

Monday, June 18, 2012

चातुर्मास में पञ्च परमेष्ठी आराधना एवं व्याख्यानमाला 8 जुलाई से 5 अगस्त

इस वर्ष श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ, जयपुर चातुर्मास में 8 जुलाई से 5 अगस्त तक पञ्च परमेष्ठी आराधना एवं व्याख्यानमाला का कार्यक्रम आयोजित कर रहा है। यह कार्यक्रम विशिष्ट श्रेणी का है एवं इस तरह का आयोजन जयपुर शहर में पहली वार हो रहा है।

जैन धर्म में पञ्च परमेष्ठी तत्व का अत्यंत महत्व है। जैनों के सर्व श्रेष्ठ मंत्र नवकार में इन्ही पञ्च परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार किया गया है। इनमे से प्रथम दो परमेष्ठी अरिहंत एवं सिद्ध परमात्मा को देव तत्व एवं पीछे के तीन आचार्य, उपाध्याय एवं साधू को गुरु तत्व माना गया है। परमेष्ठी तत्व से ही हमें धर्म की प्राप्ति होती है अतः ये धर्म के आधार माने जाते हैं।

  अत्यंत हर्ष का विषय है की हमारे प्रवल पुण्योदय से श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ, जयपुर में इस वर्ष चतुर्विध संघ के साथ चातुर्मास करने का सुअवसर उपस्थित हुआ है।

आगामी 3 जुलाई से चातुर्मास प्रारंभ हो रहा है एवं परम पूज्य स्वर्गीय श्री राजेंद्र मुनि जी  के सुशिष्य परम पूज्य श्री विनय मुनि जी महारज साहब आदि ठाना 3 एवं परम पूज्य प्रवर्तिनी स्वर्गीय श्री विचक्षण श्री जी महाराज साहब की सुशिष्या परम पूज्या श्री सुयशा श्री जी महाराज आदि ठाना 2 का चातुर्मास खरतर गच्छ संघ, जयपुर में हो रहा है।
विनय मुनि एवं सुयशा श्री जी का चातुर्मास प्रवेश जुलुश मुल्तान मंदिर से शिवजी राम भवन

 आप सभी के सान्निध्य में ये सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रम होगा। जयपुर में विराजीत अन्य साधू साध्वी भगवन्तो को भी आमंत्रित किया जायेगा। 

चातुर्मास प्रारंभ के बाद पहले रविवार 8 जुलाई से ही  पञ्च परमेष्ठी आराधना एवं व्याख्यानमाला का कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया जा रहा है। उस दिन प्रो. कुसुम जैन अरिहंत पद पर अपना व्याख्यान देंगी.  15 जुलाई को प्रो. जे. बी. शाह, निदेशक, एल. डी. इंस्टिट्यूट, अहमदाबाद का सिद्ध पद पर व्याख्यान होगा. 22 जुलाई को प्रसिद्द जैन मनीषी प्रो. सागरमल जैन आचार्य पद पर अपना उद्वोधन देंगे। 29 जुलाई को इस युग के महापुरुष नवकार मंत्र के परम आराधक पन्यास श्री भद्रंकर विजय जी महाराज के श्रावक शिष्य श्री शशिकांत मेहता उपाध्याय पद का महत्व समझाते हुए नवकार मन्त्र के ध्यान की प्रक्रिया बताएँगे। कर्यक्रम के अंतिम दिन 5 अगस्त को जोधपुर विश्वविद्यालय के प्रो. धरमचंद जैन साधू पद पर प्रवचन देंगे।

इन सभी कार्यक्रमों में भारत के विभिन्न स्थानों से समाज के गणमान्य व्यक्ति भी विशेष अतिथि के रूप में आमंत्रित किये गए हैं।

व्याख्यान माला के साथ ही इन पांच दिनों में विशेष प्रकार की पूजाएँ/ महापूजन आदि रखी गई है जिससे परमेष्ठी तत्व की भक्ति की जा सके।  इन दिनों में विशेष प्रकार के जप अनुष्ठान,एवं तपस्या का भी कार्यक्रम रखा जाएग। साधर्मी वात्सल्य भी आयोजित होंगे.  आप सभी इस कार्यक्रम में सादर आमंत्रित हैं।
जयपुर के जैन समाज की प्रेरणाष्पद गतिविधियां
Jyoti Kothari


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jain Encyclopedia

I am in process of creating a website about Jain and Jainism, Jain Encyclopedia. I feel that there is not enough material about Jain society, religion, philosophy, culture, history, rituals, Jain business, jobs and matrimonial.
If there are something about these, these are scattered.

It is difficult to find desired material for a layman. This inspired me to bring all information about Jain and Jainism into one place. I am presently collecting data and will add to my website in due course.

I request all the readers to send me materials in text, images, videos etc about Jain and Jainism. You can mail me or post printed materials to publish in the website. Please do not send copyrighted materials. If you are owner of the copyright please include permission.

Jyoti Kothari (Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Support Anna Hazare

Dear Sir/Madam

Happy Independence Day. Anna Hazare is fighting against corruption and proceeding for his fast (anshan) from today in support of JAN LOKPAL BILL. The central government is all set to fail his program. It is in the best interest of all of us to support him by various means.

