Paush Dasami is celebrated with great enthusiasm this year. Please view the video of Dhwajorohan at Mohanbadi and procession video in part 1. View Puja in Panchayati temple in part 2 of the video.
Paush Dasmi Video part 1
Paush Dasmi Video part 2
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New year! New decade!
I wish all my readers a very very happy new year and a prosperous decade. May the year and the decade bring you health, wealth and happiness.
With best wishes,
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Happy New year!
Year 2010 has gone. This is the dawn of a new year and also a new decade. This is january 1, 2011.
I wish all my readers a very very happy new year and a prosperous decade. May the year and the decade bring you health, wealth and happiness.
With best wishes,
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
I wish all my readers a very very happy new year and a prosperous decade. May the year and the decade bring you health, wealth and happiness.
With best wishes,
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Yatri Sangh to Rajasthan
December 29, 2010
Sri Kantilal Mookim, ex secretary, Tulapatti Jain temple, Kolkata took a Yatri Sangh to pilgrimage centers of Rajasthan. Sri Kantilal Mookim is a prominent member of Johari sath. He is on Yatra on the eve of his 50th marriage anniversary. The Yatri Sangh reached Jaipur via train, and halted overnight. They had started from Jaipur to Malpura and stayed there for a day. Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh felicited them in Malpura Dadabadi.
The Yatri Sangh leaved Malpura and visited several other Dadabadi including Ajmer and Bilada and other Jain pilgrimage centers such as Ranakpur, New Pawapuri, Mount Abu, Jaisalmer. They are staying at Brahmasar Dadabadi tonight and will start for Phalodi tomorrow. They will catch train from Jodhpur tomorrow to Kolkata.
Many prominent personalities of Johari Sath e.g. Sri Vimal Mehamwal, President, Tulapatti Jain temple, Kolkata; Sri Ashok Mukim, Sri Pradip Kothari etc are traveling with in the Sangh. Several other people joined the Sangh from Jaipur.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Sri Kantilal Mookim, ex secretary, Tulapatti Jain temple, Kolkata took a Yatri Sangh to pilgrimage centers of Rajasthan. Sri Kantilal Mookim is a prominent member of Johari sath. He is on Yatra on the eve of his 50th marriage anniversary. The Yatri Sangh reached Jaipur via train, and halted overnight. They had started from Jaipur to Malpura and stayed there for a day. Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh felicited them in Malpura Dadabadi.
The Yatri Sangh leaved Malpura and visited several other Dadabadi including Ajmer and Bilada and other Jain pilgrimage centers such as Ranakpur, New Pawapuri, Mount Abu, Jaisalmer. They are staying at Brahmasar Dadabadi tonight and will start for Phalodi tomorrow. They will catch train from Jodhpur tomorrow to Kolkata.
Many prominent personalities of Johari Sath e.g. Sri Vimal Mehamwal, President, Tulapatti Jain temple, Kolkata; Sri Ashok Mukim, Sri Pradip Kothari etc are traveling with in the Sangh. Several other people joined the Sangh from Jaipur.
New Jain website
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
New Jain website
We are in process of creating a new web site about Jain religion, philosophy, society, travel, arts and culture, education, pilgrimage, heritage, history, organizations, business, jobs, food etc. we are adding more topics to the list.We will try to load information as much as possible.
The website will content exhaustive information about Jain, Jain society and Jainism (anything and everything) irrespective of sects that means we will include information of Shwetambar, Digambar et al.It can also be seen as a Jain portal.
We are gathering information about all these. If you have any information which you think useful for the site, please inform us at
The website will content exhaustive information about Jain, Jain society and Jainism (anything and everything) irrespective of sects that means we will include information of Shwetambar, Digambar et al.It can also be seen as a Jain portal.
We are gathering information about all these. If you have any information which you think useful for the site, please inform us at
Arts and culture,
Jain Samaj,
Jain Society,
Monday, December 27, 2010
मुर्शिदाबाद में आम की किस्में
मुर्शिदाबाद में आम की अनेक किस्में पाई जाती है. आम की इतनी किस्में और कहीं भी नहीं मिलती. बहुत से आम तो ऐसे हैं जो की और कहीं भी नहीं पाई जाती है. कहा जाता है की यहाँ आम की पांच सौ से ज्यादा किस्मे होती थी. सौ डेढ़ सौ किस्में तो मैंने भी देखी है.
यहाँ के आमों में "कोहीतुर" सबसे महंगा और शानदार होता है. इसे रूई में रख कर पकाया जाता था. कोहीतुर के अलावा विमली, सारंगा, चंपा, जूही चंपा, गुलाब ख़ास, सुंदरी, सादोल्ला (हिमसागर), काला पहाड़, मुलायम जाम, अनारस, भवानी, रानी, बीड़ा, पांजा आदि आम भी प्रसिद्ध है. यहाँ के आम अलग अलग फलों के स्वाद एवं अलग अलग फूलों के सुगंध लिए हुए होते हैं. फाजली आम बहुत ही बड़ा होता है तो अनारस बहुत छोटा. सारंगा आम बहुत मीठा होता है लेकिन अनारस खट्टा मीठा. चंपा आम चंपा फूल की खुसबू समाये रखता है और मुलायम जाम में जामुन का स्वाद पाया जाता है.
इसके अलावा यहाँ का कचमिट्ठी आम भी प्रसिद्ध है. यहं आम कच्चे में भी मीठा होता है. इसे भी शहरवाली लोग बहुत शौक से खाते हैं.
आप को अगर आम की अन्य किस्मों के बारे में जानकारी हो तो कृपया मुझे सूचित करें या कमेंट्स बॉक्स में लिखने की कृपा करें.
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
यहाँ के आमों में "कोहीतुर" सबसे महंगा और शानदार होता है. इसे रूई में रख कर पकाया जाता था. कोहीतुर के अलावा विमली, सारंगा, चंपा, जूही चंपा, गुलाब ख़ास, सुंदरी, सादोल्ला (हिमसागर), काला पहाड़, मुलायम जाम, अनारस, भवानी, रानी, बीड़ा, पांजा आदि आम भी प्रसिद्ध है. यहाँ के आम अलग अलग फलों के स्वाद एवं अलग अलग फूलों के सुगंध लिए हुए होते हैं. फाजली आम बहुत ही बड़ा होता है तो अनारस बहुत छोटा. सारंगा आम बहुत मीठा होता है लेकिन अनारस खट्टा मीठा. चंपा आम चंपा फूल की खुसबू समाये रखता है और मुलायम जाम में जामुन का स्वाद पाया जाता है.
इसके अलावा यहाँ का कचमिट्ठी आम भी प्रसिद्ध है. यहं आम कच्चे में भी मीठा होता है. इसे भी शहरवाली लोग बहुत शौक से खाते हैं.
आप को अगर आम की अन्य किस्मों के बारे में जानकारी हो तो कृपया मुझे सूचित करें या कमेंट्स बॉक्स में लिखने की कृपा करें.
New Jain website
With regards,Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
शहरवाली समाज में आम खाने की कला
मुर्शिदाबाद आमों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है. यहाँ जितने प्रकार के आम मिलते हैं उतने और कहीं नहीं. यहाँ के नवाबों व रईसों ने आम की अनेक स्वादिष्ट एवं सुगन्धित किस्में विकसित करवाई. यहाँ के आम बड़े नाजुक किस्म के होते हैं. शहरवाली समाज आमों का बड़ा शौकीन था व आज भी है. यहाँ आम खाना एक कला के रूप में विकसित हो गया था. सिर्फ आम खाना ही नहीं परन्तु आम को तैयार करना भी एक कला था.
आम को पेड़ों से यूँ ही नहीं तोडा जाता था. आम तोड़ने में भी नजाकत थी. इसके लिए एक लम्बे बांस एवं हंसिया ( धारदार ) .का उपयोग किया जाता था. हंसिये के ठीक नीचे बांस में एक छिका बंधा होता था. पेड़ से टूटने पर आम उस छिके में आ जाता था. छिके का प्रयोग आम को जमीं पर गिरने से बचाने के लिए होता था. आम को पेड़ से कच्चा ही तोडा जाता था. उन आमों को फिर एक टोकरी में सजाया जाता था व बीच बेच में आम के पत्ते डाल दिए जाते थे जिससे एक आम को दुसरे आम से रगड़ न लगे. रगड़ लगने से आम दागी हो जाता था.
