

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Pudgala and Vargana in Jain doctrine

Pudgala (Matter) – A Detailed Explanation


In Jain philosophy, Pudgala (matter) is one of the six fundamental substances (Dravyas) that constitute the universe. The term Pudgala originates from Purana (integration) and Galana (dissociation), implying that Pudgala inherently possesses the property of aggregation and disintegration. Among the six Dravyas, no other substance exhibits this characteristic—this property is exclusive to Pudgala.

Pudgala is the only substance with form (Rupa) and can be perceived through the senses. Unlike Jeeva (soul), which is conscious, Pudgala is inert, lifeless, and devoid of consciousness.

It exists eternally and undergoes continuous modifications (Parinama). Pudgala plays a crucial role in binding karma to the soul, thereby influencing birth, rebirth, and liberation.

Characteristics of Pudgala

Pudgala possesses four fundamental attributes (Gunas):

  • Touch (Sparsha) – It can be hot, cold, smooth, rough, hard, soft, heavy, or light.
  • Taste (Rasa) – It can be sweet, bitter, sour, pungent, or astringent.
  • Smell (Gandha) – Pudgala may have a fragrance or a foul odor.
  • Color (Varna) – It can appear in various colors like white, black, red, blue, and green.
  • Sound (Shabda)- Though it is not an integral property, Pudgala can create sound when it collides with each other.

These qualities define Pudgala's interactions with other entities.

Classification of Pudgala

1. Paramanu (Infinitesimal Particle)

The smallest indivisible unit of matter, Paramanu is far subtler than any atomic or subatomic particle described in modern science. It is only perceivable by an omniscient being (Kevali).

2. Skandha (Aggregate)

A combination of multiple Paramanu.The smallest Skandha consists of two Paramanus and a maximum of infinite times-infinite Paramanus. Only a skandha consisting of infinite times-infinite Paramanus forms visible and perceivable matter.

3. Vargana (Clusters of Pudgala Particles)

Larger Skandhas are generally termed Varganas, which constitute objects, food, bodies, mind, and karma particles.

Types of Pudgala Based on Perception

  • Sukshma Pudgala (Subtle Matter) – Invisible to human senses, includes karmic matter.
  • Badara Pudgala (Gross Matter) – Perceptible matter, such as stones, wood, metals, and human bodies.

Functions of Pudgala

  • Formation of Physical Bodies – The bodies of humans, celestial beings, and infernal beings are composed of Pudgala.
  • Binding of KarmaKarmic particles attach to the soul due to passions (Kashayas) such as anger, greed, ego, and deceit.
  • Production of Speech and Sound – Pudgala vibrations generate speech and sound.
  • Transformation and Modification – Pudgala constantly changes form (e.g., food transforming into energy).

Pudgala and Its Role in Bondage and Liberation

1. Bondage (Bandha)

  • When the impure soul engages in desires and attachments, Pudgala in the form of karma particles binds to it, resulting in rebirth.

2. Liberation (Moksha)

  • When all passions (Kashayas) are eradicated, Pudgala (karma) detaches, leading to the soul’s ultimate liberation.

The 8 Consumable Varganas by Jeeva

A liberated soul (Siddha) does not consume any Pudgala Varganas, but a mundane soul (Sansari Jeeva) depends on eight Varganas:

  1. Audarika Vargana – Forms the gross physical body of humans and animals.
  2. Vaikriyika Vargana – Forms transformative bodies of celestial and infernal beings.
  3. Aharaka Vargana – Used by ascetics (Munis) to form Aharaka Sharira for spiritual travel and divine communication.
  4. Bhasha Vargana – Enables speech production and communication.
  5. Swasa-Uchhwasa Vargana – Aids in breathing and respiration.
  6. Mano Vargana – Forms the mind (Mana), enabling thought, decision-making, and cognition.
  7. Taijasa Vargana – Forms the Tejas Sharira (energy body), regulating heat, digestion, and internal energy.
  8. Karmana Vargana – Forms the Karmic body, influencing rebirth and life experiences.


Pudgala is the only material substance among the six Dravyas. It plays a crucial role in both worldly and spiritual aspects, binding karma to the soul while also enabling liberation. Understanding Pudgala helps us comprehend the interaction between the soul and matter, ultimately guiding us toward Moksha (liberation).


A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. Which of the following is a unique characteristic of Pudgala?
    a) Consciousness
    b) Aggregation and disintegration
    c) Omniscience
    d) Motion and rest

  2. Which quality is NOT associated with Pudgala?
    a) Touch
    b) Taste
    c) Intelligence
    d) Smell

  3. What is the smallest indivisible unit of Pudgala?
    a) Atom
    b) Paramanu
    c) Skandha
    d) Vargana

  4. What is Sukshma Pudgala?
    a) A visible form of Pudgala
    b) An invisible, subtle form of Pudgala
    c) A type of celestial being
    d) None of the above

  5. How does Pudgala affect the soul?
    a) By granting it omniscience
    b) By binding karma to the soul
    c) By giving the soul consciousness
    d) By transforming it into a celestial being

B. Short Answer Questions

  1. Explain the difference between Paramanu and Skandha.
  2. List any three functions of Pudgala.
  3. How does Pudgala bind karma to the soul?
  4. Define Vargana and explain its significance.
  5. What are the four essential qualities of Pudgala?

C. True or False

  1. Pudgala is the only Dravya with physical form.
  2. Paramanu is identical to the modern atomic structure.
  3. Pudgala can be perceived through all five senses.
  4. The soul (Jeeva) consumes all types of Varganas.
  5. Liberated souls (Siddhas) no longer consume Pudgala.

D. Descriptive Questions

  1. Describe the different classifications of Pudgala with examples.
  2. How does Pudgala contribute to the formation of physical bodies?
  3. Explain the concept of Varganas and their role in bodily functions.
  4. Compare Jain philosophy’s concept of Pudgala with modern science.
  5. What is the role of Pudgala in bondage and liberation?

Jyoti Kothari (Jyoti Kothari, Proprietor, Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is an adviser, Vardhaman Infotech, a leading IT company in Jaipur. He is also ISO 9000 professional)


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