You can join his fast at your place or at least forward this mail to your family, friends and anyone you wish. You can also send message using your mobile.



Jyoti Kothari
Vardhaman Gems
Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry


Thursday, February 2, 2012

शहरवाली शब्दों का वाक्य प्रयोग: मुर्शिदाबाद की बोली भाग २

शहरवाली शब्दों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग: मुर्शिदाबाद की बोली के कुछ और उदाहरण   पास में उसके हिंदी अर्थ भी दिए गए हैं. 
सूरज कल खाईस था. : सूरज ने कल खाया था.

उषा तो इ काम किस इ नइ. : उषा ने ये काम किया ही नहीं.

शुधा हम को चिनिस नइ. : शुधा ने मुझे पहचाना नहीं.

तुम उसको बोलियों थो?:   तुमने उसे बोला था?

राजा कल कोई काम नई करिस था. : राजा ने कल कोई काम नहीं किया था.

सभी पाठकों से अनुरोध है की वे अपनी ओर से इस ब्लॉग में कुछ जोड़ते रहें. इस से मुर्शिदाबाद  की संस्कृति को आगे बढ़ाने में मदद मिलेगी. इस ब्लॉग में जोड़ने के लिए कृपया मुझे jyoti _kothari  में मुझे मेल करें. कृपया इस ब्लॉग को "Follow "  करें जिससे हर नई जानकारी आप तक सहजता से पहुच सके. "Follow " करने के लिए ब्लॉग के दाहिने हिस्से में "Follow " पर क्लिक करें.

शहरवाली शब्दों का वाक्य प्रयोग: मुर्शिदाबाद की बोली भाग १
शहरवाली शब्दकोश (शब्दावली) Murshidabad डिक्तिओनर्य

With regards,
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry , and  adviser  Vardhaman  Infotech. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

शहरवाली शब्दों का वाक्य प्रयोग: मुर्शिदाबाद की बोली

शहरवाली शब्दों का वाक्य प्रयोग: मुर्शिदाबाद की बोली के कुछ उदाहरण   पास में उसके हिंदी अर्थ भी दिए गए हैं.

हम हिंयां से चट्टी पहन के इ पार से ऊ पार नउके में चप के जाङ. : मैं यहाँ से चप्पल पहन कर इस पार से उस पार जाऊंगा.

हूँआँ नमके हम कलाई का कचौड़ी खाङ.: वहां उतर कर मैं उड़द की कचौड़ी खाऊंगा.

नउके में सुतने का भी है.: नाव में सोने की व्यवस्था भी है.

बाईजी ड्योंठा बनाईस है ऊ बँटे में है.: मिश्रानी ने मठरी बनाई है, वो कटोरदान में है.

बीबीजी सपरिआम, कौंला और बोड़ का राड़ी लामङि.: ननद अमरुद, संतरा, और बेर की राईड़ी लायेंगी.
एक ठो खाने का खालो.: एक मिठाई खा लो.

आज कद्दू बूट के दाल का तरकारी बनेगा.: आज घिया चने के दाल की सब्जी बनेगी.

करछुल से निकालोगे की चीमचे से?: करछी  से निकालोगे या चम्मच से?

छाते के खिचड़ी में अम्बल पानी का क्या काम है?:  कमल गट्टे की खिचड़ी में इमली की चटनी क्या जरुरत है?

जीमन होगा तो नाली और गमला  लगेगा.: जीमन होने पर पानी की झारी और तसले की जरुरत पड़ेगी.

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry and  adviser, Vardhaman  Infotech , I T Company. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


शहरवाली शब्दकोश (शब्दावली) Murshidabad Dictionary

 शहरवाली समाज की अपनी अलग ही बोली थी. यह बोली बड़ी मीठी लगती है. यह बोली हिंदी, मारवाड़ी, उर्दू, बंगाली एवं अंग्रेजी भाषा का मिलाजुला रूप है. इसमें कहीं हिंदी का शब्द व बंगाली का व्याकरण है तो कहीं उर्दू शब्दों को हिंदी के व्याकरण में डाला गया है. कहीं कहीं इस बोली ने अपने आपको अपने ही अंदाज़ में विकसित किया है.  शहरवाली समाज को ठीक तरह से जानने के लिए इसकी बोली को जानना जरुरी है. यहाँ पर कुछ शहरवाली बोली के शब्द हिंदी अर्थ के साथ दिया जा रहा है. 