टोकरी में रख कर आमों को घर लाया जाता था और उसे बड़ी हिफाज़त से पकाया जाता था. सामान्यतः आमों को लकड़ी के पाटे पर पत्तों के ऊपर एक एक कर बिछा देते थे एवं उसके ऊपर फिर से पत्ते ढक देते थे. समय समय पर उन आमों को ऊपर नीचे पलता जाता था जिससे वो आम चरों तरफ से बराबर व सही तरीके से पक सके. पके हुए आमों को कई घंटों तक पानी में भिगो कर रखते थे जिससे उसके अन्दर की गर्मी निकल जाये. इस क्रिया से आम स्वास्थ्य वर्धक व स्वादिस्ट एवं शीतल हो जाता था.
शहरवालिओं को आम छिलने में महारत हासिल थी. आम को पहले एक तरफ से छिला जाता था. छिलने के बाद आम के गुदे के ऊपर चक्कू से निशान बनाया जाता था व उसके बाद उसे बनाया जाता था. एक तरफ से आम के फांक निकल लेने के बाद ही उसे दूसरी तरफ से छिला जाता था. इस से आम काला नहीं पड़ता था व उसकी सुन्दरता बनी रहती थी.
परंपरागत रूप से घर के बड़े व मर्दों को गुठली नहीं दी जाती थी. प्रायः कर के घर के बच्छे गुठली चुसना पसंद करते थे या फिर उसका अमरस बनाने में उपयोग कर लिया जाता था.
आम के मौसम में नाते रिश्तेदारों के यहाँ आम भेजने की भी प्रथा थी. इस प्रकार एक दुसरे के यहाँ आमों का आदान प्रदान भी होता था. अपनी अपनी हैसियत के अनुसार कम या ज्यादा आम भेजे जाते थे.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
आम को पेड़ों से यूँ ही नहीं तोडा जाता था. आम तोड़ने में भी नजाकत थी. इसके लिए एक लम्बे बांस एवं हंसिया ( धारदार ) .का उपयोग किया जाता था. हंसिये के ठीक नीचे बांस में एक छिका बंधा होता था. पेड़ से टूटने पर आम उस छिके में आ जाता था. छिके का प्रयोग आम को जमीं पर गिरने से बचाने के लिए होता था. आम को पेड़ से कच्चा ही तोडा जाता था. उन आमों को फिर एक टोकरी में सजाया जाता था व बीच बेच में आम के पत्ते डाल दिए जाते थे जिससे एक आम को दुसरे आम से रगड़ न लगे. रगड़ लगने से आम दागी हो जाता था.
टोकरी में रख कर आमों को घर लाया जाता था और उसे बड़ी हिफाज़त से पकाया जाता था. सामान्यतः आमों को लकड़ी के पाटे पर पत्तों के ऊपर एक एक कर बिछा देते थे एवं उसके ऊपर फिर से पत्ते ढक देते थे. समय समय पर उन आमों को ऊपर नीचे पलता जाता था जिससे वो आम चरों तरफ से बराबर व सही तरीके से पक सके. पके हुए आमों को कई घंटों तक पानी में भिगो कर रखते थे जिससे उसके अन्दर की गर्मी निकल जाये. इस क्रिया से आम स्वास्थ्य वर्धक व स्वादिस्ट एवं शीतल हो जाता था.
शहरवालिओं को आम छिलने में महारत हासिल थी. आम को पहले एक तरफ से छिला जाता था. छिलने के बाद आम के गुदे के ऊपर चक्कू से निशान बनाया जाता था व उसके बाद उसे बनाया जाता था. एक तरफ से आम के फांक निकल लेने के बाद ही उसे दूसरी तरफ से छिला जाता था. इस से आम काला नहीं पड़ता था व उसकी सुन्दरता बनी रहती थी.
परंपरागत रूप से घर के बड़े व मर्दों को गुठली नहीं दी जाती थी. प्रायः कर के घर के बच्छे गुठली चुसना पसंद करते थे या फिर उसका अमरस बनाने में उपयोग कर लिया जाता था.
आम के मौसम में नाते रिश्तेदारों के यहाँ आम भेजने की भी प्रथा थी. इस प्रकार एक दुसरे के यहाँ आमों का आदान प्रदान भी होता था. अपनी अपनी हैसियत के अनुसार कम या ज्यादा आम भेजे जाते थे.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Jaipur Jewellery (Jewelry) show 2010
Jaipur Jewellery show will be commencing from tomorrow December, 24, 2010 at Rajmahal Palace hotel. JJS will last between December 24 and 27, 2010. This is the second biggest Jewelry show in India after Mumbai IIJS. There will be 400 stalls and 270 exhibitors in the Jaipur Jewelry show. Theme of this show is Kundan Meena. Thirty five thousand visitors are expected to view the show during the four days.
JJS is both B2B and B2C fair. The exhibitors of the show can show their merchandise both to the jewelers and customers coming from different regions of India and overseas. Normally JJS promotes a gemstone every year. However, they are promoting Kundan Meena, a special kind of Indian classical jewelry this year.
Jaipur Jewellery show is organized by a private group of jewelers and gem dealers in Jaipur convened by Vimal Chand Surana, a prominent jeweler and gem dealer in Jaipur.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
JJS is both B2B and B2C fair. The exhibitors of the show can show their merchandise both to the jewelers and customers coming from different regions of India and overseas. Normally JJS promotes a gemstone every year. However, they are promoting Kundan Meena, a special kind of Indian classical jewelry this year.
Jaipur Jewellery show is organized by a private group of jewelers and gem dealers in Jaipur convened by Vimal Chand Surana, a prominent jeweler and gem dealer in Jaipur.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Paush Dasami festival in Mohanbadi on December 30, 2010
Paush Dasami festival will be observed in Mohanbadi on Thursday, December 30, 2010. Paush Dasami is the birth day or Janma Kalyanak of Lord Parasnath, twenty third Tirthankar. Purushadaniya Parshwanath swami was born in Varanasi some 2900 years back.
Parshwanath Panch Kalyanak Puja will be conducted in Sanwalia Parasnath temple at Mohanbadi at 1.00 PM in the afternoon. The puja will be followed by a procession which will include elephants, horses, musical band. The devotees will carry lord Parasnath on their shoulders in a palenqueen (Palki). The procession will start at 3.30 PM from Mohanbadi, Galta Road and will reach Sri Suparshwanath Jain temple (Panchayati Mandir) at Dada market, Gheewalon ka rasta, Johari Bazar, Jaipur, passing through Surajpole gate, Ramganj Choupad, Badi Choupad.and Johari Bazar.
There will be a ceremonial "Arati" at Panchayati mandir on the eve of reaching procession (Julush / Barghoda).
Video of last year procession (Paush Dasmi)
Jyoti Kothari
Parshwanath Panch Kalyanak Puja will be conducted in Sanwalia Parasnath temple at Mohanbadi at 1.00 PM in the afternoon. The puja will be followed by a procession which will include elephants, horses, musical band. The devotees will carry lord Parasnath on their shoulders in a palenqueen (Palki). The procession will start at 3.30 PM from Mohanbadi, Galta Road and will reach Sri Suparshwanath Jain temple (Panchayati Mandir) at Dada market, Gheewalon ka rasta, Johari Bazar, Jaipur, passing through Surajpole gate, Ramganj Choupad, Badi Choupad.and Johari Bazar.
There will be a ceremonial "Arati" at Panchayati mandir on the eve of reaching procession (Julush / Barghoda).
Video of last year procession (Paush Dasmi)
Paush Dasmi 2010 (Parasnath Janma Kalyanak) in Jaipur
Paush dasmi 2010 Videos
New Jain website
Jyoti Kothari
paush dasmi,
Suparshwanath Jain Temple
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Khartar Gachchh Sangh AGM approves building new temples
Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur held on December 19, Sunday at Vichakshan Smriti Bhawan at 10.30 AM. Audited report of previous year account and budget for the next year proposed by the executive committee has been approved as it is by the general body. General body has also appointed auditors for the coming year.
Members of the general body discussed a lot on the topic of building new temples in Mohanbadi and Nathmal Ji Ka Katla after the routine discussions. General body approved construction of a grand new Jain temple in Mohanbadi and appointed Sri Kushal Chand Surana as convener of the same. Sri Vimal Chand Surana is appointed as Deputy convener of the temple project. Sri Kumarpal V Shah, Dholka has been appointed as "Margadarshak" (Advisor).
General body has also approved project of reconstruction of Adinath temple at Nathmal Ji Ka Katla, Agra Road, Jaipur along with a Dadabadi and Dharmshala.
