ী হয়েছিলেন। 

লোকসভা নির্বাচন ২০১৪ তে ও তিনি ছিলেন বিজেপি প্রত্যাশী যদি ও এইবার তিনি জিততে পারেন নি. অসুস্থ অবস্থা সত্বে ও তিনি এই নির্বাচনে যথেষ্ট পরিশ্রম করেছিলেন। তার কিডনি খারাপ হয়ে গিয়েছিল এবং সপ্তাহে দুই বার ডায়ালিসিস করতে হত.  শরীর বেশি খারাপ হওয়ার জন্য তাকে AIIMS দিল্লি নিয়ে যাওয়া হয় যেখানে তিনি দেহত্যাগ করলেন। 

দিল্লি বিজেপি দফতরে রাষ্ট্রীয় সভাপতি এবং কেন্দ্রীয় স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রী রাজনাথ সিংহ তার পার্থিব দেহে মাল্যদান করে শক ব্যক্ত করলেন।  প্রধান মন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী ও ট্বীট করে তার প্রতি সম্মান জানালেন।  আজ রাত্রে তার পার্থিব সারির কে কোলকাতা আনা হলো এবং কাল সকালে (৩ জুন, ২০১৪) অন্তিম দর্শনের জন্য রাখা হবে. তারপরে তার অন্ত্যেষ্টি করা হবে.

নরেন্দ্র মোদী বিচার মঞ্চ তার অকাল প্রয়াণের জন্য শোক সন্তপ্ত এবং তার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা ব্যক্ত করছে। ঈশ্বরের কাছে প্রার্থনা যে তার আত্মা শান্তিলাভ করুক। 

জ্যোতি কোঠারী,
প্রভারী, পশ্চিম বঙ্গ,
নরেন্দ্র মোদী বিচার মঞ্চ

বিধানসভা উপ নির্বাচনে বি জে পী এলো তৃনমূলের সমকক্ষে

Narendra Modi triumphed over Congress in Loksabha election 2014

এখন বিজেপি কে পশ্চিম বঙ্গে সংগঠনের কাজ করতে হবে

পশ্চিম বঙ্গে এই নির্বাচনে বিজেপির ভোট শেয়ার তিন গুন হলো


Friday, May 16, 2014

পশ্চিম বঙ্গে এই নির্বাচনে বিজেপির ভোট শেয়ার তিন গুন হলো

পশ্চিম বঙ্গে এই লোকসভা নির্বাচনে বিজেপির ভোট শেয়ার তিন গুন হলো।  পশ্চিম বঙ্গে বিজেপির অস্তিত্ব ছিলো নগন্য এবং বাংলায় ভোটের শতকরা মাত্র ৬. কিন্তু এই নির্বাচনে নরেন্দ্র মোদির হওয়া এবং সংগঠন এর জন্য ভোট শেয়ার বেড়ে হলো ১৮ পার্সেন্ট।  যদি ও বাংলায় বিজেপি বেশি সিট্ পায় নি শুধু এস এস আহলুওয়ালিয়া দার্জিলিং থেকে এবং জনপ্রিয় গায়ক বাবুল সুপ্রিয় আসানসোল থেকে জয়লাভ করেছেন।  বিজেপি দার্জিলিং সিট্ টা বজায় রেখেছে এবং আসানসোল আসন নতুন প্রাপ্ত করেছে।

আমাদের আশা ছিল অন্তত পক্ষে পাঁচ সিট্ কিন্তু ব্যাপক রিগিং এর জন্য সেটা সম্ভব হয় নি ভারতীয় জনতা পার্টি পেল ২ টা সিট্। কোলকাতা উত্তর এবং দক্ষিণ দুই স্থানেই দ্বিতীয় স্থানে সন্তুষ্ট থাকতে হলো. অন্য কয়েক স্থানে ও বিজেপি দ্বিতীয় স্থান প্রাপ্ত করতে পেরেছে। বামদল ও ২ টি আসনে সীমিত হয়ে গেল. কংগ্রেস অন্য রাজ্যে খুব খারাপ করলে ও বাংলায় তারা ৪ সিট  পেয়েছে যদি ও ভোট শেয়ার বিজেপির অর্ধেক মাত্র ৯ পার্সেন্ট।