Murshidabad Dictionary
शब्दकोश (शब्दावली) 
इ पार : इस पार 
ऊ पार: उस पार 
चपना : चढ़ना 
नमना :  उतरना
जाङ : जायेंगे, जाउंगा
आमङ : आऊंगा, आयेंगे
खाङ: खाऊंगा
सुतना: सोना
बिलायती मिटटी: सीमेंट
हम    : मैं
हमलोग : हम 
नउका : नाव 
खाने का : मिठाई, नमकीन 
ड्योंठा: मठरी 
कलाई : उड़द 
हूँआँ : वहां 
हिंयां : यहाँ
चट्टी : चप्पल
बूट : चना
कद्दू: घिया
बंटा: कटोरदान
गमला: तसला
नाली: पानी की झारी
सपरिआम: अमरुद
कौंला : संतरा
बोड़: बेर
शरीफा: सीताफल
तरकारी: सब्जी
बीबीजी: ननद
बाईजी:  मिश्रानी
करछुल: करछी
चिमचा: चम्मच

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry and advisor, Vardhaman Infotech, IT Company in India. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


शहरवाली समाज के हिंदी वेब पन्नों की सूचि


शहरवाली समाज के हिंदी वेब पन्नों की सूचि  

मैंने इस ब्लॉग में अंग्रेजी एवं हिंदी दोनों भाषाओँ का प्रयोग किया है. कुछ लोग हिंदी पढना पसंद करते हैं तो कुछ लोग अंग्रेजी. कुछ वातें हिंदी में ही लिखना सुविधाजनक भी होता है जैसे रीति रिवाज़ से संवंधित बातें. कुछ चीजें हिंदी में ही लिखी जा सकती है जैसे पहेलियां. इन वातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए एवं अलग अलग भाषा के पाठकों को देखते हुए हिंदी एवं अंग्रेजी दोनो भाषाओँ का प्रयोग किया गया है. 


दोनों ही प्रकार के पाठकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए इस ब्लॉग को लिखा जाता रहा है. जो लोग हिंदी पढना पसंद करते हैं उनलोगों के सुविधार्थ यहां हिंदी वेब पन्नों की सूचि दी जा रही है. मुर्शिदाबाद एवं शहरवाली समाज को जानने के लिए ये पन्ने उपयोगी हो सकते हैं. कृपया निचे दिए गए लिंक्स पर क्लीक करें. 


मुर्शिदाबाद में आम की किस्में


शहरवाली समाज में आम खाने की कला


अजीमगंज जियागंज में नीमस, पीठा और मेवा सलोनी खिचड़ी खाने का मौसम


मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने का प्रयास: मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी


अजय बोथरा एवं रविन्द्र श्रीमाल तुलापट्टी, पंचायती मंदिर कोलकाता के लिए निर्वाचित


अजीमगंज श्री नेमी नाथ स्वामी स्तवन


अजीमगंज दादाबाडी में खात मुहूर्त व शिलान्यास भाग 2


अजीमगंज दादाबाडी में खात मुहूर्त व शिलान्यास भाग १


अजीमगंज दादाबाडी में भैरव जी का उत्थापन


कुछ रीति रिवाज़: जापा और जनम 
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India

With regards, Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Monday, January 30, 2012

रीति रिवाज़: मृत्यु एवं शोक

मृत्यु एवं शोक जीवन की एक अभिन्न प्रक्रिया है जिसे कोई नहीं चाहता परन्तु यह अवश्यम्भावी है. मुर्शिदाबाद के शहरवाली समाज में मृत्यु एवं शोक के  अपने  रीति रिवाज़ हैं. 

किसी व्यक्ति की मृत्यु होने पर पहले उसे स्नान करवा कर अर्थी में उसी प्रकार ले जाया जाता है जैसे अन्य सभी स्थानों पर.  स्मशान में मृत देह को जलने के तत्काल बाद उसे ठंडा कर दिय्स जाता है एवं अश्थी व अवशेषों को वही गंगा में प्रवाहित किया जाता है. मृत्यु के बाद जहाँ मृत देहको लेटाया गया था वहां सर के स्थान पर आटे से गोला बनाया जाता है एवं उस पर थाली ढक कर वहां दीपक जला दिया जाता है. बाद में थाली उठा कर आटे पर बना निशान देखा जाता है. ऐसा मन जाता है की आटे पर बना निशाण अगली गति की सुचना देता है. 
मृत्यु के तीसरे दिन उठावना होता है. उठावने में पहले सब लोग घर पर इकठ्ठा होते हैं उसके बाद सब मिलकर मंदिर व पौशाल जाते हैं. वहां पर यति जी या कोई श्रावक शांति का पाठ करते हैं. फिर सब लोग घर लौट आटे हैं. 

पांचवें या सातवें दिन ठंडा बार देख कर न्हावन  किया जाता है. उसमे घर के सब लोग नाख़ून, बाल बगैरह कटवाते हैं, घर की पूरी धुलाई होती है एवं नहा कर सब मंदिर जाते हैं.

१२ दिन तक शोक रखा जाता है एवं समाज के लोग बैठने आत़े हैं. शोक के समय घर वाले सर पर पल्ला लेते हैं. औरतें गुलाबी साड़ी पहनती है. बैठने आने वाली समाज की औरतें भी गुलाबी साड़ी पहन कर आती है. 

शोक निवारण के लिए पगड़ी बदलाई व वेश पलटाई होती है. लड़के के सुसराल वाले पगड़ी व वेश बदलवाते हैं. १३ वें दिन मंदिर में बारह व्रत की पूजा पढ़ाई जाती है.  आम तौर पर मृयु भोज नहीं होता है एवं शोक के समय किसी प्रकार का लें दें भी नहीं होता. यह शहरवाली समाज की एक बहुत अच्छी प्रथा है.