Katla Mandir Video:
Jyoti Kothari
Members of the general body discussed a lot on the topic of building new temples in Mohanbadi and Nathmal Ji Ka Katla after the routine discussions. General body approved construction of a grand new Jain temple in Mohanbadi and appointed Sri Kushal Chand Surana as convener of the same. Sri Vimal Chand Surana is appointed as Deputy convener of the temple project. Sri Kumarpal V Shah, Dholka has been appointed as "Margadarshak" (Advisor).
General body has also approved project of reconstruction of Adinath temple at Nathmal Ji Ka Katla, Agra Road, Jaipur along with a Dadabadi and Dharmshala.
Katla Mandir Video:
Jyoti Kothari
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Kodamdesar temple: Kuldevta of Kothari family
Kothari family
Kuldevta Temple, outside view
Kodamdesar Bhairav Ji
Kuldevta of Kothari family
Panachand Nanakchand Kothari family is one of the most renowned families in Azimganj. Kodamdesar Bhairav Ji is the Kuldevta of this family. There was a small temple of the Kuldevta till recent past. Idea of reconstructing the temple in a great way came to the mind of few members in Kothari family. Every body in Kothari family joined hands to build a beautiful temple of their Kuldevta, Kodamdesar Bhairav ji.
The work has been accomplished in a short period. The Gumbaz of the temple will be decorated with gemstones. Moon stones will be studded with in few months. It is planned that a "Dhwajdand" will be placed on the top of the "Shikhar" of the temple. A flag will be remained hoisted over the "Dhwajdand" after the ceremony.
The temple is situated near hanuman Than in Azimganj.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Bhumipujan and Khat Muhurt of New temple in Mohanbadi on December 8
Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh will initiate building much awaited new Jain temple in Mohanbadi. Khat Muhurt (Bhumi Pujan) will be done on December 8, 2010 at morning 6.15. Bhumi Pujan ceremony will be done by Srimati Amar Kumari Surana (Mem Bai) W/O Sri Vimal Chand Surana. Vidhikarak Premchand Srisrimal will perform the riuals regarding the auspicious ceremony in presence of Pujya Sadhwi Maiprabha Sri Ji and Sudarshana Sri Ji Maharaj et al.
The Bhumipujan will be followed by Snatra Puja and Navkarsi (Breakfast), All are invited to attend the ceremony.
The Sangh has decided to build this temple unique one with the guidance of Sri Kumarpal V Shah. Suggestions are invited from all.
Jyoti Kothari
The Bhumipujan will be followed by Snatra Puja and Navkarsi (Breakfast), All are invited to attend the ceremony.
The Sangh has decided to build this temple unique one with the guidance of Sri Kumarpal V Shah. Suggestions are invited from all.
Jyoti Kothari
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mahavir Mandal in Azimganj and Jiaganj
Mahavir Mandal was the endeavor of few children in Azimganj in 1977. There was a Chaturmas of Sri Pujya sri Jin Chandra Suri in Azimganj in he year 1977. Few of the children decided to present him a gift.They gathered and start thinking of a gift. Sri Pujya ji was learning Bengali language at that point of time. Late Kali Prasad Bhattacharya, Asst. Head Master of RBSB High school was teaching him the said language. The boys and girls together decided to gift him a Bengali- English dictionary that cost them Rs. 18/ only. It looks little amount but it was a big amount for those children. However, they could collect some Rs. 15-16. Srimati Bhanumati Bachchhawat encouraged the children and paid the rest of the amount. The children gathered to gift the dictionary founded an organization called Mahavir Bal Mandal. Later on the word "Bal" was removed and the name of the organization became "Mahavir Mandal".
I feel proud of myself, even today, as I. Jyoti Kothari was the founder secretary of Mahavir Mandal. Dilip Chhajed was the first President of the same. I was 14 at that time and Dilip was 16. We were the eldest male members. My sister Sujata Kothari and Anita Bachchhawat, daughter of Smt. Bhanumati were among elder female members. None of the members were adult at that time.
Smt. Bhanumati Bachchhawat encouraged them by providing a room in her residence that was used as office of the said org. Later on, Mahavir Mandal was provided with a room in "Bada Upasra" at Sri Neminath temple.
Mahavir Mandal worked very well. We arranged for games and sports, Physical raining, daily coaching of the younger students and organized musical nights (Bhajan sandhya). Mahavir Mandal had started and run music school and sewing schools. It had organized several exhibitions and multifarious functions. The organization had helped the tourists (Yatri) coming for the purpose of pilgrimage. They also organize "Puja" and cleaning in the temples. A "Book Bank" and a library was also established in the office premises. Mahavir Mandal have provided a "Tube well" in Rambagh Dadabadi which is still working there.
Sunil Churoria and Bikas Chhajed also adorn the chair as secretary of Mahavir Mandal. Surprisingly, we three, me, Jyoti Kothari is now working as secretary, Jaipur Khartar Gachchh Sangh; Sunil as secretary Azimganj Sri Sangh and Bikas as secretary, Murshidabad Sangh, Kolkata.
Later on, probably in 1980, Mahavir Mandal was expanded and a new branch was opened in Jiaganj.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
I feel proud of myself, even today, as I. Jyoti Kothari was the founder secretary of Mahavir Mandal. Dilip Chhajed was the first President of the same. I was 14 at that time and Dilip was 16. We were the eldest male members. My sister Sujata Kothari and Anita Bachchhawat, daughter of Smt. Bhanumati were among elder female members. None of the members were adult at that time.
Smt. Bhanumati Bachchhawat encouraged them by providing a room in her residence that was used as office of the said org. Later on, Mahavir Mandal was provided with a room in "Bada Upasra" at Sri Neminath temple.
Mahavir Mandal worked very well. We arranged for games and sports, Physical raining, daily coaching of the younger students and organized musical nights (Bhajan sandhya). Mahavir Mandal had started and run music school and sewing schools. It had organized several exhibitions and multifarious functions. The organization had helped the tourists (Yatri) coming for the purpose of pilgrimage. They also organize "Puja" and cleaning in the temples. A "Book Bank" and a library was also established in the office premises. Mahavir Mandal have provided a "Tube well" in Rambagh Dadabadi which is still working there.
Sunil Churoria and Bikas Chhajed also adorn the chair as secretary of Mahavir Mandal. Surprisingly, we three, me, Jyoti Kothari is now working as secretary, Jaipur Khartar Gachchh Sangh; Sunil as secretary Azimganj Sri Sangh and Bikas as secretary, Murshidabad Sangh, Kolkata.
Later on, probably in 1980, Mahavir Mandal was expanded and a new branch was opened in Jiaganj.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Annual general meeting on 19th December
Annual general meeting of Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh will be held on Sunday, 19th December, 2010. The meeting will be held at Vichakshan Yari Niwas, JLN Marg, Jaipur 10.30 AM onwards.
The general body meeting will be held to pass the accounts of he previous year and the nex year budget. I will also appoint the auditor for the next year.
Honorable members are invited to attend the AGM.
The general body meeting will be held to pass the accounts of he previous year and the nex year budget. I will also appoint the auditor for the next year.
Honorable members are invited to attend the AGM.
Unique and Grand new Jain temple in Jaipur
American research scholar Steven Vose visits library in Malpura Dadabadi
Free food and lodging for the pilgrims in Malpura Dadabadi
Annual General Meeing,
Khartar Gachchh
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Anti Fur Day....ASMP
I have received an e mail from a Pakistani ASMP and found useful. Please view the same and spread he words to save animals.
- Picture.jpg
Picture 001.jpg
Anti Fur Day Animal Save Movement Pakistan celebrated international Anti Fur Day on 26th Nov, 2010. in city garden Multan.
26th,Nov. 2010
Multan, city garden .Anti Fur Day exists to celebrate animal life and humankind's special relationship with the animal .
with ASMP volunteer and social workers . All participants took an oath to protect the lives of animals and to continue peaceful campaigns against cruelty to animals . Participants took an oath also that they will boycott all leather and fur things . ASMP continue to strive for day when no animal will live in fear or pain. In this occasion,
Khalid Mahmood Qurashi, President, Animal Save Movement said, ASMP is working for the welfare of animals since a long back & will continue its effort to reach its vision to help building a prospective society through animal welfare where co-existence of human and animal is symbiotic” . He said our Mission is to safeguard the rights of animals. To create sympathy, affection, love and respect in the minds of human beings towards animals by giving talks, writing, peaceful processions, seminars, workshops and discussions. To save the animals from being cruelly killed, hunted, caged and used in experiments. To create the feeling that animals have feelings and show emotion such as sorrow, anxiety and depression the same as humans .
