

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Parshwa Padmawati Mahapujan at Mahavira Swami Temple, Kolkata

Presented by: Vardhaman Gems



Friends of Tribal Society is an India wide organization that runs more than 27000 schools in the tribal areas. Schools are situated in remote places i.e. villages, Jungles and hills.

These schools help the tribal for their general basic education, discipline, and ethics. The society provides education free of cost.

The society selects educated persons from the village itself and train them as teachers. The selected teacher then runs the school in his village for two or three hours. Timings are flexible and adjusted according to the local need. The society pays for the salary of the teacher. They also provide furniture, pedagogy and teaching materials such as black boards.

The society have 7000 full time volunteers and thousands of other part timers. 23 offices all over India manages all these.

Powered by: Vardhaman Gems


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Parashnath Temple in Kolkata

Parashnath Temple is a beautiful temple made of glass. The temple is in the tourist map of Kolkata, India. Rai Badridas Bahadoor Mookim built this temple in 1867.

Visit this link for more info.
Parashnath Temple


Monday, July 6, 2009

My last meeting with Manichand Bothra

It is very difficult to believe that my friend Manichand (Manish) Bothra is no more!!

He was a loving and caring personality. He had friends but no enemeys.

He was my childhood friend though much younger. We worked together in Azimganj Mahavira Mandal for long time in seventies and eighties while living in Azimganj.

We could not meet since several years as I live in Jaipur and he was in the native place Azimganj. I could meet him on the occasion of Chaturmaas Pravesha. It was June 30Th night. I reached Azimganj. My friend Sunil, presently secretary, Azimganj Shreesangh called me in the midnight. While meeting him he asked me to conduct the ceremoney next day. Manichnd had been assigned for the same originally. I told Sunil to continue with the original schedule but he forced me to take the charge. Manichand also insisted me to do so. He briefed me about the programme in that night.

On July 1st, morning hours, Sunil had asked me to start the programme but Manichand had some thing else in his mind. He told Sunil that he would rather call me and hand over the charge of announcement. He invited me to conduct the meeting and handed over the charge.

There were several singers in the programme that had to take long time. Due to time constraints I requested him not to sing. He accepted it without opposing. I could not forgive myself if my proposal was carried out. Pujya Maharaj Saheb asked him to sing his bhajan and we all could hear his voice for the last time.

While returning back to Kolkata in the same night, I incidentally met him just outside his shop. I requested him to come with me to residence of Suraj Nowlakha where my baggage were. He denied once as he had to close his shop. I had requested him again to be with me for a while and he accepted. We went together to Suraj and from there to Pujya Maharaj Saheb. While walking I told him to provide me with an audio cassete of Satraha Bhedi puja. I also requested him to collect stories about Azimganj from his father Shree Shitalchand Bothra for this blog. I wanted to get something about Azimganj from his father that could be lost due to his old age.
Who could imagine that Manichand would leave us in two days!!!!

I left Azimganj that day. The next afternoon, in Kolkata Dadabari, the bad news came in. Manichand was hospitalized out of cerebral thrombosis. Sunil reported me in the evening that Manichand was recovering and nothing to be worried. But the next morning he was brought to Kolkataas situation deteriorating. Doctors could not control situation and he was put in ventilator. Situation continued to deteriorate and he was shifted to MRI, Gariahat on 4th of July. He went into deep comma and breathed his last on that very day.

I have lost my loving friend!~! This is an irreparable loss to Azimganj sangh.


साध्वी श्री शशिप्रभा श्री जी का अजीमगंज में चातुर्मास प्रवेश

१ जुलाई २००९ को साध्वी श्री शशिप्रभा श्री जी का अजीमगंज में चातुर्मास प्रवेश महोत्सव पूर्वक हुआ। प्रातः ७ बजे बिस्कुट फैक्ट्री से जुलुश बैंड बाजे सहित रवाना हुआ । सभी लोग परंपरागत शहरवाली पोशाक में थे। चुन्नटदार धोती, केशरिया कुरता व दुपट्टा मन को मोह रहा था। श्री शांतिनाथ स्वामी के मन्दिर में दर्शन करते हुए जुलुश आगे बढ़ा। हर घर के बाहर साध्वी मंडल के स्वागत में बैनर लगा था। हर घर में गहुली कर उनका स्वागत किया गया। बंगाली समाज की औरतें भी स्वागत में पीछे नही थी। वे शंख ध्वनि कर उनके आगमन पर हर्ष व्यक्त कर रहीं थीं।