शोक के बारह दिन तक समाज के सब घरों से खाना भेजा जाता है और घर के एवेम बहार से आने वाले लोग वही खाते हैं. पहले तो १२ दिन तक घर में चूल्हा भी नहीं जलता था. मृत्यु के समय जहाँ अन्य सभी स्थानों व समाजों में मरनेवाले के ऊपर सब को खिलाने पिलाने व दें लें का बोझ पड़ता है वहीँ शहरवाली समाज में समाज के लोग उस परिवार के खाने पीने का इंतजाम करते हैं. ये एक बहुत ही अच्छी प्रथा है एवं इसका अनुकरण अन्य समाजों द्वारा भी किया जाना चाहिए.

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Useful and informative comments reproduced

People are interacting through this blog and I am glad viewing these comments.  Some comments carry useful information and I am posting these comments here so that readers can know more about Shaharwali society. I will be obliged if you provide some information about Shaharwali society of Azimganj, Jiaganj and Murshidabad.
Your contribution will help growing this blog. Thanks.

View some useful comments:

1.  Hi, I must congratulate you personally for this initiative. Nice to visit this site and feel the pulse of Jiagung. I am Prabir Dugar, son of Late Shri Benoy Chandji Dugar from the family of Hira Chandji Dugar, renowned Artist. My Babaji was Late Shri Indra Dugar. I am married to Suchita, d/o Shri Sajan Singhji Nahar. My sister in law Rita Parson married to Dr Narendra Parson is residing at LA. We live in Mumbai and my youngest Sister in law is also at Thane, Mumbai.

we have three daughters Tulika (married to Siddharth Bothra, Director Finance with T Mobile, of Gauhati with a son Rahul age 8 and daughter Rymah age 8 months)settled at Seatlle. Aloka/Sarika (married to Nilesh Parson working as a Principal with Microsoft and with a son Aatish age 8). The youngest Preetika is married to Comander Rohit Dalaya (Pilot with Air India). I am excited to be in touch with our Shaharwalis and keep the rich culture and finesse alive.

Prabir Dugar

2.  Hi Jyoti Bhai,

great to see this site blog here.You have been spear heading the documentation of this Jain clan from West Bengal very nicely.

I wish to add here the details of whatever I know.
Bhandia family in Kolkata is a well known Johri Saath group who have been renowned for their Jewellery and Gem Stone business.

My Grandfather Late Sri Puran Chandji Bhandia ( Johri ) Married as his second wife Smt. Suhag Sundari from the Kothari Family of Guahati who belonged to the Jiyaganj Azimganj Clan of Jains. I am the last grandson of her last son Late Shri.Kiron Singhji Bhandia residing in Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu associated in Jewellery and Textile Business. My Elder Brother Naresh Bhandia lives in Bangalore associated in manufacturing of PP Woven Sacs required in the cement industry. I will be glad to know more and even contribute to the efforts you are taking. Please feel free to get in touch. I have a Family histry Tree for our family contributing data of 13 generations. I will be happy to put in inputs in it if you have any.
thanks and regards

Dinesh Kumar Bhandia

3.  Wow! This is awesome. I am settled in the USA, Tulika Dugar daughter of Pravir Dugar/Suchita Dugar and grand daughter of Late Shri Benoy Dugar and Suhag Dugar. This is a pleasure to connect with people from our heritage. Brings back some fresh memories even though long long time ago. My husband Siddharth and I are trying our best to keep our sheherwali culture alive by talking in the Azimganj-Jiaganj dialect. We love it and our children also love it.

This is awesome. My email is I look forward to hearing back from you and so happy we can do this.

Thank you once again!
 Tulika Dugar

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Building backlinks to make money online, Earn money creating backlinks

Building backlinks

Back links and building backlinks are the talk of the town since few years. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is talking about these. Why so much noise for these terms? Because these are the essential tools to get traffic and make money online as internet is a big business today. People starts building it just after registering a domain name. Creating backlinks is easy. Create backlinks to your website to earn money online.
Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are big players in Internet business. They have large numbers of links to their sites which drive lot of traffic to these sites. Google have some 225 millions back links to their site where as Yahoo and MSN have approximately 90 and 25 million respectively. These help these sites to make money online in internet business.

You have to build backlinks to make money online, The internet marketers make it a compulsion to generate incoming links for your web site or web page to get traffic. You can not make money on the net without tons of traffic. More the traffic, more the chances to have a click on advertise or an affiliate marketing device. It is very difficult to get online traffic without sufficient back links and to get those to your web sites or web pages you need building backlinks.
This is one of the most important way of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a technique used for the purpose of optimizing your page for the search engines. SEO techniques influence positively your search engine rankings. This is an artificial way to rank higher in SERPs.

Though content is the king and search engines are continually improving their algorithm to find the best content for your search terms, backlinks are still important. Very important! These are the keywords to make money online.

Now the question arises how many quality backlinks do you need,and where from do you get these magical power.

Magical number of backlinks

 Making money online is not an easy job as claimed by many. You have to face tough competitions to in your way. It is as hard as making money in real life business. Creating a web page was never so easy as today. Plenty of online tools are available which creates a web site or a web page for you. This has brought huge competition in online marketing.

Before getting the magical number required for your website you have to know competition and your competitors. You have to build more backlinks than your competitors to get traffic to your site to make money online.