Please to save the lives of innocent speechless creatures . GOD loves those who loves His creatures .
FARASAT ALI Bhatti ( advocate)
Addressbook Contacts
- jose(Nickname) - Josephine Reynell
- jose(Nickname) - Josephine Reynell
- oxford(Nickname) - Josephine reynell
Monday, November 29, 2010
Free food and lodging for the pilgrims in Malpura Dadabadi
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, November 28, 2010
Malpura Dadabadi has more than hundred rooms with attached toilets and several halls to accommodate pilgrims. Executive committee of Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur have decided today to provide food and lodging facilities to the pilgrims of Malpura Dadabadi free of charge. However, air conditioned rooms will be charged for Rs. 500/ per room.
Malpura is a famous pilgrimage center of Dadaguru Sri Jin Kushal Suri. Thousands of pilgrims visit Malpura Dadabadi to pay their homage and to worship Dada Jin Kushal Suri. There are Vasupujya Swami and Ambika Devi Jain temples along with the Dadabadi. A library and a dispensary are recently started in the campus.
Ambika Devi,
Free food,
Free lodging,
Jin Kushal Suri,
Malpura Dadabadi,
Unique and Grand new Jain temple in Jaipur
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, November 28, 2010
Khartar Gachchh Sangh of Jaipur have decided to build and develop an Unique and Grand new Jain temple at Mohanbadi in Jaipur. Executive committee of the Sangh have decided to build an unique temple of Lord Rishabhdev, Adinath.
Sri Kushal Chand Surana, former President of Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur is convener and Sri Vimal Chand Surana is a member of construction committee of the Jain temple. Construction of the temple will be guided by Pranimitra Sri Kumarpal V Shah, Dholka.
"Bhumipujan" ceremony of the Jain temple will be held on December 8, 2010 on the auspices of sadhwi Sri Maniprabha Sri Ji Maharaj. Mrs. Amar Kumari Surana will conduct the Bhumipujan.
Mohanbadi is situated in Delhi - Mumbai highway near Galta. Several other temples, Dadabadi and Samadhi situated in Mohanbadi makes it a center of pilgrimage. A Dharamshala with State of art facilities is being build in Mohanbadi for convenience of he pilgrims.
Jain Temple,
Khartar Gachchh,
Kumarpal V Shah,
Maniprabha Sri,
Saturday, November 27, 2010
American research scholar Steven Vose visits library in Malpura Dadabadi
Malpura, Rajasthan, India, November 26, 2010
Steven Vose looking for books in Malpura library
Pennsylvania scholar reading at library, Malpura Dadabadi
Sri Jinprabha Suri is a 14th century Jain Acharya belonging to Laghu Khartar Shakha. He is contemporary to Dada Jin Kushal Suri. Jinprabha Suri influenced Mohammad Bin Tuglak, the then Sultan of Delhi. He is among the most famous and influencing Acharya of Khartar Gachchh.
It is worth noted that several European and American scholars are interested in the history and literature of Khartar Gachchh. James Laidlaw, Cambridge University, UK; Josephine Reynell, Oxford University, UK; Lawrence Alan Babb, Massachusetts University, USA; John Cort, Dennison University, USA are few to name.
"Absent Lord" by Alan Babb is included in the catalog of Khartar Gachchh literature.
It is worth to develop Malpura a study center of Jain and Jainism especially Khartar Gachchh.
Pennsylvania scholar Steven Vose visits Jaipur Jain temples
Executive committee of Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur meets today at Shivji Ram Bhawan
The executive committee of Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur meets today at Shivji Ram Bhawan. Shivji Ram Bhawan is the official H.O. of the Khartar Gachchh Sangh.
The executive committee will discuss on several important issues including accounts, budget, book bank, Malpura Dadabadi etc. It will also discuss establishment and building of a new temple at Mohanbadi during the session.
The executive committee will also decide date for Annual Genaral Meeting (AGM) to be called to pass the budget 2011-12.
Jyoti Kothari
The executive committee will discuss on several important issues including accounts, budget, book bank, Malpura Dadabadi etc. It will also discuss establishment and building of a new temple at Mohanbadi during the session.
The executive committee will also decide date for Annual Genaral Meeting (AGM) to be called to pass the budget 2011-12.
Jyoti Kothari
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Muni Mahendrasagar Ji is requested for next Chaturmas
Param Pujya Muniraj Sri Mahendrasagar Ji Maharaj stayed in Indore for Chaturmas along with his six desciples. Jyoti Kothari, Secretary, Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur visited him in Indore and stayed with him for couple of days. He invited Sri Mahendrasagar Ji Maharaj for his next Chaturmas in Jaipur.
Sri Mahendrasagar Ji is well known for his wisdom, austerity and asceticism. Muni Sri Manish Sagar ji, his mundane son and disciple is working for his Ph. D based on Management and Jainism. He is well qualified and has a degree in electrical engineering. He also possesses a post graduate degree in Management.
A Jain institute should be opened for research and higher studies in Jainism according to Sri Mahendrasagar Ji. This type of institute will also help monks and nuns in their studies of Jain philosophy.He emphasized that Swadhyay is the best way to attained salvation.
Sri Mahendrasagar Ji is well known for his wisdom, austerity and asceticism. Muni Sri Manish Sagar ji, his mundane son and disciple is working for his Ph. D based on Management and Jainism. He is well qualified and has a degree in electrical engineering. He also possesses a post graduate degree in Management.
A Jain institute should be opened for research and higher studies in Jainism according to Sri Mahendrasagar Ji. This type of institute will also help monks and nuns in their studies of Jain philosophy.He emphasized that Swadhyay is the best way to attained salvation.
Detailed list of winners in Bihar assembly election 2010
Results of Bihar assembly election 2010 are declared. NDA won 206 constituency seats where as RJD- LJP could bag only 25. Congress has won 4 seats and independents and others 8 among 243 assembly seats in Bihar.
Detailed lists of candidates are posted in News. Please click to view the same.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Detailed lists of candidates are posted in News. Please click to view the same.
Bihar assembly election 2010: Detailed list of winners Part 1
Bihar assembly election 2010: Detailed list of winners Part 2
Bihar assembly election 2010: Detailed list of winners Part 3
Bihar assembly election 2010: Detailed list of winners Part 4
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Atharah Abhishek in Malpura
Sri Jain Sweatambar Murtipujak Sangh, Jaipur branch will organize Atharah Abhishek pujan in Malpura in the auspices of Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Sadhwi Sri Maniprabha Sri Ji et al.. The program will be organized in Sri Vasupujya Swami temple, Jin Kushal Suri Dadabadi and Ambika Devi temple.
Approximately 50 to 60 members of Murtipujak Sangh will leave Jaipur tomorrow evening and stay in Malpura on the 13th night. Atharah Abhishek will be done on 14th morning.
Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Sadhwi Sri Maniprabha Sri Ji will leave Malpura on 21st November, Kartik Purnima to attend Pratishtha in Kekdi.
Approximately 50 to 60 members of Murtipujak Sangh will leave Jaipur tomorrow evening and stay in Malpura on the 13th night. Atharah Abhishek will be done on 14th morning.
Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Sadhwi Sri Maniprabha Sri Ji will leave Malpura on 21st November, Kartik Purnima to attend Pratishtha in Kekdi.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Inauguration of Jain library and dispensary in Malpura Dadabadi on Gyan Panchami
A Jain library and a dispensary are inaugurated in Malpura Dadabadi on Gyan Panchami, today.The Jain library is named "Vichakshan Vachanalay" after renowned Jain nun Sri Vichakshan Sri Ji Maharaj. Sri Kushal Chand Surana, former President of Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Jain library.
A new dispensary was opened in the memory of Mr. Bhatewra of Dhulia who expired in Malpura two months back.His family has initially sponsored the dispensary.
Jyoti Kothari, Secretary, Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur felicitated Mr. and Mrs Surana and Bhatewra family.
Sadhwi Maniprabha Sri Ji delivered a formal discourse before the opening ceremony. An entire family walked (Pad Yatra) to Malpura Dadabadi from Chitalwana (650 KM) to pay homage to Dada Gurudev Sri Jin Kushal Suri. Srimati Padma Surana, Prakash Chand Lodha, Deputy convener, Chaturmas Samiti, executive member Sri Vimal Bhandari and Jyoti Kothari garlanded the family members. They also present shawls as symbol of honor to the walkers.