গোটা ভারতে কিন্তু বিজেপি দারুন করেছে। ইতিহাসে প্রথম বার বিজেপি একাই ২৮৪ নিয়ে নিরঙ্কুশ সংখ্যা গরিষ্ঠতা লাভ করেছে। নদ জোট ৩৩৫. নরেন্দ্র মোদী এইবার হবেন ভারতের প্রধান মন্ত্রী তিনি আজকে বললেন যে এখান কোনো দল নয় দল মত নির্বিশেষে সমগ্র দেশের জন্য তিনি কাজ করবেন।

মমতা দিদির তৃনমূল কংগ্রেস পশ্চিম বঙ্গে ৩৪ আসনে জয়লাভ করেছে তাকে ও জানায় অভিনন্দন এবং আশা করি বাংলার উন্নতির জন্য তিনি কেন্দ্র সরকারের সঙ্গে সহযোগ করে চলবেন।

জ্যোতি কোঠারী,
প্রভারী, পশ্চিম বঙ্গ,
নরেন্দ্র মোদী বিচার মঞ্চ

Narendra Modi triumphed over Congress in Loksabha election 2014

এখন বিজেপি কে পশ্চিম বঙ্গে সংগঠনের কাজ করতে হবে


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Loksabha election results India 2014: BJP moving towards clear majority

BJP is moving towards clear majority in Loksabha election results India 2014 as per present trend. NDA has already crossed three hundred mark and BJP individually is ahead in more than 265 seats. Itis worth noted that a party or an alliance need 272 seats in 543 seats Loksabha to form government with clear majority. 

We have close eyes on the trends from the early morning today and graphs of BJP and NDA are upwards continually whereas graphs of Congress and other parties show downwards trend but TMC and AIDMK. 

Analyzing the present trend we assume that BJP individually will get absolute majority in the Loksabha securing 272+ seats. If we look statewise BJP is winning all seven seats in Delhi and all 26 in Gujrat. It is winning all five seats in Uttarakhand and all two in Goa. BJP is proceeding towards winning all 25 seats in Rajasthan. However, Congress and others may win one or two seats here.

BJP led NDA has come out as biggest gainers and Congress and JDU as the biggest losers. BJP is doing extremely well in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and  Jharkhand. Biggest surprise is coming from Assam where BJP has come out as biggest party leading 8 seats out of 14. BJP will do much better in West Bengal and Tamilnadu too where its presence is negligible. 

Narendra Modi has won Baroda seat and is ahead in Varanasi. Rahul Gandhi has recovered and is now ahead of Smriti Irani, BJP. Kumar Bishwas, AAP has gone to number 4. Ajeet Singh has lost his seat from Bagpat and senior Congress leaders likes of Salman Khursheed, Beniprasad Burma, Kapil Sibbal, Jayprakash Agrawal, Captain Amrinder Singh are loosing their seats according to present trend. Mulayam Singh Yadav is trailing in Ajamgarh seat and Rabdi Devi is trailing behind in Bihar. 

It is obvious that India has voted for BJP and Narendra Modi and he will be Prime Minister of India. BJp has been securing highest ever seats in Loksabha and Congress is marginalized. Congress party will be securing lowest ever seats in history of Loksabha elections.

Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Rahul Gandhi trailing behind: Loksabha election results India 2014

Rahul Gandhi himself is trailing behind from his traditional seat Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. Smriti Irani of BJP is ahead of Rahul Gandhi  as per initial trend coming in Loksabha election results India 2014. This is a blow to Congress party.Theresults are on expected lines and BJP led NDA is ahead in more than 200 seats whereas Congress led UPA is in less than 100 seats. Others are bagging more than hundred seats. We have got trends of about 425 seats and about one hundred trends are about to come out.

Most of the prominent leaders of BJP and NDA including Narendra Modi are ahead in their respective seats whereas mosy of the Congress leaders but Sonia gandhi are trailing behind. AAP is doing well in Punjab and ahead in 4 seats there. Modi id ahead by 42 thousands votes in Baroda and also ahead in Varanasi.

BJP is ahead in 5 seats in West Bengal but JDU has been getting no seat in Bihar so far. Both TMC and Left are doing well along with AIDMK and TRS. However, SP and BSP are losing their grounds.

Thetrends are on the line of prepoll and exit poll surveys. It seems that NDA are moving towards absolute majority and Congress will shrink to two digits. This clearly shows a trend of Narendra Modi wave all over India.

First time in India

Jyoti Kothari
 (Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