For an example, say, you are writing about America and targeting the keyword "America" and want to get your page in the first page of Google SERP. There are ten results in every page. You have to be indexed at least for the tenth position for the keyword "America" if you want to be in the first page of Google search. This is how you can get huge traffic to make money online.

Let us take an example. Say your competitor, the tenth one in the Google search has ten thousand links. Now you have to build few more backlinks than those ten thousand to beat him in the competition for the keyword "America". If you succeed in building backlinks more than him, you probably indexed in the first page of Google search. You have to go on building backlinks to rank higher in the Google search pages. The same is true for Yahoo, MSN or any other search engines.

Remember, here we are talking of the numbers of backlinks and not of the quality of backlinks. However, quality does matter  as in other fields.

However, you have to act on some other things to make money online.

Quality of backlinks

As I have stated above not only the quantity but also the quality of backlinks do matter in case of building backlinks. High quality backlinks are given more weight than low quality backlinks. Hence, you have to be careful while building backlinks for your site to make money online.

What quality backlinks mean?

Quality of backlinks is decided mainly with two factors. Page rank of a site back linking and relevancy of the site with your keyword or keywords. Page rank is directly proportional to the quality of back links. A backlink from a pagerank 7 or 8 site is worth more than dozens of backlinks from sites with 0 or 1 pagerank. In general, higher the page rank higher the quality of backlinks.

The other factor for the quality of backlinks is relevancy. Backlinks from a relevant site are worth more than backlinks from irrelevant sites. Hence quality of backlinks are again directly proportional to relevancy of the sites you are backlinking to.

Therefore, Check the relevancy and page rank of a site before building backlinks. If you are able to build quality backlinks with relevant and higher page rank sites than your competitors then you will be succeed in getting indexed higher than them (if other factors are similar) and chances are there that you will be getting more traffic. This is the keyword for making money online.

Start making money online. Sign up hubpages.

How to get backlinks

There are different types and ways to get backlinks. There are Do follow and No follow backlinks. No follow backlinks sends traffic to your web site or web page but search engine do not use these links to rank your site or page. Do follow links send traffic to your page as well as search engine use these links to rank your page in SERPs.

You can get organic backlinks, free backlinks, reciprocal links or paid backlinks. When one finds your web site or  web page useful or relevant to their sites they create a backlink to yours. This happens automatically without any efforts from your side. These are called organic backlinks and sends organic traffic to your web site or web page. Some times people bookmark your web site or web page  in bookmarking sites or social networking sites too which provides you with backlinks. These are free back links obviously.

You can also create free backlinks by linking your site or page to your own blogs and sites. Some social bookmarking sites allow you to create your own links. You cam submit your web page or web site to various internet directories to get free backlinks. Commenting on others blogs and participating in forums are other ways to get free back links. You can also get backlinks through News, Images and videos. RSS is also a good way to get free backlinks.

One way links and reciprocal links:

Above mentioned are examples of one way links. Some sites ask you to create a reciprocal link against which they generate a backlink to your web site or web page. These links are called reciprocal backlinks. Reciprocal links have lesser value than one way back links.

Paid backlinks are different than free backlinks. Some sites ask money to backlink you. These are paid backlinks.

Vardhaman Infotech 
A leading IT company in Jaipur 
Rajasthan, India


Neeraj Bothra married to Neetu Daftari

Neeraj Bothra, son of Sri Jyoti Singh and Urmila Bothra is married to Neetu D/O Sri Anil Daftari, Gwalior. Marriage took place at Dadabadi, Seth ka bagh in Agra, the Taj city on January 28, 2012. Large numbers of family members from various places, e.g. Jaipur, Kolkata, Raipur, Ahmadabad, Delhi,  Lucknow,  Bangkok etc attended the marriage ceremony.  
Ring ceremony and Sangeet evening was organized on 27th, previous night. Marriage ceremony was followed by auspicious Dadaguru Pooja on the next morning at Jin Kushal Suri Dadabadi, Agra.

Neeraj Bothra is my nephew. 

Jyoti Kothari (Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy republic day

 Happy republic Day!

India is celebrating its Republic Day today on January 26, 2012. India got its freedom British colonial rule on August 15, 1947 and published its constitution on January 26, 1950. The day was chosen to commemorate January 26, previously adopted as independence day by the freedom fighters in India.

A grand ceremony will be held at Delhi, capital of India in the morning. Republic day will be celebrated with great enthusiasm at all provincial capitals including Jaipur and district head quarters. National flag will be kept hoisted at all government buildings, private offices and residences of common people.

Vardhaman Infotech, leading IT and Web design company in Jaipur is also all set to celebrate Republic Day of India. Wish all of you again a Happy Republic day on January 26, 2012.

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India


अजीमगंज जियागंज में नीमस, पीठा और मेवा सलोनी खिचड़ी खाने का मौसम

 ये ठन्डे (सर्दी) का मौसम है. सबलोग निहाली (रजाई) ओढ़कर सो रहे हैं. ये मौसम अजीमगंज जियागंज  में नीमस, पीठा और मेवा सलोनी खिचड़ी खाने का मौसम होता है. शहरवाली रईस लोग खाने पीने के बहुत शौकीन थे और बढ़िया बढ़िया खाने की चीजें यहाँ पर बनती थी. ठन्डे के दिन में भोरे भोर नीमस खाने का मज़ा ही कुछ और है.