The entire program was organized in the auspices of Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri ji Maharaj et al.
A new dispensary was opened in the memory of Mr. Bhatewra of Dhulia who expired in Malpura two months back.His family has initially sponsored the dispensary.
Jyoti Kothari, Secretary, Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur felicitated Mr. and Mrs Surana and Bhatewra family.
Sadhwi Maniprabha Sri Ji delivered a formal discourse before the opening ceremony. An entire family walked (Pad Yatra) to Malpura Dadabadi from Chitalwana (650 KM) to pay homage to Dada Gurudev Sri Jin Kushal Suri. Srimati Padma Surana, Prakash Chand Lodha, Deputy convener, Chaturmas Samiti, executive member Sri Vimal Bhandari and Jyoti Kothari garlanded the family members. They also present shawls as symbol of honor to the walkers.
The entire program was organized in the auspices of Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri ji Maharaj et al.
Malpura: A pilgrimage center of Dada Jin Kushal Suri
Monday, November 8, 2010
Inauguration of Jain library in Malpura Dadabadi on Gyan Panchami
A Jain library will be inaugurated in Malpura Dadabadi on Gyan Panchami at 11.30 AM, November 10, 2010. Sri Kushal Chand Surana, former President of Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur will inaugurate the library. Inaugural ceremony will be held in the auspices of Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Sadhwi Sri Maniprabha Sri Ji. Both of them are observing their Chaturmas in Malpura Dadabadi.
There is a library hall at Malpura Dadabadi. It was kept empty or used as a residential hall to accommodate visitors.
Sadhwi Maniprabha Sri Ji inspired the executive committee to start a Jain library to facilitate visitors of the pilgrimage center.
There is a library hall at Malpura Dadabadi. It was kept empty or used as a residential hall to accommodate visitors.
Sadhwi Maniprabha Sri Ji inspired the executive committee to start a Jain library to facilitate visitors of the pilgrimage center.
Malpura: A pilgrimage center of Dada Jin Kushal Suri
President Obama urges India to bail out America from economic crisis
President Obama urges India to bail out America from economic crisis. Barack Obama, the US president is visiting India. He visited Indian financial capital Mumbai and met with Indian business tycoons and industrialists. He behaved like a salesman for the American corporations according to Indian electronic media.
He tried to push American corporations and their goods in the Indian market. He told in New Delhi that India is growing market for Boeing corporation. He wants more American air-crafts in Indian sky. He is hopeful that India will import more American goods. The United States are facing severe economic crisis and financial problems since last three years. The US is also facing severe unemployment since American recession.
President of America also pointed out several areas such as agriculture and food processing where India and America can cooperate to develop their economies.
America is looking forward to India as savior and to bail out their economy.
View detailed articles:
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
He tried to push American corporations and their goods in the Indian market. He told in New Delhi that India is growing market for Boeing corporation. He wants more American air-crafts in Indian sky. He is hopeful that India will import more American goods. The United States are facing severe economic crisis and financial problems since last three years. The US is also facing severe unemployment since American recession.
President of America also pointed out several areas such as agriculture and food processing where India and America can cooperate to develop their economies.
America is looking forward to India as savior and to bail out their economy.
View detailed articles:
Can India bail out America and rest of the world from present economic crisis? Part 1
Can India bail out America and rest of the world from economic crisis Part-2
President Obama and economic crisis of America
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Jaipur Khartar Gachchh Sangh launched "Book Bank" for students on Jain New Year
Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur has launched "Book Bank" for students on Jain New Year Day . The book bank will work to facilitate students. Jyoti Kothari, Secretary, Khartar Gachchh Sangh announced this today.
The launching program was organized on the auspices of Sadhwi Sri Sanyamnidhi Sri and Sadhwi Sri Atmanidhi Sri Maharaj. The same was launched at Vichakshan Bhawan just after the Gautam Ras.
Srimati Kamala Bai Kothari and his sons Sri Abhay Kumar and Sri Akshay Kumar Kothari initially sponsored for the Book Bank in the memory of Late Sri Heerachand Ji Kothari.
Srimati Asha Golechha felicitated Srimati Kamala Bai and Sri Manak Chand Golechha, Senior Vice President, Khartar Gachchh Sangh felicitated Sri Abhay Kumar Kothari.
Sri Mohanlal Daga, Treasurer of the Sangh garlanded Sri Akshay Kumar Kothari on the occasion.
Jyoti Kothari
The launching program was organized on the auspices of Sadhwi Sri Sanyamnidhi Sri and Sadhwi Sri Atmanidhi Sri Maharaj. The same was launched at Vichakshan Bhawan just after the Gautam Ras.
Srimati Kamala Bai Kothari and his sons Sri Abhay Kumar and Sri Akshay Kumar Kothari initially sponsored for the Book Bank in the memory of Late Sri Heerachand Ji Kothari.
Srimati Asha Golechha felicitated Srimati Kamala Bai and Sri Manak Chand Golechha, Senior Vice President, Khartar Gachchh Sangh felicitated Sri Abhay Kumar Kothari.
Sri Mohanlal Daga, Treasurer of the Sangh garlanded Sri Akshay Kumar Kothari on the occasion.
Jyoti Kothari
Nirvan Laddu offered in Panchayati mandir on Mahavira Nirvan Utsav, Gautam Ras in Vichakshan Bhawan
Devotees offered Nirvan Laddu in Sri Suparshwanath Panchayati Mandir, Dada today, November, 07, 2010 early in the morning (5.00 AM). Today was the day of Bhagwan Mahavira Nirvan Utsav and Laddus are offered traditionally in this day to celebrate Nirvana (Salvation) of Lord Mahavira, the 24th Jain Tirthankar.
Jain communities worship Diwali festival to pay homage and worship Nirvana of Bhagwan Mahavira and Laddu is offered to commemorate Tirthankar Nirvana on the next morning of Diwali.
Arati, Mangal Deepak and Chaitya Vandan were followed by the Nirvan Laddu in the temple.
Indrabhuti Gautam, popularly known as Gautam Swami was the first disciple (Gandhar) of Lord Mahavira. He attained omniscience (Keval Gyan) in the same morning. It is believed auspicious to sing and listen Gautam Ras in the morning.
Sadhwi Sanyamnidhi Sri Ji chanted Sapta Smaran and Bhaktamar Stotra along with Gautam Raas in Vichakshan Bhawan with Sri Sangh.
Jyoti Kothari, Secretary, Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh greeted the community and wished happy and prosperous new year. It is worth noted that today is the New Year day of the Jain community.
Jyoti Kothari
Jain communities worship Diwali festival to pay homage and worship Nirvana of Bhagwan Mahavira and Laddu is offered to commemorate Tirthankar Nirvana on the next morning of Diwali.
Arati, Mangal Deepak and Chaitya Vandan were followed by the Nirvan Laddu in the temple.
Indrabhuti Gautam, popularly known as Gautam Swami was the first disciple (Gandhar) of Lord Mahavira. He attained omniscience (Keval Gyan) in the same morning. It is believed auspicious to sing and listen Gautam Ras in the morning.
Sadhwi Sanyamnidhi Sri Ji chanted Sapta Smaran and Bhaktamar Stotra along with Gautam Raas in Vichakshan Bhawan with Sri Sangh.
Jyoti Kothari, Secretary, Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh greeted the community and wished happy and prosperous new year. It is worth noted that today is the New Year day of the Jain community.
Jyoti Kothari
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Us President Barack Obama remembered "Jain" while extending Diwali greetings
US President Barack Obama remembered "Jain" while extending Diwali greetings.
Barack Obama, President of America extended his greetings from White House, Washington on the occasion of Diwali Thursday November 4, 2010. He is looking forward to visiting India in the next few days.
'Tomorrow, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists, here in America and around the world, will celebrate the holiday of Diwali - the festival of lights. This is a day when members of some of the world's oldest religion celebrate the triumph of good over evil,' President Obama said in a message. .
He reminded that he had lighted a 'Diya (lamp)' last year in the White House to mark the holiday of Deepavali. 'This lamp symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance,' said Barack Obama.
He ended his message with his good wishes. The US President Barack Obama said, 'And to all those who will celebrate this joyous occasion on Friday, I wish you, your families and loved ones Happy Diwali and Saal Mubarak'.