श्री नेमिनाथजी के पंचायती मन्दिर
में सामूहिक दर्शन व चैत्यवंदन कर साध्वी श्री ने उपाश्रय में प्रवेश किया व सभी को मंगलिका प्रदान किया। उसके बाद जुलुश पुरे जैन पट्टी की परिक्रमा कर फाटक होते हुए सिंघी सदन पहुँचा जहाँ पर भव्य कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया।

सर्व प्रथम साध्वीजी ने मंगलाचरण किया. उसके बाद महिला मंडल, अजीमगंज के द्वारा स्वागत गीत गाया गया. स्थानीय एवं बाहर से पधारे हुए विशिष्ट अतिथिओं को मंच पर आसीन कराया गया एवं उनका बहुमान किया गया। अजीमगंज संघ के मंत्री श्री सुनील चोरडिया ने स्वागत भाषण दिया। अखिल भारतीय खरतर गच्छ महासंघ के अध्यक्ष श्री पदम चंद नाहटा, सम्मेत शिखर तीर्थ के अध्यक्ष श्री कमल सिंह रामपुरिया, कलकत्ता बड़े मन्दिर के मानद मंत्री श्री कांतिलाल मुकीम, मुर्शिदाबाद संघ के पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्री शशि नवलखा, श्री ज्ञान चंद लुनावत, श्री महेंद्र परख, टाटानगर के श्री कमल वैद, बालाघाट की श्रीमती नीता लुनिया आदि ने भी सभा को संवोधित किया।
कलकत्ता के स्वनाम धन्य गायक श्री सुरेन्द्र बेगानी ने अपने भजन से सभी को आह्लादित किया। उनके अलावा मनिचंद बोथरा, मोहित बोथरा, किशोर सेठिया अदि ने भी भजन प्रस्तुत किया। साध्वी श्री के गुरुपूजन का लाभ श्रीमती कुसुमदेवी चोरडिया परिवार ने लिया.
अतिथिओं का स्वागत अजीमगंज श्री संघ के अध्यक्ष श्री शीतल चंद बोथरा, मुर्शिदाबाद संघ के अध्यक्ष श्री ज्योति कोठारी आदि ने अतिथिओं का माल्यार्पण कर, तिलक लगा कर, व स्मृति चिह्न भेंट कर स्वागत किया.
सभा को साध्वी श्री सम्यग्दर्शना श्री जी व साध्वी श्री शशिप्रभा श्री जी ने भी मंगल प्रवचन से लाभान्वित किया. अंत में साध्वी श्री शशिप्रभा श्री जी के मंगलाचरण के साथ सभा का समापन हुआ.

कार्यक्रम का संचालन जयपुर के श्री ज्योति कोठारी ने किया।
सभा के बाद साधर्मी वात्सल्य का आयोजन हुआ।

जैन साधू साध्विओं के चातुर्मास की शास्त्रीय (आगमिक) विधि

See Video:



Thursday, April 23, 2009

Festival of India: Akshaya Tritiya, the auspicious day

Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej is a very special and auspicious day in India. It is religious for Hindus and Jains. Besides religion and spirituality, Akshaya tritiya or Akha Teej has great socio-economic effect in India.

Please read this article to know more:

Festival of India: Akshaya Tritiya, the auspicious day

Vardhaman Gems
Centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

साध्वी श्री श्रद्धान्विता श्री जी महाराज के वर्षी तप का पारना आखा तीज २७। ०४। २००९ को पालीताना में होगा।

परम पूज्य शशिप्रभा श्री जी महाराज की सुशिष्या साध्वी श्री श्रद्धान्विता श्री जी महाराज के वर्षी तप का पारना आखा तीज २७। ०४। २००९ को पालीताना में होगा।
साध्वी श्री श्रद्धान्विता श्री जी महाराज की सांसारिक माता श्रीमती शीला लोढ़ा, धर्मं पत्नी स्वर्गीय श्री इश्वर चंद लोढ़ा एवं मासी श्रीमती सुजाता पारख, धर्मं पत्नी ,श्री नरेन्द्र कुमार पारख के भी वर्षी तप है तथा उनका पारना भी उसी दिन पालिताना में ही होगा।
श्रीमती शीला लोढ़ा एवं श्रीमती सुजाता पारख अजीमगंज निवासी स्वर्गीय श्री धीरेन्द्र पत कोठारी एवं स्वर्गीया श्रीमती कुसुम कुमारी कोठारी की पुत्रियाँ एवं ज्योति कोठारी की बहनें हैं।

२६.४.२००९ को पारने के उपलक्ष्य में पलिताना में पूजा पढ़ाई जायेगी।


Future of computing

Artificial intelligence is the future of computing. Some corporations have alredy started working in this direction. It is expected that AI will lead the future of computing within the next decade.