याद आता है जब भोरे भोर माँ या दादीमा सुते हुए को उठा देती थीं और बोलती थीं नीमस खा लो. जब हम बच्चे थे तब रात को औंटाया हुआ दूध रात को खुले छत में कपडे से बांध कर रख दिया जाता था. उस को ओस में रखा जाता था. सुबह उस दूध को घोंटा जाता था जिससे फेन निकलता था. उस फेन में इलाइची, केशर और गुलाबजल डाल कर कटोरे में दिया जाता था.

इसी तरह से खाने के समय पीठा बनता था. मीठा बनता था मावे से और नमकीन भापिया, दाल का. जब हूँ वहां रहते थे तब तो पीठे का न्योता भी होता था और उसमे बाई बेटी को जरूर बुलाया जाता था.

इसके साथ ही वहां मेवा सलोनी का खिचड़ी भी बनता था. मेवे का खिचड़ी मीठा होता था जिसमे बिदाम, पीसता, इलाइची और केशर डलता था. काजू और अखरोट नहीं डाला जाता था.  सलोनी का खिचड़ी मटर से बनता था. यह खिचड़ी सब जगह बन्ने वाले पुलाव से अलग था क्योंकि इसमें दही डाला जाता था. दही से इसमें थोडा खट्टापण भी आता था जो इसके स्वाद को बाधा देता था.

अब भी शहरवाली समाज में ये चीजें बनती है. जो लोग अब बहार रहने लग गए हैं वो लोग भी शायद बनाते होंगे. यहाँ जयपुर में मैंने लोगों को कई बार ये सब चीजें खिलाई है और वो लोग बहुत पसंद करते हैं.

(इस ब्लॉग में हम जान के थोडा बहोत शहरवाली बोली लिखा है. पूरा ठीक हिंदी में नहीं लिखा है)
अजीमगंज शहरवाली साथ का खाना
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Makar Sankranti, Kite festival in Jaipur photos with Brian Brazeal and Lilian Haidar

Vardhaman Infotech celebrated Makar Sankranti, Kite festival in Jaipur with full enthusiasm with our special guests Professor Brian Brazeal, California State University and Lilian Haidar, Professional photographer, New York, US. The kite festival was celebrated with our team, family and friends. Jaipur celebrates Makar Sankranti in a special way and people from all over the world come to enjoy the kite festival. Our guests from America also enjoyed the festival and roof top party organized by the IT company.

Everybody enjoyed the party at the roof top flying kites, singing and dancing. Our special guest Lilian Haidar shoot several photographs of the kite festival and party. Jyoti Kothari shoot photos of the guests Brian Brazeal and Lilian Haidar.

Brian Brazeal, Lilian Haidar and Darshan Kothari at kite flying festival, Vardhaman Infotech

Jaipur view on kite flying festival at Vardhaman Infotech, Photo by Lilian Haidar, New York

Female and Children on kite festival

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur 
Rajasthan, India


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rai Budh Singh Bahadur School

 Rai Budh Singh Bahadur Dudhoria (Badi Kothi, Azimganj) was a famous Shaharwali Zemindar in Azimganj. A school was established on his memory. It was a primary school that was upgraded to a higher secondary school. It was the only high school (RBSBHSM) at Azimganj till 1965.

Large numbers of students studies in the school including me. Rai Budh Singh Bahadur primary school is situated behind Badi Kothi and opposite to Keshar Kumari Balika Bidyalaya at Azimganj City. RBSB High school is situated at Baraduari on way to Don Bosco school. The high school is near Azimganj Jn.

Both the schools have a track record of good result. RBSB schools at Azimganj are presently managed by the government.

Famous people from Azimganj Part 1
Famous people from Azimganj Part 2
Famous people …….. Part 3
Famous People..........Part 4
Famous People..........Part 5

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari (N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Web designer jobs available in Jaipur, India

 Vardhaman Infotech, A leading IT company in Jaipur requires web designers. Jobs for web designers are available now in the IT company in Jaipur.

Information technology, IT professionals who can design websites can apply for the post of web designer. Applicants must be educated and trained in web designing field. Those having web designing experience will be preferred. Creative designers have great chance of promotion.

 If you want career in web designing, Vardhaman Infotech is your right choice. You can apply by e-mailing us.

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur 
Rajasthan, India


Cheapest website developers for reliable web hosting

Are you searching for the cheapest website?

There are hundreds of thousands of website developers who claim that they are the cheapest web hosting company providing the cheapest website in the world. They have several web hosting packages for web design and hosting.

Every business small or big needs a website nowadays. One can not have global exposure without a website. A website is even needed for a local business. Big business houses have no difficulty having a website. However, small businesses have to look for cheap websites. They can not afford costly ones, especially in developing countries. Most of the web hosting packages are in US Dollars. These packages become expensive while counting in currencies of most of the developing countries.