President Obama will be in a four day visit to India from November 6, 2010. just after Diwali.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Mahavira Swami Panch Kalyanak Puja in Panchayati Mandir on Dhan Teras
Sri Mahavira Swami Panch Kalyanak Puja will be held in Sri Suparshwanath Jain Temple, Panchayati Mandir on Dhan Teras, November 3, 2010, 10 AM onwards. The Puja will be organized on the auspices of Pujya Sadhwi Sri Sanyamnidhi Sri Ji etc Thana 3.
The program is part of the Diwali celebration which will continue till November 7.
This is a traditional Puja organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh. Traditionally, the worshipers move a Chariot (Rath) inside the temple. This is unique and unusual in a Puja ceremony.
All the devotees are invited to join the ceremony.
The program is part of the Diwali celebration which will continue till November 7.
This is a traditional Puja organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh. Traditionally, the worshipers move a Chariot (Rath) inside the temple. This is unique and unusual in a Puja ceremony.
All the devotees are invited to join the ceremony.
मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने का प्रयास: मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी
मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी की स्थापना मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने का एक प्रयास है. प्राचीन काल में मुर्शिदाबाद का क्षेत्र गौड़ के नाम से जाना जाता था. औरंगजेब के सिपहसालार मुर्शीदकुली खान ने इसे बसाया एवं ढाका के स्थान पर सन १७०४ में इसे बंगाल, बिहार, एवं उडिस्सा की राजधानी बनाया. जब मुर्शीद कुली खान यहं आये तो उनके साथ उनके परम मित्र जगत सेठ मानकचंद गेलडा को भी साथ लाये. जैनों के उत्कर्ष का काल यहाँ पर तभी से शुरू हुआ.
यह नवाबों के शहर के नाम से भी जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शीदकुली खान के बाद नवाब अलीवर्दी खान, नवाब सुजाउद्दीन आदि ने नवाब की गद्दी संभाली. सिराज़ुद्दौला मुर्शिदाबाद के अंतिम स्वतंत्र नवाब हुए. मुर्शिदाबाद मुग़ल एवं ब्रिटिश शक्तियों के वीच युद्ध स्थल बना. पलाशी के युद्ध में सिराज़ुद्दौला के सेनापति मीर जाफर की गद्दारी के कारन उन्हें ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के क्लाइव लोयेड के हाथों पराजित होना पड़ा. यहीं से भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन की नींव पड़ी.
अंग्रेजों ने अपनी राजधानी मुर्शिदाबाद से बदल कर कलकत्ते को बना लिया लेकिन मुर्शिदाबाद की गरिमा फिर भी बनी रही. मुर्शिदाबाद अपनी कलाप्रियता के लिए जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शिदाबाद के अजीमगंज एवं जिआगंज में रहने वाले जैन धर्मावालम्वी ओसवालों ने यहाँ की संस्कृति में रंग भरने में अपना विशिष्ट योगदान दिया. यहाँ के जैन धर्मावलाम्वी शहरवाली के नाम से प्रसिद्द हुए.यहाँ की कला, संस्कृति, स्थापत्य आदि की उन्नति में शहरवाली समाज का योगदान कल्पनातीत है.
शहरवाली समाज के लोग उच्च शिक्षित, राईस व धनवान होने के साथ ही धर्मात्मा भी थे. अनेकों जिन मंदिर एवं दादाबाड़ी उनकी धर्मं परायणता का उदहारण है. शहरवाली समाज द्वारा स्थापित अनेक विद्यालय, महाविद्यालय जहाँ उनकी शिक्षा एवं ज्ञान के प्रति रूचि दर्शाती है वहीँ उन लोगों के द्वारा स्थापित चिकित्सालय उनकी परोपकारिता को.
यहाँ के जैन मंदिर एवं कोठियां शहरवाली समाज के अतीत गौरव की याद दिलाती है. यह एक धर्मं प्राण समाज है एवं अनेक दीक्षाएं इस बात कीगवाह है. अजीमगंज व जियागंज से अनेक साधू - साध्वियां भी हुई हैं.
शहरवाली पोषाक की अपनी अलग विशेषता है. अजीमगंज शहरवाली साथ का खानाभी अपनी विशिष्टताओं से भरपूर है. इनकी विविधता भी निराली है. शहरवाली समाज के रीती रिवाजों में भी यहं की माती की सुगंध है.
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
यह नवाबों के शहर के नाम से भी जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शीदकुली खान के बाद नवाब अलीवर्दी खान, नवाब सुजाउद्दीन आदि ने नवाब की गद्दी संभाली. सिराज़ुद्दौला मुर्शिदाबाद के अंतिम स्वतंत्र नवाब हुए. मुर्शिदाबाद मुग़ल एवं ब्रिटिश शक्तियों के वीच युद्ध स्थल बना. पलाशी के युद्ध में सिराज़ुद्दौला के सेनापति मीर जाफर की गद्दारी के कारन उन्हें ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के क्लाइव लोयेड के हाथों पराजित होना पड़ा. यहीं से भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन की नींव पड़ी.
अंग्रेजों ने अपनी राजधानी मुर्शिदाबाद से बदल कर कलकत्ते को बना लिया लेकिन मुर्शिदाबाद की गरिमा फिर भी बनी रही. मुर्शिदाबाद अपनी कलाप्रियता के लिए जाना जाता रहा.
मुर्शिदाबाद के अजीमगंज एवं जिआगंज में रहने वाले जैन धर्मावालम्वी ओसवालों ने यहाँ की संस्कृति में रंग भरने में अपना विशिष्ट योगदान दिया. यहाँ के जैन धर्मावलाम्वी शहरवाली के नाम से प्रसिद्द हुए.यहाँ की कला, संस्कृति, स्थापत्य आदि की उन्नति में शहरवाली समाज का योगदान कल्पनातीत है.
शहरवाली समाज के लोग उच्च शिक्षित, राईस व धनवान होने के साथ ही धर्मात्मा भी थे. अनेकों जिन मंदिर एवं दादाबाड़ी उनकी धर्मं परायणता का उदहारण है. शहरवाली समाज द्वारा स्थापित अनेक विद्यालय, महाविद्यालय जहाँ उनकी शिक्षा एवं ज्ञान के प्रति रूचि दर्शाती है वहीँ उन लोगों के द्वारा स्थापित चिकित्सालय उनकी परोपकारिता को.
यहाँ के जैन मंदिर एवं कोठियां शहरवाली समाज के अतीत गौरव की याद दिलाती है. यह एक धर्मं प्राण समाज है एवं अनेक दीक्षाएं इस बात कीगवाह है. अजीमगंज व जियागंज से अनेक साधू - साध्वियां भी हुई हैं.
शहरवाली पोषाक की अपनी अलग विशेषता है. अजीमगंज शहरवाली साथ का खानाभी अपनी विशिष्टताओं से भरपूर है. इनकी विविधता भी निराली है. शहरवाली समाज के रीती रिवाजों में भी यहं की माती की सुगंध है.
Launching Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
Images Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
With regards,Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Diwali and Gyan Panchami program at Shiv Ji Ram Bhawan
Pujya Sadhwi Sri Sanyamnidhi Sri ji and Atmanidhi Sri Ji will deliver Diwali (Dipavali) pravachan on November 4, 5 and 6 from 9.00 AM onwards at Vichakshan Bhawan.
Dipavali (Deepavali) festival is celebrated in Jainism to worship and celebrate Nirvan Utsav (Salvation) of Lord Mahavira. Hence, it is also called Mahavira Nirvan Utsav.
Nirvan Laddu on the eve of Diwali will be offered at Sri Suparshwanath Jain temple (Panchayati Mandir), Dara, Gheewalon Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar at 5.00 AM on November 7, 2010. The same will be offered at Leeladhar Ji Ka Upasra (Swetambar School) at 5.30 AM.
The program will be followed by Gautam Ras at Vichakshan Bhawan, MSB Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar, Jaipur from 6 AM Onwards.
Gyan Panchami will be celebrated on November 10 at the same place.
Contact 2563884 for more details.
Jyoti Kothari
Dipavali (Deepavali) festival is celebrated in Jainism to worship and celebrate Nirvan Utsav (Salvation) of Lord Mahavira. Hence, it is also called Mahavira Nirvan Utsav.
Nirvan Laddu on the eve of Diwali will be offered at Sri Suparshwanath Jain temple (Panchayati Mandir), Dara, Gheewalon Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar at 5.00 AM on November 7, 2010. The same will be offered at Leeladhar Ji Ka Upasra (Swetambar School) at 5.30 AM.
The program will be followed by Gautam Ras at Vichakshan Bhawan, MSB Ka Rasta, Johri Bazar, Jaipur from 6 AM Onwards.