Courtesy: Vardhaman Gems
Centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry


Jaipur Loksabha candidates

Ghanshyam Tiwari is BJP candidate from Jaipur and Mahesh Joshi is from Congress. It is to be reminded that Jaipur seat was won by late Girdharilal Bhargava, BJP for consecutive six times.

He was declared candidate for BJP. However, the situation is changed because of his sudden and untimely death on 8th March 2009.


Courtesy: Vardhaman Gems
Centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Join Gemworld

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alt="Click to join gemworld"/>

Click to join gemworld


Importance of compulsory voting: Meeting 1352

Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch organized its 1352 th meeting on 19 April, 2009.

Subject: Importance of compulsory voting
Chief Speaker: Professor Ramesh Arora
Chair: Shree Radheyshyam Dhoot

Professor Ramesh Arora urged for compulsory voting. He told that Indians vote @ 55 to 60 percent in average. There was a 58% polling in the last Loksabha election 2004. That means 42% of the voters did not cast their vote. Youth of India casted their votes even at less percentage than the average. They caste @ 54% only. He argued that this is not a good sign for a democracy.
Video 1   
The high profiles, educated and rich class are reluctant to vote. This causes criminals, illiterates and unpopular persons to find themselves in local bodies, assemblies and parliament.
Video 2  
He also stated reasons of non voting and urged to make it compulsory. He added that likes of countries Australia, Chili, Singapore, Switzerland, Belgium, Argentina have already constitutional provision for compulsory voting. He supported his arguments with hard data.
Video 3
Dr. Ujala Arora, former minister, Tejkaran Parashar, Bharati, Rampal, Darshan Kothari, Ashok Barhat and Jyoti Kothari have contributed to the discussion.

Presiding dignitary Shree Radheyshyam Dhoot supported the idea and discussed philosophy and Psyche of voting and democracy. He quoted from Ramcharit Manas in support of his philosophy.
Video post

Jyoti Kothari, additional convener of the Manch conducted the meeting and extended vote of thanks. He appealed all the audience to come forward to boost activities of the Manch to commemorate their beloved convener, late Shree Girdharilal Bhargava, MP, Jaipur.

Update: Gujrat bill for compulsory voting announced by Narendra Modi, Chief minister Gujrat, has ignited the debate again among Indians.

Courtesy: Vardhaman Gems
The Jewellers of Jaipur


Friday, April 17, 2009

Articles: Economy and Finance

There are some articles about economy and finance. comparison of economies of different countries in the world.

I have also written an article about Dhirubhai Ambani and tried to reveal some of his business secrets.
Please click below to read this articles.

Comparison of Indian economy with US, EU, Canada, Japan, China and rest of the world

Business secrets of Dhirubhai Ambani, Founder of Reliance Industries

Comparison of Indian and American stock markets

Unemployed Youth of India: Problems and Sollutions


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Navaratna: Tantra of India. Navaratna Gemstones: Medicine

Navaratna (Nine Gemstones) is famous in India. It is Indian Tantra according to old scriptures. It helps fighting evil affects of planets.

View the article for more information.

Navaratna: Tantra of India

Genstones are used for medical purposes in Ayurveda and Yunani branches of Indian medicine. Ayurveda and Yunani both use Navaratna Gemstones to prepare medicines as Bhasma and Pisti.

View the article for more information.
Medical properties of Navaratna Gemstones

Jyoti Kothari
Vardhaman Gems


President Obama: Can he uplift America?

People of America voted Obama to elect him their President with a great hope. Citizens of America were looking for a savior in him. They were thinking that he will brought the economy in line.

They were expecting some thing miraculous.

More than 100 days past of Obama in office. It is the time to review his performance. Could he deliver as expected?

According to common men of America, it is a big no.

President Obama and economic crisis of America
Jyoti Kothari