For example, 1 US $ costs approximately Rs. 47 in India. Hence, a cheap web hosting package in the US becomes expensive in India. Most of the businesses in developing countries do not have their own Websites. They did not even require a few years back. However, owning a website is becoming essential day by day with the expansion of the internet in developing countries.

Is this a problem for you? Come to Vardhaman Infotech for solutions.

Cheap web design, development, and hosting

Cheap website design, cheap website hosting, cheap web hosting, cheap web host, cheap website designers, etc are among the popular search words in many developing countries. These are also popular keyword search in developed countries like America and Australia.

They need reliable web hosting. They search for top web hosting and best web hosting. Where can they find a reliable web hosting company who provides cheap websites and cheap web site hosting?
This is a difficult task. Not all the cheap hosting companies are reliable. Small businesses do not have enough resources to change their hosting company repeatedly. Moreover, they are not only looking for cheap websites but for the cheapest websites in this competitive market.

Outsourcing to India

Families, societies and small social organizations also need websites but they do not have enough budget for web designing and web hosting. What should they do? What are the options left behind them? An Indian Web design and hosting company in Jaipur provides one point solution to all these problems.

Everybody knows that India is a pioneer in providing the cheapest IT solutions. Indian IT professionals are known for their quality works. Most of the IT and internet giants in the world outsource their works to India and Indian IT companies. Indian companies provide reliable services in the cheapest rates. Hence, one can rely on their promises.

Vardhaman Infotech: Reliable website developers

Vardhaman Infotech provides reliable web hosting and designing services at the cheapest rate. Their mission is "Website for everyone". They provide cheap web hosting and designing services. Anybody can afford their price.

They provide complete website design, hosting with a domain name in just Rs. 499/ per year. Most of the cheap website designers charge per month. However, Vardhaman Infotech charges per year. While calculating in dollars it comes to only about $1 per month.

I have not found any service cheaper than this. There are no hidden charges and no conditions apply. The websites are ad-free. Are there any web hosting packages cheaper than this one? I did not find any. Silver 499 web development and hosting package of Vardhaman Infotech is really the cheapest website development plan in the world.

Web hosting packages of Vardhaman Infotech

Vardhaman Infotech is currently providing cheap web hosting and web designing plans in four major categories. These are silver 499, Gold 999, Platinum 1999 and Diamond 3499. These cheap plans can fulfill your customized needs. They also provide video hosting in some of their packages.
A number of pages, photos, videos, and E-mails vary plan to plan. However, all these plans are generally cheaper in comparison to other web hosting and designing services.

Other services: Networking, Data Management, and SEO

Vardhaman Infotech
provides other IT solutions such as eCommerce according to customized needs of their clients in competitive rates. They provide Networking solutions, SEO (Search engine optimization) and data management services. AMC (Annual maintenance contract) for hardware (Personal computers) are taken within the service area in Jaipur.

This article was published when Vardhaman Infotech started providing web hosting at the cheapest rate. This was an initial offer from Vardhaman Infotech. The offer is withdrawn now.

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur 
Rajasthan, India


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Basant Panchami in Jainism

Happy Vasant Panchami!!

Basant Panchami is generally known as a Hindu festival. Hindu people worship goddess Saraswati on the eve of Basant (Vasant) Panchami (Panchmi).  However, Devi Saraswati is equally important in Jainism. Jain literature refers her as Shrut Devi who is Adhishthayika of all sacred Jain texts (Agam).

Basant Panchmi falls on Magh Shukla Panchami, the fifth day of the bright half of Indian lunar month Magh. The day is counted as auspicious in Indian astrology. Basant Panchmi will fall on January 28 this year 2012.


Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur 
Rajasthan, India


Anna Hazare asked questions PM and Rahul Gandhi on Lokpal bill

Anna Hazare today asked seven questions to Rahul Gandhi, Congress party general secretary and six questions to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister Of India.

Anna is suffering sickness since a month and movement of team Anna also suffered from his illness. These questions again strengthen his movement to support Janlokpal bill.

Anna Hazare asked whether CBI should be under Central government. He also asked that why government is reluctant to free CBI. He added that whether government is afraid of CBI. He questioned Dr. Manmohan Singh and Rahul Gandhi.

Anna Hazare asked why government will pay legal charges to fight against allegations charged on corrupt officials. He also asked why Lokpal does not have even an investigation agency. Anna has asked seven questions to Rahul Gandhi and six to the PM, India. He sent letters to both the leaders along with UP Chief Minister and BSP supremo Mayavati, SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav and BJP president Nitin Gadkari.

Anna Hazare letters brought hue and cry among political parties especially Indian National Congress. It is worth noted that elections are due in five states including UP, Uttarakhand and Punjab. Uttarakhand government has already passed strong Lokpal bill that is inline with Janlokpal bill. Team Anna is in the election field for canvasing against Lokpal bill of the government.

Rahul Gandhi behind chnging draft of Lokpal bill: Anna Hazare

Jyoti Kothari


Employers Association website launched, designed by Vardhaman Infotech

Employers Association of Rajasthan launched their website yesterday, January 21, 2012 on the occasion of their AGM at hotel  Royal Empire, Malviyanagar, Jaipur. Mr. Narendra Jain, President launched the website. He was accompanied by Mr. Rajkumar Kala, Sr. Vice-President.