Gyan Panchami will be celebrated on November 10 at the same place.
Contact 2563884 for more details.
Jyoti Kothari
Images Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
I am adding here two images of Murshidabad Heritage Development Society.
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
New Jain website
With regards,Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Launching Murshidabad Heritage Development Society
PP Rashtra Sant Acharya Padamsagar Suri Ji Maharaj will formally launch Murshidabad Heritage Development Society at 02:30 PM on 31/10/10 at Jain Dadabari, 29 Badridas Temple Street and PP Sadhvi Shri Shashi Prabha Shree Ji will bestow her blessings.
People of Murshidabad believe that this will be proved as a big step towards development of Azimganj, Jiaganj and Murshidabad. Both West Bengal state and the Central Government of India will be involved in this projest.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
People of Murshidabad believe that this will be proved as a big step towards development of Azimganj, Jiaganj and Murshidabad. Both West Bengal state and the Central Government of India will be involved in this projest.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Indian wives observed Karwa Chauth
It was Karwa Chauth, Kartik Krishna Chaturthi. Indian women celebrated Karwa Chauth. The festival of Karwa Chauth is celebrated to wish long life for the husbands.
Indian wives observe a day long fast and break the fast seeing the moon in the evening. It is one of the most important festival of the Hindu wives. Large numbers of married Hindu women observed this today.
Sushma Swaraj, leader of Opposition in the Loksabha (Lower house of the Indian parliament) also observed fast. She herself told the story related to Karwa Chauth among the women came to visit her on the eve of the festival.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Indian wives observe a day long fast and break the fast seeing the moon in the evening. It is one of the most important festival of the Hindu wives. Large numbers of married Hindu women observed this today.
Sushma Swaraj, leader of Opposition in the Loksabha (Lower house of the Indian parliament) also observed fast. She herself told the story related to Karwa Chauth among the women came to visit her on the eve of the festival.
Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also ISO 9000 professional)
Kumarpal V Shah and Pramod Jain "Bhaya" visited Malpura Dadabadi
Pranimitra Sri Kumarpal V Shah and Pramod Jain "Bhaya", PWD minister in Rajasthan visited Malpura Dadabadi. Both of them reached Malpura on 22nd October, stayed there in the night and left 23rd morning.
Sri Kumarpal V Shah is a renowned name among Jain communities. He is a preacher, social worker and a religious person.
Pramod Jain, PWD minister in Rajasthan is a devotee of Dadaguru dev and Malpura Dadabadi.
Sri Kumarpal V Shah is a renowned name among Jain communities. He is a preacher, social worker and a religious person.
Pramod Jain, PWD minister in Rajasthan is a devotee of Dadaguru dev and Malpura Dadabadi.
Kumarpal V Shah,
Pramod Jain,
PWD Minister,
Education camp (Swadhyay Shivir) on Jainism in Bikaner, Rajasthan
A three days Jain education camp (Swadhyay Shivir) was organized at Kushal Bhawan in Bikaner, Rajasthan between October 23 to 26, 2010.
The camp was organized in the auspices of Jain Nun Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri Ji etc. Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri ji is principle disciple of late Sadhwi Hemprabha Sri Ji. The educational camp ran in three shifts morning, afternoon and night. Approximately fifty gentlemen and ladies participated as students in this camp.
Jyoti Kothari, Jaipur led and taught Jainism through out the educational camp (Swadhyay Shivir).
The camp was organized in the auspices of Jain Nun Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri Ji etc. Sadhwi Kalpalata Sri ji is principle disciple of late Sadhwi Hemprabha Sri Ji. The educational camp ran in three shifts morning, afternoon and night. Approximately fifty gentlemen and ladies participated as students in this camp.
Jyoti Kothari, Jaipur led and taught Jainism through out the educational camp (Swadhyay Shivir).
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sharad Purnima Utsav in Malpura Dadabari
Sharad Purnima utsav celebrated in Malpura Dadabari in the auspicious of reverend Jain Sadhvi Shree Chandrakala Shree Ji and Maniprabha Shree Ji. It was a two days program. There was a Bhakti Sandhya (Devotional Night) yesterday. Shri Magan Kochar and his party from Bikaner and Lavesh Burad and Party from Indore were the main attraction of Ratri Jagran. They sang devotional songs through the night. Mahila Mandal of Balaghat also contributed with them. Padmashree awarded Pt Shyamacharan Mishra and his party contributed in the musical night. Pundit Mishra astonished people with his classical vocals. He started at 4 in the morning and sang for hours.
Sharad Purnima was the last day of Navpad Oli. This was the ninth day and Jain communities worship Samyag Tap Pad on this day. Many people in Malpura observed Ayambil today to worship Navpad.
Yesterday’s Bhakti Sandhya was followed by Dada Gurudev Pujan today morning. Pundit Mishra had been singing through the Puja. Dada Gurudev Puja was continued till afternoon. Large numbers of devotees from Malpura, Jaipur, Ajmer, Kekdi, Tonk and from many other places of India were present and enjoyed the program. There was a Sadharmi Vatsalya (Lunch) in the afternoon. The whole program was organized and sponsored by Shree Praveen Mahemwal and family.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Navpad Mandal Pujan in Azimganj tomorrow on the eve of Navpad Oli
Navpad Mandal Pujan will be organized at Sri Neminath Swami temple tomorrow. Navpad Mandal Pujan is organized every year on the last day of Navpad Oli in Azimganj since many many years.
This is a gorgeous program organized with full enthusiasm. Shaharwali people of Azimganj worship Navpad conducting Navpad Oli with full devotion and enthusiasm since centuries. Navpad Mandal Pujan is so famous in Azimganj that people living outside Azimganj also come and join this puja.
Sri Sangh of Azimganj will organize this Puja tomorrow, October 22, 2010.
Sri Pradyot Sethia, a Shaharwali living in Jaipur reported this telephonically. He is now at Azimganj and worshiping Navpad Oli along with some others from Azimganj.
Meanwhile, Sri and Srimati Ratichand Bothra of Azimganj are worshiping Navpad Oli in Malpura Dadabadi. He sponsored Navpad Puja here today.
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
This is a gorgeous program organized with full enthusiasm. Shaharwali people of Azimganj worship Navpad conducting Navpad Oli with full devotion and enthusiasm since centuries. Navpad Mandal Pujan is so famous in Azimganj that people living outside Azimganj also come and join this puja.
Sri Sangh of Azimganj will organize this Puja tomorrow, October 22, 2010.
Sri Pradyot Sethia, a Shaharwali living in Jaipur reported this telephonically. He is now at Azimganj and worshiping Navpad Oli along with some others from Azimganj.
Meanwhile, Sri and Srimati Ratichand Bothra of Azimganj are worshiping Navpad Oli in Malpura Dadabadi. He sponsored Navpad Puja here today.
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Arihant on the first day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Siddha Pad on the second day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Acharya" on the third day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Upadhyaya" Pad on the fourth day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Sadhu" Pad on fifth day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Samyag Darshan" Pad on sixth day
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Samyag Gyan" Pad on seventh day
Navpad Oli (Aymbil Oli): Eighth day is to worship Samyag Charitra Pad
Navpad Oli (Aymbil Oli): Ninth day is to worship Samyag Tap Pad
With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
Siddhachakra Mahapujan and Navpad Puja in Malpura Dadabadi
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli) festival is being celebrated in Malpura Dadabadi with Enthusiasm.Large numbers of people from different parts of India are observing Ayambil to worship Navpad (Navpad Oli). A three days' special program of Pujas is organized in these occasion.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan was conducted yesterday, the seventh day of Navpad Oli. The Mahapujan was conducted in The Vasupujya Swami temple in the Dadabadi campus. Param Pujya Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji also attended the program.
The Puja was conducted with gorgeous decoration of Siddhachakra Mandal. Dasot family of Tonk sponsored this program. Jyoti Kothari, conducted rituals and explained importance of Siddhachakra, Navpad and Siddhachakra Mandal. He explained that Navpad alias Siddhachakra is the main cause of liberation, enlightenment as well as earthly fortune. This is also the principle and root cause of all spirituality.
Vidhikarak Premchand Srisrimal assisted him in conducting rituals and performing pujan. Mahila Mandal of Balaghat and Sangeet mandal of Pali performed musical sessions of devotional songs. The entire program was held on October 20, 2010.