Darshan Kothari, CEO, Vardhaman Infotech (Designer and developer of the website) briefed the audience about the website. He also let know the members importance of IT and website in business.

 Employers Association of Rajasthan is one of the oldest industry and trade organization in Rajasthan.

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sonika Kothari will be married to Sourav Surana in Kolkata


Sonika Kothari daughter of Sri Subhash Kothari and grand daughter of late Sri Vimal Chand Kothari of Azimganj will be married to Sri Sourav Surana S/o Sri.Sanjay Kumar Surana (Father) and Smt.Rajsree Surana (Mother). Both Sonika and Sourav are residing in Kolkata nowadays. Mr. Sourav is MBA and presently working with Axix Bank.

The marriage will take place in Kolkata on February18.

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)


Friday, January 20, 2012

फरबरी महीने के मुख्य कार्यक्रम

 श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ, जयपुर अपने मंदिरों एवं दादाबाड़ीओं में पूजा, साधर्मी वात्सल्य, मेला आदि अनेक कार्यक्रम आयोजित करता रहता है. इन सभी कार्यक्रमों में श्रद्धालु बड़ी संख्या में भाग लेते रहता हैं. 

२०१२ फरबरी महीने के मुख्य कार्यक्रम  निम्न प्रकार हैं. 

२ फरबरी को मालपुरा तीर्थ का वार्षिकोत्सव मनाया जायेगा. उसी दिन मंदिर एवं दादाबाड़ी में ध्वजा भी चढ़ाई जाएगी. इसी प्रकार ३ फरबरी को टोंक फाटक श्री महावीर स्वामी मंदिर का वार्षिकोत्सव है. 

इसी महीने में मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी में दादा मेले का भी आयोजन रखा गया है. यह मेला प्रतिवर्ष की भाँती दादा जिन कुशल सूरी जी महाराज के स्वर्गारोहण दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में २० एवं २१ फरबरी को रहेगा. इस वर्ष इस कार्यक्रम के लाभार्थी मालू परिवार, सिवनी, मध्य प्रदेश हैं. 

२० फरबरी को होने वाले भव्य रात्रि जागरण में कलकत्ता के श्री देवेन्द्र बेगानी व श्री विजय सोनी, इंदौर के श्री लावेश बुरड  एवं खैरागढ़ के श्री गौरव लुनिया अपने संगीत का जादू बिखेरेंगे. २१ तारीख को दादागुरु देव की बड़ी पूजा पढाई जाएगी. 

उपरोक्त सभी कार्यक्रमों में श्रद्धालु जन सादर आमंत्रित हैं.
Jyoti Kothari


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pratishtha: Jin Dutt Suri Dadabadi, Dholka

 Dholka, 38 KM from Ahmadabad is the birth place of first Dadagurudev Sri Jin Dutt Suri. Jin Dutt Suri was a renowned saint possessing rare qualities and virtues of an Acharya. He was Yugapradhan. First Dadaguru is being remembered by his millions of devotees worldwide even after eight centuries passed his death.Jain community especially Khartar Gachchh worship Dadaguru with dedication and devotion.

Dholka is also renowned for Jain pilgrimage center Kalikund Parasnath. There is a big temple of Kalikund Parshwanath at Dholka. There is a Dadabadi opposite to Kalikund Parasnath temple which is rebuilt. Pratishtha ceremony will take place between February 3 and 6, 2012 at the new premises. Large numbers of Khartar Gachchh Sadhu (Monks) and Sadhwi (Nuns) including Sri Kushal Muni, Muni Sri Mahendrasagar and Sadhwi Sri Maniprabha Sri will be present with their disciples during pratishtha ceremony. 

Travel Rajasthan: Malpura Dadabadi, Dadaguru Jin Kushal Suri

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India


School Information Management System for CBSE Schools

Vardhaman Infotech has developed a unique tool, School Information Management System,  which is an essential tool for CBSE schools. This SIMS system can easily be embedded with school website. It provides information about students, teachers, other staff members, management and what not. The SIMS system generates statutory reports prescribed by the Government and CBSE.

Experienced academicians helped developing the SIMS system that made this tool very useful for school management. School Information Management System is your online tool. Please feel free to contact for any relevant information.

Brian Brazeal and Lilian Haidar from America visit Vardhaman Infotech

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How to achieve goals fun way: Tips of setting smart, effective goal

 Setting goals is important. The goal should be smart and effective. You can achieve your goal in fun way. You can find tips for setting and achieving smart and effective goals in the article linked below. This is my newest article published on January 18, 2012.

 It is easy to set and achieve your goals. Please do not forget to get tips in this article.

How to achieve goals fun way: Tips of setting smart, effective goal

Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a ISO 9000 professional and adviser, Vardhaman Infotech


New arrivals in technical department

Vardhaman Infotech is growing. Customer base of the leading IT company in Jaipur, India is growing. We want to provide quality services to our customers and we need more designers and developers in order to achieve the same. We are in process of recruiting more efficient people to satisfy our large number of customers.

Akshit Bhandari, BE and M L Jakhad (Web Designer) are our newest team members. We wish all success to them.

If you want your career in Information Technology field and have required qualification and skills you can apply to be our team member.

Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India

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