Navpad Puja, sponsored by Sri Ratichand Bothra, Azimganj, was organized on October 21. Mahila Mandal, Balaghat participated actively in this Pujan. It was the eighth day of Navpad Oli.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan was conducted yesterday, the seventh day of Navpad Oli. The Mahapujan was conducted in The Vasupujya Swami temple in the Dadabadi campus. Param Pujya Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji also attended the program.
The Puja was conducted with gorgeous decoration of Siddhachakra Mandal. Dasot family of Tonk sponsored this program. Jyoti Kothari, conducted rituals and explained importance of Siddhachakra, Navpad and Siddhachakra Mandal. He explained that Navpad alias Siddhachakra is the main cause of liberation, enlightenment as well as earthly fortune. This is also the principle and root cause of all spirituality.
Vidhikarak Premchand Srisrimal assisted him in conducting rituals and performing pujan. Mahila Mandal of Balaghat and Sangeet mandal of Pali performed musical sessions of devotional songs. The entire program was held on October 20, 2010.
Navpad Puja, sponsored by Sri Ratichand Bothra, Azimganj, was organized on October 21. Mahila Mandal, Balaghat participated actively in this Pujan. It was the eighth day of Navpad Oli.
Navpad Oli is being celebrated in Malpura Dadabadi with enthusiasm
Navpad Oli program in Jaipur and Malpura Dadabadi
Monday, October 18, 2010
पंचायती मंदिर में श्री नवपद जी की पूजा
नवपद ओली के उपलक्ष्य में आज दिनांक १९ अक्टूबर २०१० को पंचायती मंदिर, दडा में श्री नवपद जी की पूजा का आयोजन किया गया है. नवपद पूजा व्याख्यान के बाद सुबह दस बजे से शुरू होगी.
परंपरागत रूप से यह पूजा आश्विन शुक्ल द्वादसी को पंचायती मंदिर में पढाई जाती रही है. आज भी उसी परंपरा का निर्वाह करते हुए यह पूजा पढाई जाएगी.
प. पू. साध्वी श्री संयमनिधि श्री जी एवं आत्मनिधि श्री जी महाराज की निश्रा में यह कार्य क्रम श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ आयोजित करेगा.
सभी से पूजा में पधारने की विनती है.
मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी में प. पू. श्री चन्द्रकला श्री जी एवं श्री मणिप्रभा श्री जी महाराज साहब की निश्रा में तिन दिवसीय कार्यक्रम का आयोजन कल से होगा. प्रथम दिन श्री सिद्ध चक्र महापूजन का आयोजन जयपुर के दासोत परिवार के सौजन्य से आयोजित किया जायेगा.
परंपरागत रूप से यह पूजा आश्विन शुक्ल द्वादसी को पंचायती मंदिर में पढाई जाती रही है. आज भी उसी परंपरा का निर्वाह करते हुए यह पूजा पढाई जाएगी.
प. पू. साध्वी श्री संयमनिधि श्री जी एवं आत्मनिधि श्री जी महाराज की निश्रा में यह कार्य क्रम श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ आयोजित करेगा.
सभी से पूजा में पधारने की विनती है.
मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी में प. पू. श्री चन्द्रकला श्री जी एवं श्री मणिप्रभा श्री जी महाराज साहब की निश्रा में तिन दिवसीय कार्यक्रम का आयोजन कल से होगा. प्रथम दिन श्री सिद्ध चक्र महापूजन का आयोजन जयपुर के दासोत परिवार के सौजन्य से आयोजित किया जायेगा.
नवपद ओली,
नवपद पूजा,
पंचायती मंदिर,
मणिप्रभा श्री,
मालपुरा दादाबाड़ी
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Discussion on Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami in Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch, Jaipur
Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch organized a discussion on Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami today on the eve of the said festival. It is worth noted that Gulabi Nagar Vichar Manch has been organizing weekly discussions on various topics since 1983. They organize it every Sinday.
Late Girdharilal Bhargav, MP, Jaipur and Late Dr. Ujala Arora, Minister, Rajasthan were the founder of this Manch.
Darshan Kothari, Chief speaker of the program told that Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami are one of the main festivals of Hindu Communities. Dasahara is a Kshatriya festival according to Hinduism. Rakhi is for Brahmins, Diwali for Vaisya and Holi for Shudra communities. These classifications are according to work distributions. All four sects celebrate and enjoy all four festivals. However, the nature of these festivals are liable for such classification. Kshatriya community worship their arms and weapons on the eve of Dasahara.
Rajasthan is the land of brave Rajputs. Hence, Dasahara has a great importance for them.
It is Vijaya Dasami in West Bengal. Bengali community enjoys "Kolakoli" in this day. Vijaya Dasami comes just after Durga Puja, the greatest festival of Bengal. Lord Rama (Ram) conquered Ravan (Demon King) on this day.
Tejkaran Parashar told that Dasahara is the establishment day of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a great volunteer organization of India.
Advocate Pradip Chouhan extended vote of thanks to the audience.
Posted by: Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) professional.)
Late Girdharilal Bhargav, MP, Jaipur and Late Dr. Ujala Arora, Minister, Rajasthan were the founder of this Manch.
Darshan Kothari, Chief speaker of the program told that Dasahara and Vijaya Dasami are one of the main festivals of Hindu Communities. Dasahara is a Kshatriya festival according to Hinduism. Rakhi is for Brahmins, Diwali for Vaisya and Holi for Shudra communities. These classifications are according to work distributions. All four sects celebrate and enjoy all four festivals. However, the nature of these festivals are liable for such classification. Kshatriya community worship their arms and weapons on the eve of Dasahara.
Rajasthan is the land of brave Rajputs. Hence, Dasahara has a great importance for them.
It is Vijaya Dasami in West Bengal. Bengali community enjoys "Kolakoli" in this day. Vijaya Dasami comes just after Durga Puja, the greatest festival of Bengal. Lord Rama (Ram) conquered Ravan (Demon King) on this day.
Tejkaran Parashar told that Dasahara is the establishment day of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a great volunteer organization of India.
Advocate Pradip Chouhan extended vote of thanks to the audience.
Posted by: Jyoti Kothari
(Jyoti Kothari, proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents centuries old tradition of excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) professional.)
Durga Puja,
Hindu Communities,
Vijaya Dasami
Navpad Oli is being celebrated in Malpura Dadabadi with enthusiasm
Navpad Oli has a great significance in Jainism. Jain community worship Navpad during these nine days of Navpad Oli. It begins on Ashwin Shukla Saptami and Ends on Ashwin Shukla Purnima, the Sharad Purnima (October 14 to 22, 2010).
Reverend Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji Maharaj are staying with their disciples in Malpura Dadabadi for Chaturmas. Navpad Oli is being celebrated in their auspices.
Daily Pujan and all Vidhi Vidhan are going on in Malpura. A good number of devotees are observing Ayambil Tap to worship Navpad alias Siddhachakra.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan will be organized on October 20 and Navpad Puja on 21st. There will also be "Ratri Jagaran" (Bhakti Sandhya) on 21 followed by Dadaguru Dev Pujan on the eve of Sharad Purnima on 22nd.
Dasot family of Jaipur is sponsoring Navpad Oli program and Mahamwal family of Jaipur is sponsoring Sharad Purnima program.organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh.
Reverend Sadhwi Sri Chandrakala Sri Ji and Maniprabha Sri Ji Maharaj are staying with their disciples in Malpura Dadabadi for Chaturmas. Navpad Oli is being celebrated in their auspices.
Daily Pujan and all Vidhi Vidhan are going on in Malpura. A good number of devotees are observing Ayambil Tap to worship Navpad alias Siddhachakra.
Siddhachakra Mahapujan will be organized on October 20 and Navpad Puja on 21st. There will also be "Ratri Jagaran" (Bhakti Sandhya) on 21 followed by Dadaguru Dev Pujan on the eve of Sharad Purnima on 22nd.
Dasot family of Jaipur is sponsoring Navpad Oli program and Mahamwal family of Jaipur is sponsoring Sharad Purnima program.organized by Sri Jain Swetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh.
Malpura: A pilgrimage center of Dada Jin Kushal Suri (With Photos)
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Arihant on the first day..
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Siddha Pad on the second..
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Acharya" on the third...
Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Upadhyaya" Pad on fourth...
Festival of India: Navpad Oli in Jainism
avpad Oli,
Jain community,
Malpura Dadabadi,
Sharad Purnima
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Presented by: Jyoti Kothari
Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a ISO 9000 professional.
These articles are on different topics such as Gems and Jewelry, Yoga, Business, Profession and Science.
Presented by: Jyoti Kothari
Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is also a ISO 9000 professional.
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